Friday, March 28, 2008

Looking For Love In All The Right Places

You Are Aghast? Aren't I Doing What Some Of You Are Already Doing?
I wore my low-cut tee today. In fact I had worn it before on another occasion. It attracted stares all right. Both guys and galls.

I had seen the distinct aghast look on some galls' faces.

Oh come on. So many galls have done it before, showing so much cleavage, they might as well pull their breasts right off their bra straps or their clothes and show them off.

Besides, if the galls wanna be aghast, be aghast at their own kind. This is precisely a dose of their own medicine.

Remember a man's breasts are not fully developed and not considered a private part. On the other hand, for a gall, the breasts are. That is why they cover them up unless they choose to show them off.

How do you like the feeling galls?

How Is Moi Doing With His Braces
Yes, my braces have been tightened a notch or two. Yes, there was a blood-spill on one day of my overseas trip and I didn't know where it was coming from. I just gargled and it just spilled and spilled. But it did stop after a while.

Talking isn't fun anymore. I mumble (much like Darth Vader, hey maybe he had braces on too?) and I can't enunciate as well.

The metal screws and parts just grate on the insides of my mouth and I have more than enough ulcers.

After meals, food scraps get stuck like a sieve clinging on to all the filth and I have to brush and re-brush.

It is hell but it is better to have hell now than to have hell later.

Mostly DOMS (Dirty Old Men - Really Dirty, Really Old And Really ObNox)
Wait. Probably I haven't blogged too clearly who the old fucking bastards are at some spots moi visit. One gets the feeling these are again some of our grass-roots fuddy duddies.

One follows moi to the showers every time. At various time moi visits, he follows. How he knows moi's presence is a complete mystery. Nowadays, there are more than one of him around that shower facility.

And you just know and feel what is going on.

Then at the men's club, this OLD fucking bastard goes completely nude at the locker area on a NON-GO natural day. Recently he visits with his friend and from the way they were talking and laughing, you just know he was thinking he was SOME HOT STUFF out there to do some dudes in.

At the gym, there are a few of these around. Really old uncles. But there are one or two nicer older dudes (these are much younger than moi anyway or just years apart) whom I just can't get to know. And a few younger ones who are just too proud and I am prolly not their type.

There are a few other older dudes (still younger than moi) but I just dont wanna know them.

It is ok and I don't hoist myself on anyone.

University Admission Season
Yes. This is now the time of the year when application for a coveted university place begins.

Bitten by a "Higher Education" bug (silly as this sounds), moi decides to try his luck and enroll himself in one of various select courses at our four local universities.

Maybe it isn't about "Higher Education". Just like all these countries moi visits, moi realises one sole reason moi does all these things.

MEN! Just to ogle at them and be close to them and for a change, the MEN are probably less cruisy , can at least engage in a decent conversation and wanna hold on to a long-term relationship when compared to the gyms, the bathhouses and all the cruising spots.

Wouldn't it be romantic to just fall in love with your university coursemate? Do projects together? Eat, sport and bath together? Perfect backdrop for a serial like "Crystal Boys" Or "Go!Go! G-Boys"?

Guess what? I wasn't disappointed.

First Stop - UniSIM
Remember this is the street-smart university for our kids who just don't dig our staid education system.

In fact I am beginning to wonder if they are not being groomed for careers in our intelligence department and for our blue squad. Some, I am sure, are being sponsored here.

There were many pretty boys. Very pretty young boys. I had a hardon when I saw all of them.

I began to picture the days ahead when we "mug" together for exams! Hey! We will probably mug each other up some where! Like in bed in the hostels?

Second Stop - NUS
This journey took moi to the engineering faculty where the admission office is.

And it was raining MEN! Gorgeous post-NS hunks everywhere. Of course there are the foreign dudes too. Some cute. Some not so cute.

I regretted not putting down this faculty as a choice of study.

Apart from the MEN-dominated faculty, when I noticed all those exhibits they had, I was actually interested. One never knows what one is capable of till one tries his hands.

Oh well, too late for regrets.

Third Stop - NTU
Utter disappointment! Too many nerds lurking around. And women......

Final Stop - SMU
At least they had ONE gorgeous hunk basking in the sun at the swim pool. This is already the clincher for moi.

That was IT! If I get in here, it will be MAN-HUNTING at the swim pool.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Going Underground

What Are The Consequences Anyway?
We have all read about them. Married men with kids doing young boys in. Churches, temples and schools fronting acts of molestation and rape on young teen and pre-teen boys. It seems almost like these are recruitment grounds even.

After all they are places of authority where one exert an influence on another. The stronger over the weaker and yes, the know-all and the know-not (so it seems).

I think it is insane to assume that people can be celibate when there are so many temptations fleshed out before them.

Isn't this pathetic?

What does this tell you? If two guys are truly in love and they can't take this out into the open and make a meaningful relationship out if it, it goes underground and all the above happens.

In short suppression.

And we know suppression only leads to deceit, lies and living an untrue life and that can only mean more heartbreaks when you hook up with someone you know you NEVER REALLY LOVED in the first place.

For me, that means being with a woman.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Really Superb Gay Productions These

Marginalise And Risk The Consequences
Apart from the collection of hot sizzling gay porn moi has completed viewing, there are those other gay movie productions which moi is also done with.

Among them were two Phillipines production which do seem to be produced on the cheap but they were TOTALLY absorbing because they showed the sleazy side of Filipino gay life. They have their parks, the bathhouses and something called the cross-liners which I do not know what it is.

But as one character puts it, unless gay life can come on mainstream and there are open, uninhibited, legitimate avenues for gays to meet and fall in love, it is gonna go underground and that usually means some sleaze of a meeting point somewhere.

These Are Productions That Show The Lighter Side Of Gay Life
On a happier note, there were one Korean and one Taiwanese production that took a lighter approach to gay life and it is particularly the latter that I am referring to.

"Go! Go! G-Boys" features three main characters. One is a gay who lives and dies for love (and he proved this by tying himself to his beau when his beau was holding a time-bomb that some anti-gay persona had sent them). His name is "Ah Xin" by the way.

