Sunday, May 27, 2007

Getting To The Groove

A Local Matie
I don't see why I can't be getting a local and young Singaporean Chinese dude as a matie.

After all, that is where we should connect.

I don't need another Chinese National or an Indian or even an oldie, for obvious differences in cultures, thinking and traditions.

Just look at Doray....He is not even half a Modern Indian as the real estate agent makes him out to be. What a traditionalist for all the wrong reasons too! And we are only years apart!

Wrong Place
Oh, look our bobbies are actually patrolling Orchard Road. That is nice! Even though it doesn't seem to be the right spot! This is where all the hippers are, sipping and drinking their lattes and what-have-you!

I dare them to patrol where all the foreign workers are, their living quarters and thereabouts. Maybe they can pick up a few aliens? Or a few smugglers even.

Or are they afraid?

We all know the security patrollers were ex-police officers. That explains how the stupidity spills over, all over again.

Young Versus Old
I don't mean to be ageist. But the oldies aren't like the younger school-going crowd. The younger set has a better sense of humour, laugh a lot more, joke around a lot more, are more easy-going and they aren't uptight, power-hungry and as obsessed as the older crowd.

But as they proceed right along our system, they would eventually arrive there.


Anything But The Economy
I text Jack about how he could always come up to moi and say "hello". Because everytime we run into each other, he would seem to be like selling something to moi.

Like trying to get more members, etc, etc, etc.

And yes Jack, I do know that if I get three people into the club, I get a year off on subscription fees, right along with free gifts to boot.

But this is precisely what is happening here.

Everything is centred on some business, marketing and the economy.

This Is My Country, This Is My Home
Well to all those people out there who sniggers if us citizens can't take the heat here to JUST UP AND LEAVE the place, to thee I say the above two lines.

Moi was born and bred here. From cradle and going on to moi's grave, I have been paying my dues (either as taxes or indirect taxes). Everything goes back in a cycle to the state.

Why should moi leave? The people to leave are the scums who are ruining our place here.

Get out of Singapore and stay out, whoever you are! All of you! If you can't take the heat yourself, of criticisms from the citizenry, you can jolly well leave too.

Star Hubba Hubba Hubba (As Fred Flintstone Would Have Hollered In The Days Of The Cavemen
I thought it pretty cool if I could just head out via the underpass from one part of the Singapore World to another part of the Singapore World just to blog.

But boy, was I in for some rude shocker!

As you all know, I already have a HUB ID with StarHub. So naturally I tried logging in using that. When all the futile attempts to sign in got on my nerves, what with my battery going low and no power socket in sight, save for those on the lamp-posts, which COULDN'T BE USED anyway, I decided to give the service provider a call.

What transpired was a yo-yo, me being shoved from one telephone attendant to another, each giving me a different side to A LONG, CUMBERSOME AND TOTALLY CONVOLUTED story.

I was told my WIFI account hadn't been activated which I thought I did eons ago. Then someone said it had. Another guy thought my password was wrong and re-issued me another.

Finally after having wasted half a day, I decided to just go home and sob my sorry heart out while waiting for the STARHUBBERS to sort out the mess.

Right smack in the middle of my run, I had a missed call from one of their operators who could eventually explain that I actually have to log in using my mobile account. This is despite having told the attendants earlier in the day that I was their mobile subscriber.

Freaking lack of listening and analytical skills!

Physical And Sexual Intimacy - Can Your Family Provide This, Save Your Spouse?
I have been asked too many times this same question: Why the hell wouldn't I just stay with a next-of-kin, be it a sibling or moi's parents.

Well, first of all, moi is orphaned. Secondly, my siblings are all married and they have their families. Thirdly, our lifestyles are vastly different.

I mean sure, some families can give you the kinda social and emotional support you need.

But I am so sorry I have to say this: I NEED A MAN for more than that.

