Monday, November 13, 2006

A Crazy Monday Morning

A Near Dust-Up
This PRC prick first played loud music from his PC while LANNING, even though there were headphones readily available. He was occupying the first few rows of tables where I was. I had to only because these were the PC stations that had CDROM readers and floppy disks for me to work on my resumes.

I requested him to tone down as I was already exasperated and overwhelmed with the sheer amount of job applications I had to submit, not restricting myself anymore to a teaching job but to sales, training, customer service, logistics and so on. These are really not my calling but I do not have very many choices left what with finance, time, age and academic qualifications not being on my side.

I will not teach in an all-girls school. Neither will I subject myself to training in the only teacher's academy here when I know what I can expect. Which is only to teach in the primary school section which isn't what I want unless as an enrichment program trainer. And not to mention the bond and school fees I have to bear. My best hope is still in the independent schools or the privately funded or private schools which occupy school campuses. Not the tuition centres. Not anything else.

This prick refused and after a while when I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up and shouted a string of vulgarities at him. At one point into our fight, he picked up a panel filled with nails and waved it at me. I would have thrown a chair at him but I thought better of getting myself hurt when he was more superiorly armed.

I called the police and as usual, I was disappointed that they could not take any sterner action other than issuing a warning. Especially since my life had been at risk.

I was angry at the "management" who had not persuaded him to tone down sooner. In fact they came up to me and cited the hourly rate of $2.00 as a non-profit venture for them to intervene. Their premise with its broken down panel had been turned into a potential assault weapon and they haven't taken more care of this. This only enraged me more.

Our Foreign Talent Got In Through The Back Door
These PRC students were almost like the few I witnessed who got into schools with donations , although they did not pass the admission tests. I am not sure what they are here for most of the time. Their backgrounds remain dubious and their "peidu" mamas even more doubtful. Were they their accompanying "mothers" even? They seem to be here for some job openings on the side or in the future. Their ages and qualifications masked beyond our immigration's notice or care.

And we are providing bondless scholarships to these ingrates which range from the Asean to the PRC schemes. What madness!

A Meeting With The UnHoly Trinity
Thinking back, I indeed had a meeting with the UnHoly Trinity and this was with MOE. Years back, after going round the commercial schools, I decided perhaps I could try out teaching in the public schools. I applied and was called up for an interview.

A panel of the Unholy Trinity swung into action. There was this long table with the threesome (a woman -bimb- who was bowed to by a blimp - an old fart and a young man - wimp) seated across moi with their names and designations displayed on tags on the table.

The younger Indian man who wore an ear-ring, upon my commenting on what I could do for the academically gifted, grimaced and made it clear I had transgressed on something. He asked me what I could do for the EM3 which perhaps was something he thought a male teacher should be doing? He struck me as vindictive. In fact the whole panel did.

Now I wanna ask whether shouldn't someone who wanna teach be assigned to teach pupils and subjects he/she feels confident about. Why would you want someone strong in the English language to teach Maths or Science when these are not his forte? And if he is more adept at teaching the intellectually abled, so shouldn't this be his gift? If I am teaching, it has nothing to do with my gender. I am not going to pretend to be a sado-macho. I am there to open up hearts, minds and souls.

If there is a need, I have my own brand of disciplinary control. My style is my style.

The whole panel made it sound as if they were some gods/godesses deciding on the people's fates. This is probably the grouses of many in the teaching service. They are for whatever reasons assigned and posted to teach pupils, subjects and at schools which they dont fit. It seems that these are sentences meted out for whatever "trangressions" they have committed. More like not ingratitaing to the upper reaches of the education service.

A Benign Or Belligerent God?
This reminded me of the different tracks religion take. For mine, it seems that someone's calamities in life is a result of some trangressions on his part and as a result he is punished with every kind of affliction in life. So he is to bear and grin it like Jesus carrying his cross. That explains his fellow Christians looking on and mocking him as a sinner? This is insane and almost as good as driving a person to his deathbed.

Another Christian religion however opines that this is otiose. Jesus had carried and died on the cross for us so we need not suffer.

Now, which of the two almost similar religions is more benign? And is God a severe and punishing God or a compassionate and loving one? If he is both, what of the more vile crimes committed against mankind in history? Have the perpetrators been swiftly brought to justice and sentenced? What of all the crusades in History ? Were they justified?

Whipping The NewSpeak
Going by the number of times the Whip has been lifted in all the decades of Parliament sittings, you can hazard a guess where all these newspeak is heading. Into the trash bin and dumped.

Who Are You In The Dark! Show Thyself!
If I read blogs in the blogosphere and someone can have MM Lee's lawsuit documents posted online, I know there are people in blogosphere who must be in some ways linked with the establishment. They are keeping tabs and spying.

In fact I know for some time, I have been confronted with many strange incidents along the way wherever I go which can only be planted by the establishment. And the people I keep bumping into are sometimes familiar faces. Like this morning for example. That PRC boy I have seen quite a few times on the bus and at the LAN shop.

It seems someone is throwing things down my way to test and to harass moi. Well I say FUCK YOU! It shows that you are no better than a rat who hides in holes!

I write and speak with no fear. That is and will always be my motto.

As I have said I am a pretty neutral kind of guy at first but I got sucked into all these bloody fucking stuff not of my free will. The people I met were always whinging and I am beginning to see why. I am beginning to whinge myself.

That is what all your doings have made this nation of people to be! Pure and simple!

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