Friday, April 04, 2008

Another Miracle

Now - One More For The Book Of Miracles
After my appointment with the dentist yesterday, I wandered into the food court and had some drinks.

It was then that it struck me that I should now turn to Western medication for help to relieve my persisting cough. The pharmacy was just round the corner and it was just more than opportune.

I waited in line and was finally prescribed expectorant.

My cough did die down substantially.

What Is Happening At Home
Liz has bitched about moi as I found out from the Burmese tenant. This is because I have boycotted chatting on friendly terms with her and I have become sterner with her. We all know she has lied about her boyfriend and about the money she needs.

After all, one will know and feel it when he is being harassed. She will rush for the toilet herself and sometimes under the pretext of bathing or allowing Wei Zhao to defecate or urinate, do the same. Anyway she bathes him at different times and is totally inconsistent.

She isnt exactly clean, leaving the diapers on the food preparation area near the kitchen sink and sometimes do not flush when she pours Wei Zhao's faeces and urine into the toilet bowl. She doesn't clear the washer's filter.

I am not sure who does this now. But there is a pair of shoes inside the washer and tea leaves in the toilet bowl. A China boy has just moved in. He was a tenant here for 7 months before being kicked out by Raymond. That was because Raymond had forcibly slept in their room meant for 2 and they were in conflict.

Liz has bitched different bad things about various people in the household to different people and she does this so that they are in conflict with each other.

And yes, the Burmese has shifted out. Remember he only asked Raymond not to sleep in his room when Kent is away and Raymond has asked him to move out. Raymond did this even though he was in the wrong.

Where he has shifted to isn't clear. But Raymond has friends in the area and a China aunty from his "wife" side also lets out rooms. It seems like tenants do move around among these places.

I know because the China boy has an extra pair of key for a padlock that seems to be for the main gate of a house. He has left this in the bathroom one day. All his stuff isn't here (yes he has some in the storage room) and he probably puts up somewhere else part of the time like Kent.

You hardly see Kent. Yes he works shifts at the hotel but he doesn't come home to sleep for days sometimes.

More games people play.

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