Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Blues And I Am Really Blue

Reason Like This, People! Public And Private Space!
Look, look, look. Back at my old home, my master toilet isn't exactly clean. In fact, it is one of the smelliest and dirtiest toilet I have come across. But hey, I am using it solely for myself, so I can live with it.

It doesn't help that the bathtub, for some cheap reasons of its own, is leeking its paint so my sanitarywares get stained and dirtied in the process. And the flush is not a full long flush like Tim's place so all sewage do not get flushed away wholly.

Even despite my good scrubbing and chemical efforts, the bowl's stinkhole is still clogged with turd.

Ironically the other toilet is spanking clean. And it has been exclusively for the use of any tenant. So he would be expected to keep it clean.

If you have some hose nearby and after I pee and I splay, well I can flush the puddle away. If you don't, well you just didn't have the proper implements for me to help you keep the toilet clean. This isn't available at public toilets. Neither was it available at Bulldog's. I had to buy the toilet bowl scrub, remember?

If someone lives with me and he can live with the mess, hey WE ARE ONE! But if he can't, we will both put in the effort to keep it clean.

If you are leasing out the place and you and the tenants can't keep the place clean, it is best some parties leave. Or don't lease the place out. Don't collect the lucrative rent you have been collecting. Live on your own like I did. That is just simple logic.

If you want me to hang out the undies to dry, don't expect moi to be on stand-by 24 hrs to take it in should it rain. Because you are superstitious or for some hygiene purposes, you do not like to walk into and under any undies, that is your problem. I am kinda indifferent if it is just me and my partner alone. Even at this place, I don't really care and ain't particularly particular unless it is some sanitary pads soiled with blood.

Like I am indifferent to the loud padlock opening. I would be worst hit since my door is just next to the main gate right? You don't see me complaining. Even when Hiro soils the toilet bowl, I didn't complain. I can live with it. And it ain't my home. If I can't, I just do my "business" at much cleaner and more classy toilets at the library or some other spanking new malls.

If you brush your teeth, the toothpaste do splay and splash onto the mirror right in front of you. It isn't the way Auntie puts it : Hiro was spitting and spewing out everything into the mirror on purpose.

We didn't choose to live together in the first place but because you wanna make some money and I need a space, we came together.

But if you can live and let live in those areas like the padlock, etc etc, well, things will turn out fine.

And we can co-operate together.

I can understand this is a private space but when you lease it out, it no longer is. A home is for family members and life partners to share and love and co-operate. If Hiro were my bf, I would overlook all his unclean faults and clean up after him. But I am not. Neither is Auntie and she is not even his mother.

Extend this reasoning to schools. School is a public space of sort, much like a shopping mall. So? How can every single student be expected to keep in line. That is why we have contract cleaners in schools didn't we?

Go To Hell, People!
I have lived with Psycho and Bulldog and now Tim. We are several years apart and I can't even click with them. Mainly because they are of that generation which lives in a world of their own.

Everyone does. Auntie. The PAP. The younger set. And so on. It is just a matter of which world I can click with.

For auntie, I am overlooking many of her "peculiar traits and logic" only because she is so old. I shall just give way to her. And she isn't so unreasonable and she doesn't like nickpick so much, at least on me.

So I am supposed to choose someone for a partner on the basis of age? Gimme another fucking break MAN!

Gimme A Fucking Break
I can't be doing so many things at one time. Especially if they are major (read: major and not minor stuff which I can easily multi-task) projects. I am not settled on the homefront and with my investments, how can I start on a business or enterprise.

One major thing at a time, that is what I will say to myself.

I will be juggling too many balls and killing myself.

Are We Missing Some Things Here?
Anita Roddick must have struck at the heart of the problem when she staunchly proclaimed that MBA classes do not necessarily produce entrepreneurs. In fact the MBA classes may actually stifle enterprise, trying to fit all in one exact mould.

It is precisely my same argument that in the pre-war generation, we have more entrepreneurs than we have now. Why?

First, the British masters did not muscle in on every single aspect of the economy like the PAP has now. There were still many, many, many opportunities for private enterprises to flourish.

