Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Of Nothing Grandiose But Plain Simplicity

The First And Next Generation Of Third Worlders
Let me add this final line to who we are bringing in here.

The First Generation Third Worlders may already be a world apart from us when it comes to living and working together . Even the Next Generation Third Worlders (the younger set) are kinda different in their thinking, ways of life, habits, culture and so on. On top of language of course.

One example is that most of them still believing in a whack when it comes to disciplining their kids. That seems, to us, to be the last resort only after a whole lot of good reasoning and talking to.

Imagine tossing them in with us. What kinda clash would you expect?

Creating New Industries And We Are Not Even Talking About Grandiosity - Just Simple Enough Creative New Industries That Can Create New Jobs For Our Own People
We are not even thinking of such grandiose ideas like the biomedical sciences when it comes to creating and opening up new industries. In fact, this again sounds a lot like an industry created for a select few "elites".

What about simple industries for the masses in the the fashion/hair styling industry, tourism, food and creative film production (particularly sexually-explicit films and films on homosexuality that are not even political).

We have heard often enough how the hair industry here just doesn't seem to venture beyond their few snips and cuts here and there . Invariably there is that few styles most of our Singapore bois are accustomed to.

A customer could point out a hair style in a glossy Japanese or Korean hair mag but the final cut just doesn't come out like it should.

Maybe it is high time a middle or high-end tier in the hair industry is created EXCLUSIVELY for Singaporean hairstylists where they are trained abroad (hair fashion capitals of the world like Japan, Korea, London, New York, wateva) and to serve up cuts in these sectors at those sectorial price ranges.

The same applies to the food and beverage industry.

Let all the rest of them remain as where they are now - the lower end or the few middle and high-end spectrum.

We Are All Trained To First World Standards But Hey Are The Foreigners Similarly Educated?
While engaging with my sister in conversation today, I realised how ironical Singapore has become in fining its own people when it comes to littering, spitting or throwing away cigarette butts.

But what about the foreign guest workers or otherwise who dirty our public transport system dressed in their greasy, oily or muddied work overalls and boots?

We are exhorted to give up seats to the elderly and the needy but do all foreigners observe this?

Which is worse?

Final Plea
Please do not use the cover of authority or some other legal institutions (like marriage for one) to beat down gay-sex as a second-class, underground, deceitful , surreptitious, coercive and shameful act of intercourse on the sly between men and or boys.

Make it as legitimate as the rest of them which will make it a loving healthy relationship out in the open and there will be none of the wrongs that are being pepetrated now in the dark.

This Place Is Cool
I finally got the haircut I want. This is like after so many try-outs and payment for various treatments and hair products.

I think I will stick to this hair salon for a while.

The Hot Hot Hot Chinese
Yes the Chinese bois are really hot. Some of those students and the masseurs and those in the service industry.

I say bring them in. But after the looks, we all look for character and the heart and so on.

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