There were moments that showed how gays prove their "true love" mettle and their unneed for materialities when he keeps a pendant his beau had carved out during one of their school design classes which he had discarded because it was defective.

His thoughfulness and his caring nature when he has coins ready for the laudromat and in caring for his beau after he got beaten up by thugs.

The other is a secret agent assigned to look after the gays and of course the beau of "Ah Xin", Ah Hong.

Crystal Boys And Where Are Our Very Own Gay Film Production?
I have just finished 4 chapters in a running series of 20 episodes (I hope I have bought the whole collection).

Superb production and plot.

But there have been tragic moments (the mother running away from home to be with her lover of the same age but that relationship didn't work either and the death of a brother) and I am not sure how it will end.

So where are our Singapore gay film production. Far and few as far as I can see and the few have gotten very little publicity and we will never get to watch them here anyway. At least not as commonly shown in ALL theatres or there will be some imposed rating or a limited run.

Of Third Worlders And The Old Blimps
We bring them in and they carry with them the politics of envy, of jealousy and of covetousness.

Mainly women and of course wimps.

At the men's club, there is this one particularly obnoxious old fart whom I have seen on several occasions. Not only is he old, he thinks he is a hot stud, always displaying his tool even on non-go natural days.

The way he conducts himself, the way he talks shows that he is a frivolous OLD FUCKING bastard. Like the so many other old farts I have spotted at some places.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It Is All About The Games You Play

Endless Games At "Home"
At work. At home. Among friends and even family. Working isn't about working hard or smart anymore. It is about playing games. Political games and you can't be yourself. Sucking up and a slew of other fucklings.

I am not sure who Raymond (my current landlord) is sleeping with now and frankly I can't be bothered. I have my own world to live in too. If anybody picks him for a sleeping partner (and his wife did), then it is just their choice - not exactly my kinda built and he snores, among his other vices.

The Mynmese dude is cute but he has a gallfriend (his second apparently) back home and THAT IS JUST IT. I am not touching him and maybe it is a COVER-UP. Again another mind game we have all gotta play.

If Liz's, the maid, account is true and Raymond has forcibly slept in two previous Malaysian tenants' room before and they stayed on for 7 months before, seemingly under the pretext that they were caught smoking in the room (7 months?), they were kicked out.

He has done that too with the current Burmese and Malaysian dudes who allow him in the first place. The Malaysian dude stayed on for almost a year and one suspect there could be something. And I know I can't trust the Burmese as much!

Endless Games Among Family
My third sis called up and asked for a loan to buy a plasma TV. She has a projection TV which is still working but as projection TVs are projection TVs, the quality is just like that.

The first thought that struck me was that she was just being spoilt and a real spendthrift.

Then she rang several times to say she won't be using the cheque I issued as she will ask my brother-in-law to pay for it instead. The last time we spoke, which was just days ago, my nephew is scheduled for a slipped disc op next month.

She is full of games and full of nonsense as far as I am concerned.

It is just like with my second sister. My nephew has serious problems with her and I can understand why. He is being accused of switching job roles so often at the restaurant he works at while we know for a fact that many staff are rotated on frontline, waitering and kitchen jobs.

This Sux Big Time
And there you have it folks. Galls are usually like that. They have full of tests, thoughts and games.

They will just spew something that doesn't logicate but insist it is right!

Hot "Older Guys"
I know I had said "older guys" can be hot too. But really these older guys aren't any older than moi. Maybe a few years apart and most are still much younger. Not as young as the teens or the young adults.

So please, not older guys as in really old dudes!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Just Blogging What I Feel Most About

Over-Rated, OverBlown And Over-Qualified
Ok, let me refine what I have blogged about earlier. Refinement always helps put the picture across much better and clearer.

First, when I say BGRs are just so plain boring and mainstream and hackneyed, I MEAN IT! Not only that, we all know how the relationship fizzles out sooner than a joss stick has finished its burn on an urn of ashes!

Witness the number of marriages on the rocks! Even if they are not on the rocks, the marriage still runs but the partners are worlds apart. The kids are left alone. The whole family structure isn't a family structure anymore!

Like our ruling idiots and its entire administrative machinery, BGRs have been over-rated, overqualified and blown out of all proportion! Think impressive credentials and a slew of achievements for the former! But when you look around you, not a trace of that reflects in the physicalities that have sprung up or the work processes or the policies!

Romance, motherhood and fatherhood and how kids complete a happy family life are just utter poppycock and bull-shit!

On the other hand, gay love and gay sex is hornier (especially since it is a coupling between two testesterone-driven males), hotter and sexier!

This Is The Final Answer To What Is Wrong About BGRs
Even in pornography (and yes this could be a rebuttal to a certain learned professor who once spoke up against gay-sex so vehemently), the gall's genitals is always mounds upon mounds of butchered red meat (not unlike that sold in the markets)! Absolutely ugly, hideous and uninviting!

Contrast that with the sausage-like male genitalia and the nice pinkish butthole (external view) and the blackhole (internal) of the male rumps! An absoulte beauty and work of art!

Movie Marathon
I liked "Spiderwick Chronicles" best because of the magical, fairy-tale like quality of the plot and "The Waterhorse" least because it was utterly boring and it made it look like Moby Dick except that this movie seems to want to uphold the Loch Ness Monster mystery even more.

"Death Note Spin-Off: L Change The World" was cool for all the stoical, sombre acting style of its actors and actresses except for some moments of emotional outbursts and tears of blood.

But L was one cool dude. His stooped figure, his style of fingering the keyboard and reading, his limp fingers and his red-alert revolving eyes all add dazzle to his character! I liked him A LOT!

And of course the killer-look of that gall is just unbeatable! Murder and revenge is always on her mind as she seeks out the murderers of her father!

The Environ Thingy
Ok ok, so the clubs may be happening for some people. But as I said I dont just do with anyone and I do suppose the environs do inhibit certain actions because of the crowd or the layout. That is to me anyway.

