Friday, December 15, 2006

The Guys Are Sizzling Hot Here At The Gyms

A S-L-O-W Coach
Have you ever ridden on a bus that snails along? A bus that took eternity? A bus that if you had fallen asleep on that cute hunky tanned Commando's laps, mouthed his protruding tanned brown thick long sausage and urinated on the Gall behind you, you would still not have arrived at your destination?

Sounds deja-vu? Well that was what happened to me last Wednesday when I was supposed to turn up for a room viewing. It wasn't just any room. It was a flat occupied by a hot NS dude and his widowed/divorced/single/wateva mother. Certainly much more entertaining than Tim (or Sidney or Sydney) and his mother (Auntie).

I could imagine the hours of HOT SIZZLING ORGIES we could have indulged in. The master bedroom. The common toilet. The doggy's pen. The air-conditioner ledge. The kitchen sink. Almost anywhere you can let your wild and fetishy mind roam.

I even hailed a cab to make up for the loss in time, salivating at the thought of arriving at the front steps of his flat to find him buck naked. What will I do? Scoop up his two hairy rambutans and lick it. Then all along his penal shaft. When that is done, it will be back to work from his head down to his pubis all over again. Isn't that deja-vu?

But what did I get when I arrived? Nothing. The room was already taken and guess what? All I was left with were JUST the agent and her protege.

Control Freaks

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