I need physical and sexual intimacy. That means hugging, kissing and fondling A DUDE in the buff at night on the bed (that means a DUDE's slightly musculatured body and his penis - sorry no breasts, no vulvas here - it is a preference thingy I suppose - which I like) while communicating our deepest secrets, thoughts and feelings (like I do on my blog) .

A lifesytle where we may just go nude around the house.

Can you kiss, hug, fondle and have GREAT SEX with a family member?

The Heat Is On?
With all due respect and I don't mean to be rude, I know it is almost summer-time ,what with the stifling heat all around us these past few days.

But does that mean the heat is on and it is bitch-hunting season already?

They are infesting cafes, the library, sporting facilities and the streets of Singapore. I mean how much can a GUY take? First they dominate the homefront, then they invade the workfront and now, THEY EVEN CALL PUBLIC PLACES their 3rd home.

Give the GAYS a break. We need to ogle at MORE GUYS, NOT GALLS!

Hilarious Hilarity - The Clowns Have Done It Again
I am not sure if the smoking ban is going a wee bit too far.

As it is, it is already a laughing stock among the citizens.

Picture these two scenarios: A table designated "smoking area" right next to one that is non-smoking in some open-air cafes. A dividing line between a row of smoking tables and non-smoking tables which is only some flower-pots with shrubs planted in them. Again, each right next to one another.

In fact why even sell ciggies if smoking is gonna be banned? Why ban hair-dyes in schools when beauty parlours are touting hair-coloring? Why preach morality and abstinence when brothels and the INTERNET purveying sex is all around us?

More Hilarity
Grimy oily cooking is allowed within air-conditioned eateries, which leaves patrons smelling like the exact same stuff they ate, while smoking isn't.

The fear of the bird flu pandemic but look at our cafes and kopi-tiams here. First the sparrows, then the mynahs, the pigeons and finally the crows all have their pick at scraps of food left on dining tables.

Good Product Design
Instead of a flag-raising kinda motion, just one tug and the whole screen goes up or comes down. I am speaking of window screens with a difference, unlike the venetian blinds we are accustomed to.

Iron grills covering recessed floors which could easily wash away the urea after public loo users. Instead of the puddles lining floors making them a slippery-slope.

They are all there but we are just not exploring them or imagining and creating them.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Caught Red-Handed

A Picturesque Moment Which I Would Have Gladly Penned A Poem
I revisited the Central Catchment Reserve.

Someone was doodling Anime and like any artist, he seemed broody and pre-occupied so I didn't wanna bother him too much. And there was a school-going couple trying to scoop up something from the murky backwater, most probably for a science project.

As usual, the hunky kayakers were there, doing their rounds.

I stuck around very late and when dark descended, I walked over to a quiet part of the reserve and looked out to the dark silhouettes of trees and waters in the distant. Then I walked over to the bridge over the waters and it was again the same beautiful dark silhouettes in the distance.

It was pretty cool and I would have penned a poem if I had my pen and notebook with me there and then.

I would once I am able to recapture that moment again.

Watch for this on my blog coming up soon.

Caught With His Pants Down While I Was Caught Down Under
The day started off innocuosly enough. All I wanted to do was to try out "Sticky Rice" which was actually some ill-thought of moniker for a Thai eatery and buy back some replacement Oreos for Galen because I had been munching on his as I was at home all alone and ravished.

I headed out for the hub, ordered a grilled fillet fish which was a really huge portion and they actually had Oreo milkshake, so I ordered that too.

Once I had my fill, I went surfing. Then the dark storm clouds broke. I was stuck.

It was then that it happened.

While stealing a puff at the loo, someone at the next cubicle was suspiciously standing facing the toilet bowl for a very long time. Too long I thought.

So I stole a peek.

Guess what I saw?

Some dude was wanking.

He spotted moi, knocked on me door and before I know it, a librarian came barging into the restroom with the dude in question and quizzed me if I had actually committed the vile act.

All I could think of was to protect myself. I didn't wanna go to jail. I didn't wanna be accused of a gay crime (again). I mean I have had enough trouble already with "the law" with respect to my sexuality.