I think the best environ for sex or fun will be the showers or at home in bed! And some selected outdoorsy places and with the people you wanna have fun with. And the whole gamut of action from hot kissing, smooching and fingering and so on....

No restrictions.....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

It Is Just All About You, Isn't It

Far And Few Gay Movie Productions This And A BackLog Of Films To Watch
I got to see parts of the trailers of the Taiwanese production of "Crystal Boys" once over the chat channel and was duly impressed by the sensitive moments it captured. That was the sole reason why when I chanced upon it at a purely gay bookstore in Taipei named "Gin Gin", I snapped the whole home collection up.

So it was just one of those rare occasions when another gay movie cropped up like "Bangkok Love Story". I got wind of this movie only because before my trip, I had visited a gay fashion house and they were selling this gay guide. It proved to be a handy travel guide, what with its listing of gay places and more importantly, the respective metro of each country.

I was hoping I could catch "Bangkok Love Story" when I was in Bangkok but it hadn't premiered yet. Back home, I found that there was actually a backlog of movies I would love to watch. Movies like the Japanese production "Death Note Spin-Off L- Change The World", "Horton", The WaterHorse" and "The SpiderWick Chronicles".

The first movie is now running at very few cinema halls and I am hoping to catch it before it actually ends its run.

Bangkok Love Story - A Real Big Tragedy
I got to watch it at Vivo which boasted of better seats and indeed it was. Given a choice between watching "The Leap Years" and "Bangkok Love Story', I choose the latter.

First and foremost, the BGR theme has been played over and over again to its death and I think gays have enough of it in real life and in reel life. To me any gay movie is a welcome change! And we all know gay love and sex is always hotter!

But the film turned out to be a total diasaster and a total tragedy!

First the recurring theme of AIDs afflicting a family of a mother (who contracted it from her second husband) and her son (who hustles for money from gay clients after he in turn contracted it from his step-father) and their being scorned and beaten up just doesn't do very much for the image of gays in general. It makes AIDS looks like a strictly homosexual disease.

Then another son in the family is a hired assasin (again, a very bad image for gays) who falls in love with a man he is hired to assasinate who is already bethrothed to a girl.

The love story developed quite nicely albeit a little artifically, the love scenes actually happening on the rooftop of a skyscraper with a train whizzing past. It was kinda surreal and unreal.

Thereafter it was just one tragedy after another. I mean I can understand some tragedy but not to the extent the tragic events just occurred one after the other. The mother hung herself just as his filial son wanna bring her back home to more comfortable living quarters. Then the other son also hangs himself before actually succumbing to AIDS.

The hired assasin is put behind bars, his lover goes blind after a gun shoot out and the MOST TRAGIC moment must be when he gets out of jail in 2575 AD (white hair and all) to be reunited with his love but only to be shot at and dies!

Oh GOD! So what is the film portrating? GAY LIFE is one BIG tragedy? If it ever is, we only have the authorities, society, religion, schools, the media and the whole works to blame for making it so!

It is like the whole environ thingy which is anti-gay and so it becomes hostile and uninviting to gays!

I Feel So Sorry For You Dudes If You Have To Live With Lies Every Day Of Your Life
Look, I have always liked guys. That much I know. But I just realised something.

The guys here are so insecure and touchy, they can't not hang around girls as a cover and a secuirty blanket. Just to make them look normal and mainstream. They can't stand firm on their own two feet and just go with what comes naturally in their hearts and in their minds. They have to live someone's dictates of what a love life should be.

I feel really sorry for them.

Case In Point And I Know What You Are Calling Me - You Are No Gentleman!
Like this couple (a stout guy with his fat galfren, kinda reminiscient of Rhemi, what else) I noticed on the train. A long-haired dude seemed interested in the guy but he was obviously hanging out with the gal for security reasons.

I was kinda disgusted that the long-haired dude had to be sucking up to him. They were army mates from what I can gather. So when the couple wanted to get off the train, I didn't budge an inch.

As they got on the escalator, I could see him staring at me and muttering loads of stuff under his breath while his fat galfren looks on.

Hey, I know what he is saying:

"You pondank! You long haired ah qua, half-man-half woman sissy fart! You think you gall arh that you won't give way for me to pass! You think I have to give way to you instead! You chao ah qua, sissy bastard, long-hair cheebye-lanjiao!"

I just stared back but I know I was hurting inside because I could tell what he was cursing me with under his breath! All this for the sake of loving a man!

Insecure, Kiasu And Kiasi
It was like on Valentine's Day when I sent out some greeting messages to people I know and also to some names on my list whom I have forgotten who they were (because we have never met).

This guy was perturbed and actually used words like "fuck" on an occasion like this. I was appalled and aghast to say the least! Ok ok, it hurts especially when you were expecting some nicer return greetings on a lovers' occasion like this!

And it is true who shoves and pushes on the train. The old, women , thugs,foreigners and the village people. Why? Because they are insecure, kiasu and kiasu. Afraid they can't board or alight from the train in time and they were touchy and not familiar with the surrounds.

Hot Dudes Galore And I Am On Heat
I don't mean to say older guys are not sexy or hot. Of course not too old. I have spotted one or two at the gym and these are hot older dudes. One was clean shaven and so toned and muscular and so was another.

Yesterday, while trying to bring in one of my sexiest underwear which has two pockets of open slits on its side from the laundry pole, the whole darn thing dropped off all the way down to the second level .

I had to knock on this neighbor's door to retrieve it and I was justly rewarded with a hot dude who must have guessed moi was gay by the looks of my underwear!

The Environs Which Works Against
I asked myself why it wasn't happening as much here in Singapore for me especially at the men's clubs. I think it is just the whole environment thingy here when compared to an overseas one.

Then I realised it was also the layout and design of the club themselves. The ones at Taipei and Seoul were more well thought out and so better designed for cruising people up. I mean after all, they have movie areas for lounging around and comfortable beds and instead of standing around, you actually pick your sleeping partner while he is lying down or asleep.

