Friday, November 10, 2006

A New Season Of Blogs

Hold On, Here I Am Logging In And Look What I Found!
This is amazing! I log in through the Hub Centre and to view my bill, I have to log in again through the Account Manager! Double vision! Oo! But if I log in through the Account Manager Tab, I can view the bill directly!

So why the HUB thingy at all?

Why I am Pissed Today!
Starhub hasn't informed its subscribers of this termination of log-in through its Account Manager tab. Could it not have transferred existing account holders to the Hub Account automatically, saving them the hassle of re-registering? Couldn't they also link their existing e-services to the Hub and not make them wait for the mapping service.

Sweet Clove-Flavored Ciggies
I am onto this pack of "manis" ciggies which leaves a sweet aftertaste. Far out!

Governance For The Good Of The Majority
If we are to believe this, then the abundance and easy availability of fleshpots here is for the good of the majority. Straying spouses, break-ups and divorces. This must be good for the majority.

What about allowing foreigners to prostitute themselves openly here! According to one source, it seems that prosperous Singapore is duty-bound to allow these Third World harlots in to feed off our wealth. After all, the old farts here have no better use for their CPF funds, do they?

WHOA! I didn't know this was our responsibility! What about reciprocity? We don't find it easy to work abroad and I don't mean just the soliciting kind. Almost every type of work!

Look At The Galls Here!
I am not asking for demure bimbos nor am I asking for scantily clad witches nor ungirly butches. But hey, everytime I turn around, I see girls misbehaving. Screaming their lungs off, talking at butchy voices and cackling like the three witches of Mcbeth, they arent the girls they should be.

We have beaten down the last breath of almost every remaining dude here with the dire consequence that the GALLs have been let off lightly to the extent that they have climbed over the cuckoo's nest atop a tree.

Now they RULE the WORLD!

The Psychology Of Hate
This book is worth a read. It is well-researched and explains HATE like it is. Get a load of this! There is a taxonomy of hate from cool hate, hot hate to simmering, seething and burning hate! It also lays out the psychological foundations and origins of hate. Prejudice, history, racism, religion, ideology, us-and-them devaluation of groups of people and so on.

By the way, I am beginning to feel it too. HATE BIG TIME!

Starhub Lag
Starhub has just done away with logging in through the Account Manager menu such that all subscribers have to log in through the Hub Management centre. That means that I have to register for an account with the Hub Centre. WHOA! If you think this was easy, think again.

I had to make several calls to the centre just so to navigate the controls, in no small part due to the vague instructions given probably because the operator doesn't know better. I now have to wait an hour to log in even though I have activated the account upon an email notification and it was successful.

As it is now, after logging into my HUB account and clicking on the Account Manager Tab, it prompts me for another log-in. A double log-in! What incredulity! Apparently I can view my bill when on the Account Manager mode. I hope so.

You are so GOOD............!

Library's Peculiar Glitch
I have this funny feeling that the people who are responsible for writing the computer system program probably doesn't know a thing about library patrons' needs. Maybe even the library administrators arent aware.

I am on the library's online catalogue. I search for a book by typing in either keywords (I almost always pick this as I go by the book's title) or the author or name (not sure what "name" means - author's or what?). I limit my search by language (English in my case), media type (adults for me) , date (date? I will if I know) and branch (wherever I happen to be).

For the last few weeks except only for today, it has been turning up NIL results. When I look into the search box engine again, a string of gibberish (or Spanish maybe) is attached to the string of search keywords. I delete this string and re-enter and hey presto, it turns up results.

GOD! What is it with you, system! It worked today but not the last few times!

Where Do We Find True Talent?
Maybe they are found in our prisons? I don't know. What do you think?

We Can't All Be Singing Hymns Of Praises, Can We?
Let me be that vocal critic of our system here. We can't all be the Naked Emperor's minions to sing praises, sweep all and sundry under the red carpet, pretend that nothing is wrong here and that everything is working fine.

Let this be the job of all the mindless, hopeless, ingratiating idiots and lapsdogs in our society.

You Didn't Do Your Sums Right To Extract The Most Of Each Combination, Did You?
Some of the coffeshops don't have a fixed meal menu for the "kayakun toast". Like a whole meal set (eggs, toast and drink thrown in) at a certain price. They specify 2 eggs, 2 slices of toast and a drink. You can't have one of each but you can have 2 of each type and each type only. I get so cheesed I just order a drink as a protest. Doesn't that leave the vendor with less? I understand it has something to do with the toasting machine or boiler or something. Too bad for you!

What Will All This Newspeak Translate Into?
Yes, we have more relevant issues surfacing now at this new sitting of parliament. But what will it all lead to? Will it all be more talk and no action? Are we not running into brickwalls yet again? Will someone like me wanna sit in parliament all day making speeches without seeing any concrete translation?

Wait. Didn't someone say that it is gonna take 20 years before homosexuality gets decriminalised? 20 years! That will be when I have one foot in the coffin and the other doddering on a walking stick. It is like earning a princely 5 figure salary every month at that age or starting a business. What use will that be for me?

Elaborate Fashion Styling And Whoring
So if you can't live with yourself and you have to resort to overwhelmingly prettifying yourself, it doesn't speak much about you does it? I mean I can understand if you have very bad scarring or something. But if you spend tonnes on cosmetics, hair-styling and fashion, then well, oops, I dont think what you see is what you get. What you see isn't what you get! Not at all au naturel.

What about money spent in schools on deportment? Is that necessary? Wouldn't just some tips on personal basic hygiene and grooming suffice and not the whole elaborate works?