All I could think of as in any political indictment or impeachment was to deny, deny and deny. Hey I learn this from the scums.

God Dude! Can't you even spare an old man (who has the same genitalia as you) his fervent dying wish to JUST WATCH ANOTHER cute dude like you DOING THE VILE ACT at a public location in private?

Ok ok. So I may be a voyeur but HEY, aren't we all?

I am just an old man......instead of visiting all those homes for the aged, can't you like do this little act of KINDNESS?

For an old dude?

Not A Talk Show But A Gathering Of Friends
Don't get me wrong! What I meant to say was that MARTHA STEWART and ELLEN DEGENERES are more than talk show hosts. They have made their shows more than that.

More a meeting and gathering of friends.

Wasn't that what they were really doing?

To All The Guys I Have Met Before
Look who moi bumped into. This ex-Catholic High dude was strangely sitting around at the park one night.

On the second night, he was there again but on a bicycle.

I mean there were all these other joggers at the park. A slightly-outta-proportioned gall, whom I thought was doing the relay, what with the short folded-up umbrella she was holding in her hands which I mistook for a baton.

Then another tall GALL tried cruising me up, running in all the directions I was heading towards.

So I can't be sure where his eyes were really straying to.

But I took a chance and chatted him up. This short chat actually turned into a way past 3am odyssey together around the park, he pushing his bicycle while I walked alongside him.

He is really cute but too bad he hasn't called moi.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Farewell Run

Farewell, Dear Old National Stadium
I thought as a farewell tribute to the Grand Old Lady (as she is affectionately known but hey why can't it be the Grand Old Man?), I should run round its tracks at least once.

Despite its four parasol-shaped lightning rods perched atop its floodlights, the two clock towers and the astro-turf popping all over the place, the Grand Old Lady can still hold her own.

And run I did. All six rounds along with a cast taking photo-shoots of some hunky army dudes, perhaps in memorial of the Grand Dame.

What got me even more enchanted was the overhead pedestrian bridge which straddle a highway and a soon-to-be-open underground tunnel. It offered a breezy outlook to vehicular traffic but it was really nice.

But my sight-seeing got promptly abrupted when a groupie of darker-skinned nationals walked by, creating a din with their loud talk.

What does it take to spoil the ambience of a moment for anyone?

Wow! Hanging Out At A Shopping Mall Is A Crime Too?
First Don, the security patroller, had the audacity to tell moi not to sit on seats the gay fashion house had put out for its customers (this is also in part due to the gay punk who signalled him for whatever reasons).

I walked over to him later and suggested settling the matter with him at his management office, not in a very polite or quiet tone of voice, I am afraid. I can get VERY NASTY AND LOUD MYSELF especially in cases like this where I know my rights.

While there, I screwed him left and right.

I asked his manager if it was a crime to loiter (meaning hang out) particularly at a shopping mall like this. Was I in a groupie? Was I rioting? Was I committing a crime?

He got the picture.

BullDog, Don't Spoil This Club's Image
I mean he was daring enough to sit right smack in the middle of all the cruising maze and darkspots. Like a statue, not moving his fatt butts an inch, and ugly with bulbous eyes, he probably will scare away cruisers and patrons.

In fact he is supposed to be at the Bear's Club, not here. And I will usually keep watch for some time outside the clubs before deciding to go in. Otherwise I am just gonna throw money down the drain with patrons like him and all those geezers.

God, doesn't he know his own place and just stick with people and admirers of his own kind.

What irks me is all the moralising and preaching he does (in his loud voice), making himself to be a saintly GOD, but deep down he is just another hypocrite.

Nobodys And Unwanted
Of late I have been noticing women hanging out at sporting facilities and in their cars out on the roads alone late in the night.

Such a pitiful sight! Seemingly successful (judging by the cars they drive) but all alone (for whateva reasons).

You deserve this GALLS! You know what I mean. I have met and worked with your types in so many places before.