Such Sheer Numbers And Such Great Difference Can Be OverWhelming And Over-Running, Wouldn't It?
Look I don't hate foreigners, especially those foreign guest workers. I know their lives can be tough and the kinda trades they are in are tough. But dealing with such sheer NUMBERS everywhere (the housing estates, the trains, the train stations, the buses, even cafes) are just overwhelming and over-run with them!

I am not saying that we bring in only rich and educated ones only and by the way, rich does not mean educated or cultivated either!

I am just saying that we should bring in people more like the majority of us here and yes, nicer behavior, attitude and language will be more welcome!


Who Speaks For Me? You?
Of course I am indignant at the rent increase the PIG of a Fat-Ass is asking for!

First, my room is non-aircon and I don't use vey much electricity. No television set and I don't surf at home because there is no INTERNET connection! And this rent comes right after my 2 and a half week trip during which I was using nothing!

And the PIG of a Fat-Ass has a maid to cook for him and his family and they do eat well and so does the maid. They brew herbal tonic sometimes and yes the $10 the maid asks me for a loan was because the Pig of a Fat-Ass only gave her $20 for medical consultation. The wife watches TV every night and goes on the computer. The maid does the same in the daytime.

In fact it seems like the poor kid Wei Zhao is just an expedient teddy. When the family has time for him, they will play with him and coo sweet nothings to him. If they don't they just chuck him aside or shoo him to bed and it is the maid's responsibility to look after him. Not them!

Family structure indeed!

The maid asks for my back copies of newspapers and if she is so busy, how could she have the time to read? As she never fails to cry her woes about this every time, making her look like she is so pitiful. One gets a feeling she will pass this on to the Pig of a Fat-Ass.

I Am Having Fantastic Meals, Having A Real Good Time And Eating Nutritious Health-Giving Supplements
I am not exactly eating well and the food prices at the coffee-shop rivals any food-court. It is that expensive. I don't get to brew health-giving tonic for myself and I think my health has been suffering the last 2 years I have been leasing places from SHIT-ASSES!

The spring on my mattress now is so bad, it is giving me backaches and "home" life the last 2 years has been HELL, living with SHIT-ASSES!

Who am I to thank for all this?

Everyone has a sob story and they incessantly whine about this but WHILE I think I am not exactly having a field day, I don't think I do what they actually have the cheek and audacity to do - stretch their hands out and asks for money like that and WHINE INCESSANTLY!

As if like other people don't have problems of their own!

Blimbs, bimbs and wimps are famous for this!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Horny Banana And Asian Sexcapades

I Am All Bananas Over Bananas
Eversince I came back from my trip, I have been some bitchy horny slut! Can you blame moi? First all those hot, hot, hot, hot sex (and I think my sexcapades deserve a blog on its own, don't you think so?) and then that mountain of a gay porno and gay movie collection!

So you can imagine I have sex 24 hours on my mind especially since I do bump into very hot hot hot dudes at the gym, the kayakers, the runners and so on.

Like earlier on at the gym - good-lookers galore. Or on the track and field. Or just now while moi was having tea at Han's.

A group of canoeists had gathered! I was just looking around for something to eat and promptly notice Han's had a comb of ripe nice yellow bananas. So I ordered one and I am so sorry if the canoeist dude was grinning from cheek to cheek. I ate the banana in front of him and I was looking at his "banana" the whole time, to check if it needed eating too!

And then I didn't have enough so I ordered yet another. And this dude was grinning all over again! Gosh I wished I could have his for my high tea!

Sexcapades On My Trip To Asia
Ok there was this hot HongKong dude and it just so happened he was the only one inside the steam bath and I, perchance, stepped in. He showed me his cock and I knew we were onto something so I slurped his cock up and he promptly shot off his cum - so much cum load and he shot so high.

On another occasion, this HongKonger was totally nude - nice fair buttcheeks and I was all aroused. I promptly inserted my cock in between his bum cracks and we did all this behind the back of an Old Fat man who was practising Tai Chi the whole time inside the steam room! Gosh, he should be practising it on that guy!

The gym was all cruisy. The guys were doing it openly in the shower cubicles! You should all the hot action going around! Unbelievable!

At the public bathhouse, the place was so hot, I actually spent the morning there and slept overnight. I clambered into bed with this hot dude, just like I did at Seoul.It was hot smooches, kisses, penetration and rubbing myself onto them! HOT HOT HOT!

Cute bathrobes issued that if you chose to wear it right, you can show quite a lot of yourself! The public bathhouse was really hard to find and I had to trudge around in heavy snow and call the place up a few times to get the location right. But once there and because of the snow throughout the night, I slept over and it was a HOT HOT HOT place!

I mean if you have two stations that sound similar (Sinchon and Sincheon), you surely will mistake one for the other!

Seoul's metro is really complex with so many stations and the map isn't exactly precise! They have two stations put together when it was actually one stop away from each other! And there wasn't an arrow to show how one station was actually connected to another!

Because as a visitor, you are not familiar wth the start and end point of each line, I find myself holding hard and fast to the metro map everytime I travel. You have to be sure you enter and exit correctly or you will have to pay the fare all over again like I did on two occasions. You also have to transfer correctly to another line and be sure it is going the direction you are heading!

Taipei, Bangkok and Hongkong's metro were a breeze when compared to Seoul!

I met this Korean dude who just graduated from university and who hasn't found a job yet. He has to compete against so many other graduates and jobs are hard to come by.

I told him that at least for him, he faces his own kind. Fairer competition. But for us here, not only do we face our own, we face all those foreign competitors. Who graduate with their own home university degree and they are happy to be employed for half the price!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gosh! Talent, Manpower And Housing Bungles - You Step Down

You Need To Be Knocked Some Sense Into You!
I mean I know there has been a lot of talk about the rough play the Taiwanese parliamentarians have been up to during their hearings and debates.

Heck! There are punch-ups, dust-ups and a few have nursed manya broken nose. But look! Sometimes you need to be knocked some sense into you and to keep politicans on their toes!

Perhaps that explains why Taipei is what it is today! Truly cosmopolitan, open, modern and progressive!

