Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Like This Neighborhood And What It Offers

We Discriminate Against Nationality?
Malaysian permit holders can rent places in residential areas but not other nationalities. How different are they from the rest? I mean we can't have residences turned into living quarters for legions of foreign workers can we? 6 people squeezed into an already crammed place?

This Is How We Live Out Our Sexuality?
The rat just got fatter, browner and braver as it scurries across the ledge of the wall near the hydropool in broad daylight. Slime, grime, gloom and sleaze. That about sums up how men are meeting other men for sex or whatever at the men's club. Certainly no way to make an acquitance or strike up a meaningful relationship.

There are all these older men who must have lost a huge part of their lives before the INTERNET era who have to hang out at the men's clubs like that. I am just about straddling the two worlds with a 50-50 chance of not ending up like them.

Some prick (and a very offensive one who has been bashing us often enough) goes on and on about AIDS control. He obviously hasn't read my earlier blogs. Blogs about stamping out fleshpots, providing other avenues for social discourse and interaction and promoting civil unions/gay marriages as bases for familial stability.

If I die of AIDS or smoking-related diseases, it will probably be on your conscience. If you have one in the first place of course.

Oops !Me Maths Sucks
I am $3K off the mark when I understated Tim's 5-years rental returns. In fact, his annual return yields a better rate than all my investments put together so far.

And yes Auntie is a Malaysian. Tim is cleaning up the room and I am kinda certain he is gonna rent it out to a "friend", maybe even that Malaysian biking friend.

Did We Get Our Sums Wrong Again? I Know I Did
The GST hike cannot possibly be benefitting the poor. I think there must be a distinction made between necessities and luxuries. And this distinction changes with the times. A television and rice-cooker are now necessities. Everyone needs one.

So in hiking the GST across the board, everyone gets hit, rich or poor. So how goes the logic of a GST benefitting the poor?

A Veiled Issue
If I got my religious garb terminology right, there is the burqa, the niqab and the tudung. Certainly the former two are social barriers to communications. I can't see who I am talking to except for that windows to the soul. But I wanna see a WHOLE FACE AT LEAST.

So a tudung looks like a more equitable headwear.

Remembering how SHE-APE was rigged out in a tudung and being of ample proportions, she was sweltering in the tropical heat and she can't hear very well because the headscarf was covering her ears. I am not sure if it is even a practical attire for everyday discourse.

Much like a business suit or a tie.

A Belt Or A Cable
There are two machines which do not seem to work very well on a belt. The sitting lat pull-down and the standing tricep press. I understand a little seasoning is in order but for the time it takes to season, we ain't getting the workout we need.

And speaking of machines which we stand to work out, where do we hang the mandatory required towels while we work at them?

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