People I Ran Into
When Hurwan approached me at a cruising spot, he struck me as a policeman. As it turns out, he was serving his National Service as one. Something tells me something isn't quite right and that he may still be ONE though he denies it.

Anyway if he can take this to be a friendship, I am all right with it.

Another car cruising dude at another gay haunt struck me to be the well-known and high profile ex-cop turned social worker. He only gave out his Chinese name but already everything is suspect.

What with the whole cruising place within sight of our bobbies' headquarters and who knows if he still has ties there? And he could cruise right in through the gates of an educational institution. No checks, no questions asked.

It did strike me that only authorized people have that kinda privilege and the gate-keepers surely can recognize Who's Who.

Wimp You Are
This bears repeating.

It certainly shows on you.

If a wimp, because of some Penal Code and unable to stand up to the pressures of being gay turn tail and decide to marry but still have gay fun on the side, it shows HOW UNWORTHY this character is.

You have my utmost sympathies and contempt.

Junk Relationship - That Is Because The Seeds Of Cultivating And Sustaining Relationships Hasn't Been Sown
It is unfortunate that cultivating and sustaining relationships (in whatever sexual configuration) hasn't been taught here.

That accounts for all the JUNK relationships. Be it in the dating scene or even in matrimonial homes.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tell Me What Does One Make Of These?

A Friday Night Gambling Den
Look what I stumbled upon!

A gambling den on a Friday night which happens to be a local horse racing day.

What I didn't know was that this has been going for years! All the while I thought that the races and bettings were confined to only the turf club. Apparently all the Singapore Pool outlets serve as betting centres, some 20 of them even serving as dedicated horse racing results' centres.

Old men in droves gather to bet and wait out the results. The rough and tumble sort who speak only dialects.

I picked up no less than 4 different kinda betting slips, some with different kinda betting types ranging from doubles to triple trios. It is laughable that TRO actually means TRIO, a legend just short of a letter and WIN means WIN.

It doesn't help that nearby, the very old low-rises house many darker-skinned foreign workers and even the night shift staff at the petrol kiosks were Indians.

What a sleazy place!

Human Traffickers
I ran into a Nepalese who worked, then studied here. He wasn't the only dude who told me that human smuggling is kinda rampant here. The kind of aliens that get smuggled in here to work.

While I was holidaying in Japan and staying at the guesthouse many years back, an Indian guest there (the rough and tumble sort again) told me a similar tale. In fact, he claimed to be the SMUGGLER and apparently has done it MANY, MANY, MANY times.

A Foreign Sunday And Of Unsavoury Characters
First there was this huge gathering of the Filipinas, plus some Filipinos and other darker-skinned nationals, at Lucky Plaza. Not only do they obstruct traffic, they were loud and boisterous.

In fact, one Filipina went as far as pushing away my carrier perched on the bench so she could plonk herself down to sit and chatter away with her "gang" at the foodmall. When it was time I leave, I had to tug at my carrier straps so hard because she was actually sitting on them.

The bitch whore!

Over at Peninsula Shopping Centre, large communities of Mynmarese congregate, plus a couple of other types.

At the corner round the next few blocks, right above the men's club and all round it, Chinese Nationals were actually living in them. Mostly men but enough women. Creating a din with their usual loud voices.

On the bus back home, passengers were Indians or Banglas plus a couple of other kinds. They were talking loudly into their handsets in their native tongues.

And gays are criminals in their own homelands and get picked on?

Friday, May 11, 2007

A DeceitFul Act

There they were.

Always in that light blue top and darker blue bottom which is their school attire. Sitting together on an iron-wrought bench, chattering a couple of words now and then.

Sometimes HE would even put his paws around her shoulder. YIKES!

A sweet young pretty boy and a "GALL" that makes up a pair of a "hetero" coupling.

At first, like the countless others who pass the lovebirds by, I would have given them a slight side glance, a kinda stare - just so to voice my disapproval of a courtship so young and in BROAD DAYLIGHT showing off the school they come from - BUT just as quickly I would have moved on.