Why Aren't We Attracting The Talent We Want And Need
Well, search within youselves. Look at the whole darn place we have created here! In fact if we can only sell Singapore as a stop-over destination and we have to be bundled up with other countries in the region, our tourism industry must be in serious trouble!

T3 And I Am Sure You Can Think Of More Tourism Products Than That? I Certainly Can
I mean heck, I met a couple of people on my trip and I promised to show them around Singapore! So Monday night, ironically because I had set off and come back too early in the hours for my trip to be able to explore T3, I went to take a look at T3.

It was superbly done up, certainly way better than our T1 and T2. Lots of F&B and retail outlets and the public loos were so hotelsy! And decentralisation rather than ONE BIG CENTRAL terminal sounds a lot more sensible right?

But I had to crack my head to think what to show my friends. So I visited the Vistor Information Counter and I wasn't exactly impressed or convinced by what I hear and see. If even that tourism informer don't know as much, what do I know?

What Else Is A Turn Off?
Better still look at the way our civil service function and all those policies, rules and regulations (really preposterous ones) beginning with schools and all the way up to the work land government level!

What about the kinda people here, our culture, our working culture, the whole works? Our food? Our living expenses? Living quarters? Our shopping and dining experiences? Our places of recreation or lack of?Everything?

Hopes that explains our brain drain!

So who are we attracting? Foreign Third Worlders, village people, low-skilled, semi-skilled or skills that we already have here! People who create nothing!

I Am Horny And I Need To Screw Some Red-Hot Athletic Dudes
Ok ok, so I am a horny slut after my trip through Asia. Can you blame moi if I see all those red-hot Asian dudes from Taipei, HongKong, Seoul and Beijing? The Red Guards! The Korean gymmers.

And now with all those hot Jap gay porn featuring all sorts of unimaginable situations, I am masturbating to the tune of several times a day.

Ok ok, I ran into those hot kayakers and runners here and that makes things even worse!

So why can't we bring these foreign talent here?

In Search Of A Room-Mate And I Am Not A Sissy!
Now that the PIG is increasing the rent by $50, moi thinks he should just get a room mate for another 50 bucks more. The Pig just wanna have more tenants per room so he collects more rent and he can have more fun!

So someone came to view the room yesterday and I had a freezed-up shot of a young hot Jap in porno action on my notebook and I know he was mesmerized!

If anyone thinks that with my long Manga-Anime and Jap hair look, that I have become a bottom, they are in serious trouble and let them think that to their detriment!


Screw The Weather
It has been gray, rainy and wet weather here. The kinda chill and cold moi is running away from in those cold countries!

I was joking with the Beijing innkeepers how I noticed a peel of white over my skin (frost?) and seriously my skin is now peeling off and I notice how wrinkled up my fingers are! I told them I think I will age very fast in cold climes and this cant be untrue because the villagers living in the cold places, even though one was only 35, had such wrinkled up face!

The cold weather is wreaking havoc on my skin!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Amazingly Crazy Our Foreign Talent Policy

Liz, You Just Do Your Work And Stop Your Whines! You Are Here To Work, Not Become A Princess Or Hook Up With A Singaporean Man, Or Are You?
Look, it has been a really long time since I last logged on and chatted with someone on MSN. Too long in fact if you ask me! So long that when I did chat with this chap, he was kinda surreal! First he had all these cutesy blinking cartoon icons to say "Hi" and "Goodbye" and so on that I was beginning to get irritated.

Way too cute and you know at my kinda age, I do get irritated easily.

Much like galls who hang onto you, who grates on your nerves and make you wanna puke! Especially when the galls hang out with wimps. Wimps who get all mushy and reliant on the galls and the galls kinda dominate!

Also very much like at "home" now! Liz grates on my nerves everytime and she knows it! I have boycotted speaking with her ever since I got back from my trip because of all the horrendous stories she has been telling moi and all her whines!

Now for a foreign maid, she sure whines a lot! And we thought Singaporeans were the whining lots!

First the administration insults us by telling us we are no talent and if so it is only a no-talent system like theirs that have bred the situation and then, they think Singaporeans are needy and want free handouts!

They think Singaporeans have no pride in themselves. It is only shameless maids like Liz who could cry her woes to me and have no qualms borrowing 10 bucks (and this is apparently to pay back Ken, the other tenant).

Then she dramatise how her daughter back home has stopped her university school and we all know that when I checked with the Myanmese tenant, she had variously told him she had a Burmese boyfriend and to me, she had confided she had a white boyfriend.

WHAT AN OBNOXIOUS, two-timing liar who preys on the goodness and kindness of Singaporeans to trick them out of their money! Almost like all the foreign Third World wussies our fucking administration have been quick to bring on our shores, tearing families asunder and disturbing the peace and quiet of the singles (gay or otherwise, young or old)!

I know some of the foreign gay or women sluts do the same thing too! For some pecuniary advantage or for rent-free purposes, they will do ANYTHING! That includes rocking a family structure or whatever!

Your Foreign Talent Policy Has Missed The Mark By A Very Wide Berth
I thought we would have wanted to court superpowers and technologically advanced countries! I mean wouldn't this create new value-add and higher-chain industries? It would be a welcome change and create jobs for all the graduates who will be studying a university education only to be unemployed!

I mean Raymond's "wife" (gallfren, whatever) has her grandparents here and they actually got our pink card and they hawk fishball soup! What kinda industry is that gonna do for all those graduates?

What is the point of bringing over hordes of villagers or technologically inferior people? No technology transfer, nothing for us! No new industry! No new nothing!

You just need to hang around the office buildings in Tampines and you see one type pre-dominating. Well-dressed and long-sleeved for the office, it makes you wonder what kinda higher-chain work they are creating!

Or to board the train at almost every platform along the North-East or North-South line (stretching from Dhoby Ghaut and beyond) to just get a taste how one or two races again prevail over the rest of us! Or just try getting onboard a bus service 980 one Sunday night and you will see the multitude of our foreign guest workers clambering aboard!

I don't see this in Taipei, HongKong or Seoul except in certain designated touristy or foreign visitors' quarters! Like ChungKing Mansion or Itaewon!

