Friday, December 01, 2006

I Gotta Move

The GALLS Have It So Good!
Observing this family dynamics at a coffee-shop table next to me, I noticed how sissy the father was. He was practically doting on his daughters while distancing and admonishing his poor son all the time for trivias like being rude sitting on his lap? (what kinda logic is tat?)

And he is naggy with all the "women" traits. One of the daughters was so ill-tempered she threatened to spit at his brother.

I observed the same when a foreign maid dished out "appropriate" punishment to the son who wanted to take the seat of his sister. He was pinched so hard I could feel his pain if he didn't. OUCH!

And this foursome had an AH LIAN screaming so loud and the BENG boys mouthing vulgarities so much, I wanted to be cured of my Tourette Syndrome myself. But looking at him, I know how easy it is to "handle" him if I should need to.

The Wimps In Schools And Anywhere
You would have read of all those wimpy male authorities in schools who are usually physical education or disciplinary masters that resort to toughness and machoism to impose themselves on their charges.

That is the way they operate. To gain control and submission. Can the charges meekly comply and not resent the unfair and lobsided tilt of authority? Of course not. Don't you think they will trust you better and be persuaded through love and sincere concern?

Of course that wimp who makes all those ANTI-GAY and anti-AIDS speeches in the capacity of his executive appointment fares not much better. He talks so sissy MAN!

I Will Think About Teaching Gay Kids
The ones I met are not easy to deal with. I know what it is they are going through but I don't think I can handle them as well as I can the straight ones.

Hey You Think I Am Here To Talk "Qing" Instead Of "Qian"
I told Auntie that I don't think any Third World or whatever foreigner coming into Singapore isn't exactly looking to strike it BIG AND RICH here. And for that sole reason alone. Yes they seek to make it home here too but MONEY rules. If we understand that and that Singapore is nothing more than a destination for COMMERCIAL HUBBING and profiteering (because we have made it so), we can then begin to understand the kinda mentality and culture that pervades here.

Wait, wasn't I faithfully and dutifully a subscriber of a major newspaper here, or an asset-owning citizen once or a commercial bank debtor paying an extortionate 24% interest. Did they not turn out to be no better than the loan-sharks employing strong-arm tactical harassment on a little late and behind customers?

OOPS! I Think I Made Another Miscalculation
It costs me $2.40 and not $2 for that cone of curly fries I gave away. That was because this "My Love" (literally translated from Mandarin) burger stand outside Hougang Mall, baking in the hot afternoon sun, levied $0.40 for a cup of icy cold water.

The pictorial advert for its menu was deceiving. It showed the top half of the cone of curly fries but it turned out to be a long and huge cone.

All My Woes Are State, Wimp And Women-Induced
I can't help thinking how all my problems are brought on by the above Unholy Trinity.

Recently DBS introduced the IB security device for internet banking. As I surf at public places, I have to lug around this fat key chain thingy , not to mention losing or misplacing it. I am sure it can happen at home too and what of people who are on laptops or notebooks? Isn't that an insecure security in itself?

The CPF board has given notice that all circulars will be sent to residential addresses by Christmas Day. GOD! This is my 6th time moving, so how can I have a permanent address? All the while I have been faithfully collecting my letters via my correspondence address. So what is the BIG PROBLEM?

You have read about how STARHUB did the same thing with a revamp of their e-services via the HUB and ACCOUNT MANAGER management centres. And the introduction of the contactless CASHCARD which clashes with the EZlink card.

Discriminatory policies like not allowing single Singapore citizens to buy brand new and affordable public housing projects. They are thus relegated to the slum areas which do not come cheap, slugging it out with foreigners of every hue, color and manners.

The list goes on.

I can only think of how much free time some people have to think of inconveniences like this to make our lives miserable. And you want us to work for Singapore? You want us to be pro-state when all your policies are anti-citizen or anti-group of citizens?

That is the same too isn't it when religions preach messages of hate against certain groups of people, victimising and driving them apart from other people. What kind of God is that?