Like innumerable others before me, I would sometimes dismiss them altogether and nary give them scant attention.

But an inner intuition told me that SOMETHING WAS NOT QUITE RIGHT. SOMETHING was amiss. Something about the guy. Something about the girl. JUST SOMETHING.

SOME tell-tale signs: the way his hand hung limply around her that doesn't quite keep up with the fact that they were deeply enough in love, IF THEY WERE IN LOVE at all.

The "GALL" was all stiff, shifting in her seat, arms folded across her breasts (if she had any breasts in the first place of course) and she was on tip-toe, guarded and distant and all so UNCOMFY.

Their body language told me THAT THEY WERE NOT AN ITEM. In fact, they look more like good friends hanging out for SOME OTHER REASON, some reasons other than courting each other.

REASONS I have yet to determine but can only postulate on.

On other days, I have seen the boy with his bunch of buddies.

Now that OTHER GUY he hangs around with looks more like someone HE IS VERY MUCH INTO. Or so I think. Maybe he is just waylaying moi? Waiting for MO, MOI being the one he is really, really, really seeking?

So that fine weekday afternoon, after sightings of the "lovebirds" in question, I actually plucked up enough courage. I put on my sexiest NUM tanks and black shiny short shorts and plonk myself on an iron-wrought bench two seats away.

Then I pluck up EVEN MORE DUTCH courage and inched myself up to a round tiled table top fraught with stools, hoping to catch his attention with my sexy smooth tanned calfs and thighs.

I am not sure if that worked but I finally got down to chatting him up and THAT WAS WHEN I gave out my NUMBER.

PLease call moi, YOU HORNY GAY BOY hiding in the closet!

GOSH, do we all have to deceive ourselves and others like that just to shake off a HOMOPHOBIC trail?

I feel so sorry for the many other sightings I have made of couples where THE DUDES ARE SO OBVIOSULY GAY, ELLEN DEGENERES AND MARTHA STEWART can't possibly be the talkshow hosts that they claim THEY ARE?

I can only pray THIS ERA OF DECEIT AND HIDING will end soon with the liberalisation move that SHOULD, IF NOT, MUST COME.

Earlier rather than much later.

For the sake of all of us.

I am getting VERY tired of the masquerade, charade and game that is eating into my insides.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Who Gives A Damn

Yawn! It Is Ma Life
Let me say this again in case YOU DIDNT GET IT the first time round.

I am not into CHUBS OR BEARS (so that rules PSYCHO, DORAY AND BULLDOG out - we don't get on, traditionalist most of them and yes BULLDOG is still hanging out at the men's club - obnoxious, no looks, no heart, no shape save for a nice house - what is the point - and don't forget he warns moi against hanging out with youngsters so why is he hanging out on a day at the club meant for the young like moi? The BIG FAT UGLY hypocrite that he is! ).

Nor am I into oldies.

Exceptions there are when that X-factor and chemistry kick in.

I don't care what people think if I hang out with someone way much younger or if it looks nice or not. Some of our public houses may look nice on the outside but wait till you look inside and the people living in them.

Again what is the point.

Doesn't mean I am at that age that I must be with someone at my age. I can't click with all those old fuddy duddies as far as my experience has shown. Sometimes even the younger set - remember the hunk who walked into the GRASSROOTS club?

Age does not confer wisdom and I don't see any of the older folks saying something very sensible or thinking or acting like they do sometimes.

For example, I walk out the bath and of course there would be still some water prints on the floor somewhere. What do you expect if like Auntie Chan Moi or Doray that they come out immediately and see this? How stupid can that be?

Or a sales assistant commented that he likes my bag (I will take it as a compliment). Well I like it too, that is why I bought it, STUPID!

The same goes for the younger set who may reject moi for his age, looks, physique whatever. I accept that rejection in my stride and I do not hoist myself on anyone.

In fact as a kid, I was fat and ugly. BUT I WAS NEVER OBNOXIOUS or impose my FAT SELF ON ANYONE. But Bulldog and some of the fatso (both men and women) I met DID.