I don't see Asian Chinese or Koreans or Japanese or Taiwanese visiting or working or living here? As much as we are seeing the one, two or three types swarming our country!

So different, so apart, so Third Worldly, from the majority of us here in Singapore! Imagine the irony that Singaporeans have to move out to live in Third World countries while the Third Worlders make Singapore their home!

What kinda fucking policy is that?

Some Way To Go Beijing

Now Beijing is not quite there yet. Yes, they have changed tremendously but it is still backward and largely undeveloped. I mean you just have to check out the eateries to realise they serve very poor man's food fare. Peanuts with rice Simple minced meat noodles. They grow corn for their meals if what some villagers tell me are true!

Yes in some of their outskirts, they have done a great job of building very condo-like houses for their citizens. But the whole environs is still bare land, sand fields and that invites sandstorms.

I mean I only spent two and a half days here, just enought to cover the Great Wall and Forbidden City and there isn't very much to do here.

I Am Trying To Keep My Cold, Chill And Cough At Bay
Oh Gosh! I don't think I can get away from the cold rainy weather here! I thought I could do some sunning today but the weather went all foul again!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

NWO And The FANE - An Asian Perspective

Raymond Is Living Proof How Sexuality Is Fundamental And You Can't Change It - If You Do, It Is Only For The Worse
Now, Raymond's (also known as Kent or Micheal) family life proves how unsupportive our Singapore system is of a family structure.

This is made worse because Raymond is probably gay to begin with, then because of some familial pressure and his own sudden innate stirrings to wanna start a family, he got hooked up with a China gall from Fukien province and she yes she can pass for one of us. Her Hokkien is very similar to ours.

But she is really full of emo. One minute she is cuddling her son, playing with him and the next, angry, scolding and shooing him away to sleep.

Liz the maid has shown me the divorce proceedings letter from the legal aid bureau and medical certificates from the National Skin Centre. If Liz's accounts are true, she suffers from some sexual diseases either she contracted on her own or from Raymond. Looks like genital herpes.

Raymond used to be a renov man. Now he plays mahjong for money, horse bets and even tikam lottery. After Wei Zhao is born, the whole family comes under even greater pressure. He has lost his feelings for the woman and they live apart and don't get along very well. One gets the feeling that he is leasing out the rooms so that the "wife" has another shot at a remarriage. She is young after all, only about in her mid-twenties.

And of course, he can have his fun too with the male tenants!

Raymond is half Taoist, half Buddhist and very, very superstitious. Late into the nights, he will pray and you should see the kinda big joss sticks he sticks into the urns and on the altar. Fire hazard!Everytime Wei Zhao cries, the family thinks it is kinda superstitious or something. So it is off to consult the home temple medium.

Worse he moves into the other room and sleeps in with the tenants, uninvited and after the tenants have paid him their due rents. Seriously outrageous! And imagine for a bisexual who has marital problems what this can only mean?

Now he wanna increase the rent by $50 and I have to think if I should move on or stay on.

At the centre of it all is Wei Zhao. Poor Wei Zhao. Poor poor Wei Zhao. He shouldn't be seeing all those things going on around him between his parents, the tenants and so on !

Liz, the maid has her own set of problems and she is giving me plenty. She has three children back home and she and her husband have marital problems. She has a white boyfriend in HongKong and if you ask me, she doesnt seem too clean for a married woman.

If she can't cope with work, she shouldn't really be working here. And the REALLY BIG LIES she loves telling. I am sick of all her complaints!

This is the kinda outrage I am being subjected to, just leasing places from landlords like Raymond. I mean I chose the life I chose precisely because I don't wanna put a gall in a predicament like Raymond is and now that a child has come along, it just makes the whole situation worse.

Fuck your fucking policy! Besides a minimum occupation period, there is also a minimum waiting out period and in my situation, I am caught for another two and half years!

And if I am not into galls, I AM JUST NOT INTO GALLS! Nothing is gonna change that! So please don't throw galls along my way and insult me! It just won't happen!

New World Order And The Free And Natural Economy - Of Asia, Our New Home
As I have mentioned, when I look around me at the Koreans, the Taiwanese and the HongKongers, we all look almost similar. Chinese. So I think it is time the Asian Chinese (and yes the Koreans and Japanese have to start thinking of themselves to be that way too) should all try to connect and align themselves as ONE people.

It is probably the older generation, some women and those still living in the villages who are a bit different from the rest of us. Education should change that. And it only remains that all Asians need to be taught communication, being polite and doing away with their crude and old traditional ways, particularly the bad ones.

Then we can all truly be ONE BIG ASIAN CHINESE family! And that includes our South-East Asian Chinese counterparts. The Thais and so on.

After that, then we begin to embrace the other members in our Asian family. The Malays, the Indians. They are Asian too.

We think up our own Asian model of education (veering away from an exam-based kinda system to a skills-based kinda system). Our own Asian cafes (gosh, the street snack I sample in Korea can't be any worse than the pretzels or the donuts that dominate the cafes of Seoul) and increasingly using Asian models for Asian fashion brands, even international brands.

Opportuning Asians to learn Asian languages like Korean, Thai and Japanese. It will be great if they can speak some English but hey, if they can't, then it is "US" who must change. I learn to speak Korean, Thai and Japanese and you know what, this will be part of my educational resolution, among enrolling myself for a degree course soon.

We are not whites, remember that but it just so happen that here in Singapore, we have concentrated on English and Mandarin (therefore literature in the first language is particularly favoured) but neglected other Asian languages which are reserved for only the top educational elites. The third language policy! Another screw-up!

Don't forget the days of just building 4 room or bigger flats, thinking that demand will always go that way and neglecting to build smaller flats like 2 or 3-room. And how we forgot to train our own people in doctoring or nursing care (we used to have stringent criteria for our own people to be doctors and lawyers) and the hospitality/tourism trade. Screw our housing and manpower planning!

The system doesn't even allow people like me the chance to just wanna pick up some conversational Asian languages, not another quest for super grades to hit a straight "A" record. Just to say hello and communicate with other Asians like the Thais, Koreans or Japanese!

