Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Would Love To Live In The East And West For A Brief TryOut

A Sorry State
In Auntie Siew Wah's words, Auntie is a "ni qiang ren" (career-minded and dominant woman). If that aptly describes her in her younger days as it does now (Auntie drives to work), I can't see very many traces of it.

For all I know or care, she can be working at a bar in the night as a mamasan. In fact all I see is a woman reduced to a pitiable state since her acrimonious divorce, watching Korean teeny bopper love soap dramas on TV at home all the time.

A four-room flat that has 4 bedrooms, one extra carved out of a store-room for generating income to lease out.

Imagine 5 years and such sour relationship.

A woman who so hates Hiro (at least behind his back) and whinges about how loud he unlocks the padlock on the gate, his soiling the kitchen with food scraps (which is just as soiled when she cooks and eats) and his other intolerable ways.

This is like someone telling moi that I am rough and don't know my strength at the gym. That female senior instructoress fat-ass bitch. I am not sure what qualifies her as a senior. All I know is that she is some deadwood goofing around while collecting a regular payout.

After a workout we all do feel hulked and bulked up. Sorry if we didn't exactly pretend we are fragile sunflowers. You can perhaps improve on communication skills but let us not "control" someone's strength as well like we control urination and sexuality.

Contextuality - Private And Public Spaces
If you thought that if I had lost my cool with the PRC prick at the LAN shop, I would in a classroom too, you didn't get your thinking right. They are two different scenarios altogether.

First I am at work at the PC and though the shop is a public place, there are headphones he could use so that he doesn't intrude into others' privacy.

In the classroom, I am fully dedicating my attention to my charges. I am ready for all episodes of incidence streaming from them and not distracted by other administrative duties. I am not doing quiet work on the PC, documenting, thinking and writing.

At home I want the lifestyle I wanna live. It is important I do for reasons of preservation of personal well-being that I live in with like-minded people who more or less share my same aspirations.

It is especially important on the homefront. This is the last bastion one can be oneself. Never mind we all have to play along at school, at work or even in a country.

That explains break-ups, divorces, fights, unhappiness and so on in homes. Because the people do not share the same vision or sentiments of living together. They move away or run away in most instances to live the life they want to.

Extend that to schools, workplaces and countries and you can begin to see the logic. Look I played truant in school too. I didn't like the college-life. Neither did I like the university life. So?

For one I didn't wanna parrot all the things people would say to please the authorities. The "model answers" that will earn me my grades. And all that rationale and reasoning behind their RULES AND REGULATIONS.

I am a free-spirited sorta person who would do very well creatively, etc etc. But it just so happen there was only one route in life back then - the straight and narrow academic one.


Wah! Serious Ah?
I read this news article today with some consternation. Some 18 year old smoked, was placed in a home but ran away. Now he has committed theft.

Smoking and running away....hmmmmm.....Are they such serious offences that intrude on anyone?

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