Get this right!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What We All Seek, Isn't This The Stuff It Is Made Of

We Spent So Much Of Our Lives At Work And On The Homefront, We Must Be Enjoying Both Right?
At the end of the day, it is meaningful work that we all seek to do.

Everybody wants to do good at his work.

Unless there is something very wrong with the whole work culture that is : politicking, boot licking, people getting away with skiving and actually getting promoted, etc, etc.

Small wonder I have heard enough stories of people being de-motivated and doing far less than what they can put in.

Working culture here STINKS BIG TIME!

You Are A Surgeon, So You Can't Be A Lawyer, Can You?
If any of the TOP GUNS here think they can be re-trained to be security guards, cabbies or cleaners, let me know.

I should think they won't wanna be wasting their experience and expertise on something they are not cut out for, would they?

Meaningful Vocation
Likewise, if I can't teach or train, I won't be doing anything else.

Yes I got another call to go for an induction course with a company and subsequently OJT with some girls' school.

Teach an all-girls school? No way. More likely a mixture (bad enough) or a pure all-boys.

Can't stand the sight of GALLS and their attitude.

Boys, even if their characters SUCK, I can just ignore because it is a different kinda of SUX. But galls can really grate on your nerves BIG TIME.

Monday, May 07, 2007

A Coffee Break On A Night Like This

Eternal Summer (R21)
Every once in a while, a gay movie comes your way which isn't a commercial flick produced for the tastes of the mass market.

Like its predecessor "Bishonen" (which had a tragic ending and unlike it - "Bishonen" is a Hongkong-made flim while this is Taiwanese), "Eternal Summer" warms your heart, veers away from a predictable storyline and ending and portrays gay love poignantly and sensitively.

It tells the story of a young boy who is both a class monitor and role-model pupil assigned to look after a disruptive, hyperactive and attention deficient classmate by the form teacher.

What follows, as they grow up with the passing years, is the blossoming of their friendship through thick and thin and their love for each other, which neither reveals until the tail-end of the movie.

With tears rolling down their cheeks as they struggle with their emotions for each other by the seaside, they finally communicate their love.

I could almost cry at the ending and in fact at every turn of the movie.

The occasions when Bryant Chang has to take his buddy Joseph Chang back home after a motorbike accident and nurse him back to health. Or the times they spent studying together. Or when Bryant attends basketball matches to cheer Joseph on.

The best gay movie by far that even the likes of "Brokeback Mountain" or "Lan Yu" (which apparently opened to a lot of publicity fanfare) does not come close to.

Two Hot Hunks In Two Hot Nights During The Hot Hot Summer
One was showering in the buff and had I not promised a tryst with Jonathan (which was an equally hot date) , I would have jumped at the chance of a steamy hot bath right along with MR HOTTIE.

The second was a hot athletic and well-built runner wearing a hot black skimpy G-string inside his hot white shorts who was not only burning up the trail but also burning up my sexual appetite.

Again providence was not on my side as he was followed by many, many, many hormonal and pheromonic-driven game hunters.

Survival: California Fitness
Not only are there too many gay dudes, there are just as many pretty, muscled boys that you try not to look into their eyes or risk being found out or distracted.

You notice that all have hang-ups. There mustn't be any slip-up on the part of their outwardly sado-macho, cool and confident physical and emo portrayal. It helps that all have the polished and accomplished physique, the power and the looks to complement this. They must have absolute control and hold on their gait, their performance and their overall appearance.

Even the personal trainers are not spared. That could explain Ilham's "dirty look". He can't speak with moi during one of his training sessions. He can't lose control. He just can't be distracted.

What can moi do but to keep up with this electrifying air of SADO-MACHOISM!

It Was More Than A Cruising Ground, It Was A Chat Corner As Well
In my last blog on the fencing up of a particular stadium , what I really meant to say was this : The grass slope leading to a winding concrete path used to be not only a cruising ground but a meeting and chatting venue as well.