Even if the PAP has filled the economy with its own people, they have not necessarily managed the businesses well. That is because being civil servants or ex-civil servants, they came from one cut of the mould. Sometimes deadwoods and deadweights even.

Partly because these are state-enterprises (therefore not their own personal assets) and they are paid a regular pay-check , they can sit on their behinds for as long as needed, while waiting for the sky to fall.

Schools back then were not like schools today where everyone is schooled in almost the same national system. There were more variety I guess.

Third, women and wimps (given their overall characterial composition) now make up the majority of the "educationists" in our midst. Their "pedagogy and methodology" must surely account in some part for the lack of enterprise.

Never Liked Girls And Never Will
Not that I like all the guys either. Look if you don't like me, doesn't mean that I like you either. It is 2 way. But let us just base it on who has the better reasoning that is all. Not on looks or whatever. And you think we all have to smile all the time? FUCK YOU!

I Just Got Another Piece Of Infuriating News
It is bad and wicked enough that singles can only own a piece of the secondary market (read : old, unwanted and run-down types) public houses at age 35. Public houses which are affordable that are located in the slums especially for the smaller flats.

Now even if they collaborate to own one, they both have to be 35. But other kinds of "conventional" family nuclei for brand new projects can own one at age 21. Even the PRs are competing with singles in the resale market and at the age of 21.

What is this?

Therefore, going by the logic of our "highly schooled and esteemed policymakers", if Muiz and I got together again, I will have to wait to be 60 years old before I can invite him to c0-share the flat. By then, I wouldn't even be sure what kinda state I will be in.

In that intervening period, should anything untoward happen to me, my flat would most likely go to my kin - my siblings and their children (whom I do not wish to bequeath anything to and that includes my CPF).

Therefore I have to choose someone not based on like-minded personality or behavioral traits but on age. I have to go round asking someone's age at any first date to pre-empt any miscalculation on account of a HDB asset-owning rule.

Reason: At age 35, singles are deemed matured enough. Anything earlier isn't but for others, 21 is?


That Settles It - On The Move Again -Gee I Am Beginning To Think I Am A Bedouin
If you wondered who Auntie Siew Wah is, she is that weekend domestic help and she has a life-story all her own to tell - as told by Auntie. In fact, Auntie tells me Auntie Siew Wah's life story while Auntie Siew Wah tells me Auntie's. Kinda strange isn't it?

But Auntie can't impose a ruling on no visitors. She can't make his tenants live out a home life in isolation like she is doing to herself and to Tim. I will not wanna end up like her and her kinda home living.

The GST Hike Revisited
If you really wanna help the poor, then divide the goods into basics and luxuries. Even better, taxanomise what is a basic and what is a luxury. Subdivide that into categories.

A television set isn't just a television set anymore. A cathode-ray tube set would be a basic entry level set for almost anyone, largely the poor. But an LCD set would be for the middle class and a plasma set certainly a luxury.

The hike will be then more focussed and targetted at netting the receipts rightly from the rich to re-distribute to the poor.

Dear M/s Parliamentarian
She hoped that there will not be the politics of envy, she said. The politics of envying the overseas scholars and the rich.

My reply to that is if the merits on which they gotten what they got were fair and just, who denies them that? Often it isn't. Just refer to my list of merits of our meri-talk-cock-cy in an earlier blog.

What of the kinda policies that had come out in the past? What kinda GREAT MIND would think up such heinously insane ideas? Explain that.

He-Ape is running a "school" that has no educational grounds nor merits to even justify its existence. He has done this for 19 years and he is getting away with it, becoming fabulously rich in the process. That is fair?

You Can't Cope? Gee, Explain These
If schools are so administratively burdened and saddled with off-academic duties (Eg: CCA, CIP and learning journeys) like they claim, explain why they are dabbling in so many more things outside its copable realms.

Like enterprise (taking sales orders and delivering), organising elaborate prom night balls at ritzy 6-star hotels and school trips to about everywhere in the world.

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