Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I Am Simply A HopeLess In Life

Muiz, You Just Don't Understand
If you thought I was nonchalant about our relationship, you are dead wrong. I was stressed and not settled back then. I had to contend with all those "gaylords" and moved house 5 times. You didn't exactly send out very clear signals either. You wanted to return to your previous "abused" relationship with that dude who treated you like dirt and you had this group of khakis whose position I am unclear. You can't commit and you said you can't live in, may turn straight, etc etc. I can't read you or make out where you stand.

Add One More To The Definition Of Wimp
Oh yes, to me, wimps are also sluts who yearns and asks for fucks. Come on, you are a guy, not a gall! You wanna be a bi's punching bag?

Being Gay Is Far Worse An Ordeal Than The Hetero Community Can Imagine
We can't own affordable places till 35. Not having a home make living together impossible. We can only second guess each other's sexuality in public places, that means attuning our gaydar. We have no spousal nuptial ties or social contract binding us as there is no Woman's charter backing us up. We can't have PDA and we can't this and we can't that. What kinda sane condition is this for the emotional well-being of a person?

Surprise! Surprise!The Pot Calling The Kettle Black!
My title blog "Who goes there in the dark? Show thyself" could be equally applied to what I discovered that night. Tim brought home a total stranger (at least to me), a motor-biker carrying a crash helmet who slept over. He could well be responsible for soiling the toilet bowl too as he was using it the next morning. This proves my suspicion among other nagging suspicions I have been having. And we ain't supposed to have visitors?

Kallang Riverside Park
I have been to only one stretch of the beach but not the other or in fact, the whole loop of the beach and waterway. It is nice and the kayakers even nicer. But the place is small. I watched the kayakers and the water-skiiers while SDBA was towing some boats from one side to another.

The Role Of Government
If I had not spelt out more clearly the turfground which government should be operating on, perhaps I should now. I am not sure if it is their business to be in business in the first place. And the money they make, shouldn't that be ploughed into doing good for the community?

I thought they should play a more facilitating and regulatory role in the interest of the people. They should step in when corporations do not treat its staff well or even abuse the working relationship. In other words to put wrongs right. For justice and equality.

If I go for a constituency surgery, I do expect them to help me solve my problems. They are the government after all. If they can't, who else can?

Someone has to tell them sometimes how some things just aint working some of the time, right?

The Parable Of The Flatulating Diarrheaic
They can't accuse us of being whingers when most of the problems were created by the system in the first place. Like the recent card reader which cant read two EZLink cards or one EZLink card and contactless cashcard at the same time. It isn't fair to say that the onus is now upon us to remove one or the other. It is their GODDAMN FUCKING duty to rectify it.

As I have mentioned, the creator will have to be the destroyer. He who has created can similarly destroy or put right. The root cause of a problem has to be uprooted and destroyed. Like a flatulating diarrheaic. He alone has to be cured of the disease. You can't expect all of us to be cleaning up after him while he still goes around flatulating and diarrheaing, right?

Poor Old Man At The Corner Of The Bishan CPF Building
He begged for money. This is so pathetic. When I thought about Makcik near the Sultan Mosque, I can imagine her hopelessness, her desperation and her anxieties of surviving from one day to another. Like I am beginning to. Given these could be hoaxes but still I gave, from my heart.

Successful Welfare Models
I am glad MPs have brought up how the Scandinavians have done particularly well in their welfare model when compared to Germany or England. This has earned a swift but sure rebuttal with figures to boot. I still think we should take a second look.

Where Is The Crowd At The Library?
Today, it is almost a ghost town. All the mugging has disappeared. There are just about a couple more exam papers like the Combined Humanities, Additional Maths and Combined Science to go. So the muggers must be taking a break or they are done.

Oops, I spoke too soon. They are streaming in right now.

The Inequality Of The Sexes
This dark and good looking chap was with a bevy of galls. They were shunning him, calling him "gay". He kinda seem like he was latching onto them. I feel so sorry for him. Hey dude, if you are reading this, latch on to me instead. I welcome it.

By the way, I have been noticing this really cool CHS dude. When you observe his quiet demeanour, you can't feel how well-behaved he is . More than I can say for the galls I have seen.

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