Seriously fucked up!

Some More Asian ReCollections
Yes I saw Singaporeans living in Taiwan (maybe already a resident) and Thailand. Yes Beijing is dusty and yes they have fishing and farming villages but in other towns they have built some fantastic condo-like living quarters. Yes I lived in a hutong which was superbly made over but flushing, like in Taipei, can be problematic.

Yes they do shove and push on the trains, like here in Singapore too. But education should change that and somehow it is usually the older, the women and the villagers who do that.

Yes, Taipei has some neat beaches that rival ours and yes I visited their gay beach too. Just too sand duny and dusty though but still thriving. Singapore's died long time ago.

I had some security person accompanying me back to my hostel on my first night out in Beijing and I really appreciated the gesture! That dude was cute! I just wished it had been the Red Guard! They were hotter, cuter and taller (some of them)!

It is so cold at night in Beijing, I don't feel like going out anywhere except to sleep in and cover myself with warm sheets. It is just as cold sitting out in the hostel area. Now we all know why bears hibernate! Seriously waste of energy and time to expend during cold wintry climes!

Beijing is also dusty because it is covered in sand fields in most parts of the capital. That explains the dust and sand storm they periodically encounter!

Back here in Singapore, it has been rainy and cold too except for the last two days and these were days I took advantage of to tan and get out in the sun. To thaw and to bask in the sun! Hurrah for that!

All the cities I went were just as safe and sound and nothing untoward happened!

But hey the experience of travelling across Asia was all seriously worth it!

Friday, March 07, 2008

A Matter Of A Bit More Clamp

O God! More Clamped Up Than Ever
It has been more than a month that I have put on those metal wires and brackets wrapped around my teeth. Those metallic contraptions orthodontists call braces.

I distinctly remember specifying that I wanted the red ones but in the end I was handed those silvery metallic ones which look a bit outmoded. Why when I ordered orange juice but instead got a whole tropical durian fruit squeezed into my juice glass is of course beyond my comprehension!

The braces feel like a clamp and yesterday my ortho just tightened them a notch or two! So I know it is really tight and I am even more clamped up to talk and lost for words!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Where Goes The Asian Chinese Foreign Talent?

You Don't Even Need Plastic Surgery To Look Different
By now you would have known that the photo on my passport doesn't look the least bit like me. That pic was taken when I was still having some meat around me, I was old and haggard and was sporting a short hair-cut and was most likely depressed and lonely.

Voila, fast forward 5 years later, sporting a long flowy hair-do (courtesy of Mr Manga and Anime), doing away with glasses and having lost some weight, I was a TOTALLY NEW PERSON.

Almost all the immigration officers did a double take when they looked down at my photo and up again at moi.

The only immigration officer who made me take a cam shoot was the Thai one and she was probably having a bitchy day! What with two Italian gall tourists who didn't have their boarding passes with them and weren't about to give up argueing with her! Good for yer, bitch!

Bright Lights, Big Cities
And yes, Seoul has this elevator car-parking lot and the motel was seriously advanced. Everytime moi approaches the doorway, the light switches on and when moi walks away, it switches off.

Seoul is the 2nd most Christianised country in Asia, apparently. That explains a gall at the airport soliciting for donations and an old man coming onto me about being saved by Jesus. And those Western cafes. So many of them! The galls were really helpful but too bad I am NOT INTO Korean galls or any kinda galls for that matter!

Taipei, HongKong and Seoul look almost the same in the way they built their cities except that Seoul is seriously expensive and very very modernised. All three boast of good fashion wear like Japan but Japan is louder, brighter and flashier (their neons and their arcades can be heard a mile away).

Taipei is such an open society, it puts us to shame.

All our erroneous claims of being First World, modern and cosmopolitan. I don't even know what we are defining cosmopolitan to be. Because we don't seem to be getting that kinda progressive, modern, cosmopolitans here save for those from Third World countries, from the villages and the countryside and so on and predominantly of one or two racial and national ethnic composition, right along with all their Third World myths, superstitions and practices.

The honor of cosmopolitanism and of being truly First World belongs to Taipei! Not us!

Why Arent We Attracting These Hot HongKongers, Taiwanese And Koreans?
When I look at all those Asians, they all look similar to us except that the language was different. Cantonese, Hokkien, Mandarin and Korean. It doesn't matter. We all look almost the same. Asian Chinese. It is just a wonder why we dont seem to attract these foreign talent rather than the ones we are currently attracting!

Fucking crying shame!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Trip Across Asia

A Clean Sweep Across Asia
I left quietly for an 18-day tour of Asia's major cities on an early Friday morning. I had packed all my stuff into one haversack and that was the way I intended - travel light, real light.

Who Do I Have For Company On Board The Flights
My first stop was to HongKong. As it was with most of the window seats I have had on almost all the flights I took, I was always sitting next to some old blimp or bimb. Didn't strike up anything much and there were a couple of business-suit, snooty types. Wasn't the least bit interested.

Hongkong saw me holing up in the right location - Kowloon's shopping belt - Nathan Road but the wrong place - Chung King Mansion - home to Little India, Little Arab and Little Africa.

Worst, the last two nights I was itching so bad and I spotted this real humongous bed bug! Didn't help the counter was manned by an old China woman, the water heater didn't work half the time and I was actually running into the same foreigners I am trying to run away from back home.

BRRRRRR - It Is Cold AlRight
When I landed at the airport, it was between 10 to 15 degree Celsius. It was really cold and because it was nearing the end of winter, the people of HongKong were fashionably togged out in their winter wear. Just like in Taipei and Seoul.

I had a runny nose and my eyes smart and tear and redden most of the time.

California Fitness Saved Me From Most Third World-Like Unsanitary Conditions
If not for the presence of California Fitness in those cities I visited, I would not have visited the different parts of the countries I went or had refuge from the cold in their saunas and steam baths or their huge hotspring jaccuzis in Taipei and Seoul.