Gay dudes would just sit and chat up one another sometimes.

The inner perimeter which borders the running track is already fenced up. So it doesn't make sense to wall another wall that is within, is it?

Unless it is Shih Huang Ti's royal edict for the re-construction of the Great Wall?

You Just Can't Leave Us Alone, Can You? My "Run-ins" Or Brushes With The Law
The "police raids", so to speak, will almost always follow a set pattern. A patrol car with its overhead revolving red searchlights would suddenly swerve itself into a car parking lot and police officers would swing into action.

Cruisers would scramble for cover and run helter-skelter.

At one time, I got so tired, I just didn't bother to run for my life, metaphorically speaking that is.
Two police officers promptly asked for my personal particulars and I asked for theirs in return as an act of defiance.

Who wouldn't with all the hostility and resentment they have fermented in us.

Hot Pepper Lunch Served Up With Good Local Service And In Good English Too
It has a few restaurants in various places but it also has this stall at this particular foodmall.

I have been drawn to its video advertorial played again and again at its premises, no less by its sizzling pan-frying sound.

Not only was the taste unique, I was actually served by a local polytechnic student temping at this eatery who served up food in his good English which was kinda out of place and unheard of in most of the foodmalls moi has visited thus far.

It is a great change from the usual aunties, uncles, bengs or foreigners who can be downright loud, crude and rude, not to mention having to grapple with the various dialects or the Chinese language. And he could explain what condiments I was getting to spice up my lunch even more.

In short there was communication and conversation AND in good English.

The only grouse I had was that I couldn't pay a little more for an egg to be added and done with its sunny-side up.

So why can't I?

When Was This Begun Anyway, Anyone?
Have you noticed how long the construction of the Circle Line is taking? Or how this ties in with recent sand and granite supply problems we are having with our foreign vendors.

Makes one wonder what the real situation is all about.

You Can Be Yourself, Enjoy Not Only The "Aloneness" Feel But Also Your Own Company
There is something very special about being up and about in the dead quiet of the night. I mean a very late night like the kind after midnight and in very quiet and desolate corners of Singapore.

The last couple of nights, I have been venturing to places like this.

The streets are deserted, human and vehicular traffic are at an almost stand-still and the deafening silence of the dark night just makes you feel the whole world belongs to you and you alone with nobody else to interfere in this world of yours.

You don't have to put up with people with all kinds of bad attitude and behavior.

You can sit, think and ponder away - communing and connecting with your true inner self, away from the daylight glare of what the world wants you to say or behave.

I did exactly this.

I spotted a petrol kiosk, promptly ordered a muffin and a canned vanilla coffee and sat at a round mosaic-tiled table with similarly mosaic-tiled stools, relishing a night like this.

Don't we all need to be truly ourselves at all times and not only at moments like this?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Great Pretentious Squat Act

Just A Little Fishy Here
Apparels and accessories that do not carry price tags.

Reason: They have price tags for one type and that same price applies to the rest of that same type.

But wasn't that how I got overcharged for my shorts in the first instance? Coz they "mistakenly"charged moi $59.90 for a $39.90 one.

And a 15 inch notebook sheath certainly can't cost more than a 17 inch one? I am beginning to harbor GREAT SUSPICION.

A Communique Is In Order Here
If they can send out electronic mails to all their members about their upcoming special events every single month, they can do the same to inform members of the disruption to their steam bath facilities or their mirrored maze.

Today the other entrance/exit to the maze is still out of bounds.

Incredible Hot Actions
This towering hunk swept moi off his feet today.

He started pinching my nipples that got me on a high and promptly planted his hot lips on mine.

Before I know it, we were grating our bodies onto each other and because he was bigger and stronger in almost every way, I slid my back down and mouthed what was to be an INCREDIBLY HUGE salami.

Do I have any other choice?

It got disrupted only because some crank slithered up to try to pitch in a threesome. I wasn't ready and slunk away.

This happened with another HOT dude at another HOT RENDEZVOUS.