Auntie's Rich History
If Auntie's story is to be believed, she was a Malaysian girl who made good here in Singapore tailoring for the rich and famous.

Unfortunately her business partner, her husband that is, fell for one of their staff. They divorced, split up their matrimonial asset (which would have been worthed a fortune today) and the family (two sons with Auntie and daughter with the other half), her hubby turned to cabbing and she went on a whirlwind world tour before settling down to a job at the Pasir Panjang wholesale market where her brother supplies goods, owning some farm in Johore (in between she looked after foreign students, renting out her rooms, etc, etc)

I can imagine that there is some neglect here. And of course the third party is another GALL. Lessons for us to learn all round.

I Am Moving Out Again
Two China nationals are moving into what was Hiro's room. I met them this morning. They work in the food industry and I am moving out.

As it is and at Psycho and even at Bulldog and SLA dude's places, the washers, both new and old, have left all these funny unexplained mud-stained micro-flaks on me clothes. The netting in the washer doesn't seem to trap them.

I can imagine how much worse my laundry and the whole place will turn out when 5 people inhabit it.

I Take Back Me Words
While I was stranded at the Jurong West Community Library yesterday because of the sudden downpour, there seemed to be a stream of foreigners visiting the library. By the way this library is also running on the new "upgraded" system as the Bishan Community Library and exhibit the same precise set of problems.

At the bus interchange and on the bus, I could see many of them during the peak hour at 7.30-8.00pm. Even around the housing estate where I contemplated buying a flat.

I was initially attracted by the Jurong Lake Park, Jurong Point and a selection of two SSC pools and gymnasiums and NLB libraries within easy reach of each other.

I have second thoughts now.

Minority Rights
The Pope has asserted a legitimate claim to reciprocal minority rights for Christians in Muslim countries in the same way Muslims are accorded in secular or Christian countries . If we extrapolate the scenario a little, the same can be said of gay minority rights too, right?

Further extrapolating from a business world model where minority shareholders' interests are looked after, shouldn't the same be extended to the minority in any country? Gays, ethnic, religious groups or whoever.

Get Out Of My Face, Bitch!
She stood near me. She chatted me up. She is a lout. She even went as far as wanting my contact. At first I thought she was some "educator" chaperoning her charges but some poking around reveals that she could just be a mad woman on the loose!

I Can Think Of More Homo-Erotic Adventures For A Man's Club
Yeah. More erotic, more adventurous, more outlets for getting off your sexual libido.

I Don't Wanna Hold You For Too Long If You Feel You Are Really Ready
I can think of only one principal who dispatches his VPs to head schools after a one-year apprenticeship. This same principal told me once "not to teach him what to do". Well, I suppose he is right in some sense. He has experience as hindsight but then again he can't be right on everything and age confers no wisdom sometimes.

Gee, I Can't Really Say Yeah!
Now I am not exactly on the side of students. But then again, having made my rounds of schools, I am not exactly impressed with educators either. Educators heading departments, co-stewarding or stewarding schools.

Let us just say there are two sides to a coin. In fact I am inclined to believe that the students from privileged families with maids to clean up after them or being the single child tend to be spoilt. The few PRC rich kids I met are like that. Not all though.

I think schools cannot be stretched over half a day and then all throughout the day. I would be listless , restless and brain-dead myself listening to lessons, period after period, sitting still at my desk. Surely there must be some activities interspersed throughout? Some moving around? And some free time for myself. To explore outside the school? Some recreation of choice? A visit to the library to do my own self-learning?

Again what constitute disciplinary problems? The way a student look or behave? And exactly what kinda behavior or attitude? A questioning attitude isn't exactly encouraged, is it?

Did We Have Many More Entrepreneurs In The Pre-War Generation Than We Have Now?
But the exam-oriented and A-star listing system must surely be wrong. And all that academic studying translating into nothingness?

And the pre-dominance of women and wimps in the education service. That must have something to do with it too, doesn't it? Every little thing CANNOT. NGEOW!

Like I told Auntie, the previous gaylords were men's faces but with a woman's character and mouth.

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