In fact why dont you wear pants! That way schools would not have a problem enforcing hemline rules!

Don't Go Into Bastardized Education, MOE
I have said as much on my educational review blogs. There is nothing wrong with academic achievement but to expect students to excel excellently (which is what an aggregate score in PSLE, the L1R4/L1R5 and the numeric point system for university admission are doing) a basket of compulsory examinable subjects is asking for a SUPERWOMAN or SUPERMAN mentality.

It is good we introduce other subjects like business, economics and computer studies as options but not as compulsories. Make all subjects modular so students can pick subjects they do well in or have the aptitude and passion for. We have to get this very clear from the outset.

Academic studies should be the preserves of public schools and not "commercial schools". Commercial schools should be providing educational alternatives, not tuition (especially run on a class-size basis) which is only saddling students with more academic overload, spilled over from mainstream schools.

However small-groups of 5 or less and one-on-one tuition are effective academic remedial and enrichment supplements and complements.

My Definition Of Wimps
Please don't get me wrong. I have no problems with men/boys who get along well with women/girls, just so long as they don't adopt those traits that define GALLS the way they are. Those very irritating traits in terms of behavior (not such a big problem if it is feminine traits that a guy exhibits) and thinking, values, their culture, their mouth, their everything.

To me wimps are guys who cannot stand up for what is in their heart. Mouth things they don't mean. Say what everyone else is saying. Act like a sado-macho. Covering up their sexuality by marrying or having a GALL round them as a shield for fear of being found out (but it is ok if they need this as an emotional prop or shield but why cant they lean on a guy, I can offer my shoulder and my gonads if they truly need it...)

It is sad that many bis have married and still do things on the side. Live a lie. Condemn gays even. They are really our scourge. Crucifying us. They turn out worse than any other gays or straights.

I think we all have to be true to ourselves. This is the last bastion of our personal space and freedom.

No One Left Behind - You Mean Your Flatulating Behind?
If this is the resounding chant of the DOTA SENTINELS AND SCOURGE we are onto now, explain why that poor old lady sitting right in the middle of the road in front of Bugis Junction/Seiyu near the traffic stoplight pedestrain crossing along Victoria Street is still there. Or the makcik near the Sultan Mosque?

Someone obviously hasn't wiped his behind after a trip to the loo. Or he hasn't been washing his hands?

Meri-Talk-Cock-tic Meritocracy
A reporter ran an excellent article today on meritocracy. I thought I should just add another side to the story. The story of how some "foreign talents" are winning the much hard won and well deserved places in our education system by our locals without seemingly much correspondent effort and merit. They pay money to get in.

Now isn't that merit-talk-cock-cy? Or is that your cock in your own mouth?

Breathing Fire Dragons And Phoenixes
There seems to be just a bit more fire and brimstone in Parliament now. The new crop of parliamentarians have surfaced pertinent issues that affect the lives of many. For instance, in the case of a media ban or censorship either in screen or print, people should be allowed to judge for themselves what is good or bad.

The more controversial a book or movie is, the more reasons it should be permitted to be read or watched. Usually this says or purveys issues that are true but which out of political correctness and for a myriad of factors, it is feared to provoke public outcries.

Let there be all the public outcries there can be if it means that the truth be out or that another perspective or view to an issue be allowed to see the light of day.

Your Cranial Mucus Is Thinning...........That Is Why It Is Time You Wear A Toupee (Fake Hair)....Geddit?
But one thing amid all the changes to the Penal Code remains, even though our law-makers have made it abundantly clear that they will not be pro-actively policing or enforcing it. Section 377A which is termed "outrages on decency" (what if it is consensual and the other guy is actually asking for it or enjoys it?) remains in force.

When the encyclopedia invokes "Asian Values", I almost wanted to bend over and ask a "sodomite to fuck me good in the arse - just for laughs not thrills, mind you. It will be my GRAND TWO TIMES having sodomy committed against my "weak will". This is so laughable, the Republicans have been routed but Singapore still has the PAP.

Again this is not only discriminatory, it is also contradictory especially when we have men's clubs here which surely do not have fashion shows as an appetizer on their menu. It is like banning the Nation Party here in Singapore on the unproven grounds of AIDS spreading when we still have gay parties in clubs and pubs. What is the difference or the point even?

Not as if the heteros (or is it bis) are not "playing ball" given the proliferation of karaoke lounges, bars and brothels here.

Someone's cranial mucus at the top of our policy-making machinery must be thinning......

Muiz ...I Miss Our Hot Kisses
Yeah, this is another thing I miss. Our long, deep, hard tongues thrusting into each other's oral orifices. These are kisses only men can share and love.

I can't imagine kissing a woman like that. Not even if she opts to take off her lip-color or has pearly white teeth. YUCKS! Get off me women!

How Am I Feeling These Days
Despondent, desperate, depressed, down and alone. Can't find a suitable teaching job (not teaching an all-GALLS outfit for one) and Muiz has all but left me. I am just living out my days one day at a time.

The last interview I went for was a direct-sales job (which kinda mean pyramid selling). I have to purchase a set of demo-packs and likewise, all other "customers" I approach. They in turn will have their "customers" do the same.

This company is affiliated to a local major publishing company which in turn is a subsidiary of an American BIG TIME media mogul. I am not gunning for this job for reasons I know best.

I have bought myself some really cool and neat working clothes but I don't seem to be going anyway or wearing them anytime soon. This is such a waste!

Something must come up....sooner than I can hope for.

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