If not for California Fitness, I would not have had the benefit of a hot shower, clean toilet and other bathing facilities especially in those stinkholes in Hongkong and Bangkok.

Thank god for California Fitness!

I did window-shopping, of course, along Nathan Road. Most swimming pools were closed because of the winter season but I had great fun just checking out their shopping malls and their eateries.

Food was expensive and disappointing - nothing to crow about. But they have very plush seats on some of their bus services. The public bathhouse was disappointing save for one which was so elegantly decked out, 10 times better than its Singapore counterpart. And a really swell-looking crowd. I found a HongKong dude at the gym and had fun with him!

When I flew in from around the airport, I couldn't help noticing how countryside and villagy Taipei was. That was only because I havent got down to their city area. The area where I was residing was part of old Taipei. The streets are dirty and many stray dogs run around, shitting and peeing all over the shop.

But they have spruced up the area especially one particular street where it has become a mecca for the fashionable young. My hostel was made over and it is clean, modern and neat, looking and smelling almost like a motel.

And Taipei is open, modern and loud when it comes to communicating gay life on the streets. They have their parades and huge events are held almost every month. The Eslite bookstore openly displays gay nude magazines and in these magazines, you can order porno by the phone (though they failed to deliver to me on the two occasions I did).

Like Hongkong, Taipei is one huge winter fashion street. They have more products, more designs and more brands. You will be surprised their public toilets can sense you inside the cubicle and automatically opens up its bidet cover for you. You can also open and close the bidet covers by pressing on some panel control inside the cubicle. Seriously modern!

Back at the gym, there is open cavorting around the shower areas and it is really hot. I found myself fucking up a hot gorgeous Taiwanese hunk here. Like I was seized by the moment by this cute, small Hongkong dude with tight buns at the steam bath back in HongKong.

There is this ONE public bathhouse which is new and had such great facilities and fantastic patrons that I stayed over throughout the night. Hot fun!

I bought up magazines and their popular "Crystal Boys" home video series. Something Singapore will never allow and never have, despite all our claims of being First World, modern and being the heart of Asia - seriously erroneous claims if you ask me.

Food is fantastic here only because many of their snacks are hand-made and the chilli sauce or paste make all the difference in the food you eat. I did hair rebonding here for only S$32 (which could easily cost me $150-$200 back home in Singapore) under the mastership of an old Taiwanese lady.

You can find many of their old buildings here intact like the CKS Memorial Hall (impressive with three big halls standing on huge sprawling parade grounds and CKS's statue sitting amidst one of them) which has been renamed the Freedom Square and their National Library.

Very very very cold. Clean and modern though they have conserved most of their traditional character. Just too many Western-style cafes like Starbucks, Tom & Toms and a host of others. Sometimes at the expense of their own traditional eating houses I thought. Visitors would like to sample Korean cuisines I thought, more than they would Western food.

I got to eat their noodles and gruel though. And the Korean guys at the gym are all hunks with fantastic physiques. You should see the ritual they go through in taking a shower, like the Japanese. Scrubbing, soaping, towelling, squatting and so on.

On the day I visited Rodeo Street on Apujeong, it snowed. At first, I thought it was dust falling from the sky but then I realised it was snow. Soon it morphed into a huge snowfall and it was just as well that I spent the night at a public bathhouse.

The Korean dudes are hot and they cavort openly. I couldn't really get to sleep as the moment I do, someone would sleep right next to me and want something - like sex, a blow-job, a whatever!

Really hot!

By the time I arrived, I was almost numb from cold and because of the many cold drinks I have had, I was nursing a sore throat and cough. I visited Tian An Men and yes it is huge and impressive but I didn't get to see Mao's body at the masoleum. Wrong day and wrong time!

The Forbidden City was ok and there is this Hall of Mental Cultivation where the Emperor kept his wardrobe, ornaments and jewelleries. And these were for his "mental cultivation". But at the end of the signpost, he says that the secret is actually to desire less. Now he tells us after he has everything!

Like I remarked to Chet, an India-born Londoner/New Yorker, the palace looks like one huge social and recreational playground for the emperor minus the golf!

The second day I climbed the Great Wall and this isn't the touristy place that most visitors go. This is the 4-hour hike up and down the wall starting from Jin Shan (in Hebei province) all the way to Sima Tai (in Beijing). A climb that requires some endurance, some physical fitness and some getting used to the cold.

My legs went all hobbly and weak during and after the climb and today, I am still resting to recuperate.

Did some shopping at the Wangfujing and of course visited the only Calif gym here. But nights are too cold and all I could do was stay home and sleep between warm sheets.

Visited old haunts for food and drinks and yes the gyms. Especially the one that wasn't open yet when I last visited. Some have been revamped and food prices seem to have gone up.

They have closed down the Best massage parlor they have and now there doesn't exactly seem to have one that matches the kinda service and massage the closed-down one offers.

But at least I still get to drink authentic lemongrass! And the massage is still way better than Singapore's.

I got to buy gay porno off the streets of Bangkok. All I need do was ask and I was led to the backshop where the pornos were DVD quality and crystal clear that come complete with movie picture cover jacket. Nothing surreptitious like here in Singapore. I also bought a few Asian gay movie titles. None which will ever be available here in Singapore!

Immigration Smart Alecky Hubris
Most departing airports would have screened and X-rayed our hand luggages thoroughly so that the arriving ones are spared the hassle. But it seems that the immigration here wanna waste their precious time and resources by making moi go for one more round here at our airport!

To top it all, they have this 6-page fold over travellers' note, demanding declaration of hard physical currency and bearer negotiable instruments that exceed SGD30 000. It was totally ridiculous as I think most travellers would have brought along their cheque books and write out the values then, rather than before the event. And it is totally stupid to ask from whom and to whom the CBNI are intended and to even ask for the addresses.

All this in the name of combating terrorism financing and money laundering!

No wonder most travllers were stumped!

Come April there will be a budget announcement and from what I understand, a major cabinet reshufflle. I can only wish that the portfolios of finance, education, home affairs, information and the arts and national development will see stiff-necks and bozos being booted out from office!