The Pretentious Squat Act (With Periscopal Mirrors Sometimes)
Taking note of scores of shuffling footwear, that is what the GAME is all about. If you wanna connect to the dude you fancy, that is how you keep track.

You look him up in the face and then to his body. If you like what you see, your eyes shuffle down to his crotch .

If that measures up, your eyes shift even lower to his footwear. You note the brand, color and design. Coz that footwear is how you trace him when goes into that toilet cubicle and you try to get hold of one just right next to his.

Then the fun begins.

What follows would be a series of half stands and half squats, with your pants and undies pulled all the way down to your feet.

Some go one step further as they do a scientific periscopal act with their little reflecting mirrors. Mirrors that reflect your sizzling hot action while squatting to do your "act".

The rest of us just shove our hardened anatomical appendages under the higher than usual footwall to some fawning hands or lips.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another Public Holiday

Missing Papers From Backyard
This line sounds like US missing the newspapers. Like you miss something or somebody.

Maybe it should read: "Newspapers go missing from backyard"

What say you, Master Teachers.

Great Reno, More Better Reno
It is kinda great with many of the shopping malls being renovated and fitted with glass facades like Wisma, Orchard Point and Paragon.

This actually makes them more visible and thus accessible and seen. Too bad that huge space outside PS has so much not going for it and so far away from the main road.

Doesn't help too that Ngee Ann city still has that closed up gleaming maroon facade.

This is part of the kinda non-communication going on here as part of our culture particularly when it is necessary.

Galen has received a circular regarding a water-supply turn-off on 30th April, which was yesterday. In fact there was already one on the 19th which I have read about.

But this one circular he hoarded and crumpled up and so when I tried to bath yesterday morning, there wasn't a single drop of water.

Just as at Calif, the counter staff couldn't communicate that from Mondays to Fridays, I could only collect the towels from the women's counter before 12pm and on Saturdays before 10am and before 8am on Sundays.

At all other times, I could collect them from the men's counter.

Or when the domestic flight at the then Bai Yun Guangzhou airport got delayed and passengers were all flustered, not a siingle communique was issued as to what was happening.

Not to mention the men's club had its steam-bath down twice on my two visits and worse, on my second visit part of its maze was under reno. A waste of money when part of the facilities cannot be used.

I needed to buy a notebook sheath and as that gay fashion house has one, I shopped there.

That same dude who shortchanged me $20 the last time promptly got an earful from me.

Toting Up The Loss
In all I have lost about SGD23.20 so far. I dropped my $2 note after buying a drink from a stall to quench my thirst following a morning run and the 20 cents leaked from a hole in my coin pouch whose wallet I have since discarded.

Yesterday the swim pool had its ticket machine down and the one dollar coin I held between me fingers got misplaced on some wash basin top and someone must have taken it.

I have been bumping into quite a few familiar faces.

Patrick the Filipino and this dude whom I have seen around the men's club and the gym. I am not acknowledging them for reasons we know among ourselves. I can size people up quite well and know who I should mix with and who I shouldn't.

You Decided, You Live By It
I am seeing all those oldies hanging out at gay places again.

This guy I see with a woman and kid (presumably his wife and offspring) and even my neighbor of old in a pink polo (also presumably "happily married").

I leave my gay brethen to decide if they want a fuck so bad, they wanna be a sidekick or a ONS fun with these oldies. I won't.

I also leave my gay brethen to decide if they wanna give a divorcee a second chance at his sexual life, a divorcee who realise many years later he made a wrong sexual choice.

I won 't too in this case.

Buck Up
I have pointed out one instance of the many fumbles of our men in blue . It is simply the way they conduct themselves, utterly stupid in most cases.

I have a few others but enough.

Just shows the kinda state we are in here.

Shit Asses Don't Deserve My Attention
I have nothing against fat and ugly people. Just obnoxious fat and ugly people. And the fukctards who do not know what they are saying.

Much like galls and gays and the rest of them.