Friday, November 03, 2006

I Am Dying Soon I Think - Of Boredom That Is

Western Vs Asian
We didn't copy the Western model of democracy and of openness and communication. But we certainly didn't hesitate imbibing their sleaze like their media, porn, sex and bars. What does this speak of us?

The True Spirit Of Philantropy Then
Back in the old days, we had our philantropists, people like Tan Tock Seng and Tan Kah Kee. They built hospitals and schools for the destitute, the sick and the disadvantaged. Not only in Singapore but even as far away as China.

There weren't any credit point system for admission into universities to be had, no international image to uphold, no National Day Awards to receive nor were they run like the sleek business-generating machinery that is charity organisations today. They did it straight from their heart. For the good of the community and for the people.

The Role Of Government
I had blogged on the role women can play in society and more recently the role of religion.

Today, it just hit me that government too has a role to play. It has to be the provider of essential goods (like water, power, housing, welfarism and education) where a commercial one would seriously price these out of reach to the people.

In the same way, it has to mitigate in the untrammelled greed of commerce and its externalities while ensuring that it itself does not go down the same path . Sure, by all means be pro-businesses but at the same time, it has to act as the guardian and protector of the people's interests.

So How Is It Here?
It does seem that the people here are the ones footing the charity bill for the less fortunate. Think ethnic-based groups with monthly donations, flag days , charity events and so on. How much of the money goes to the poor directly or to the maintenance of some buildings or HQ in the case of charity organisations?

This poor old lady is still sitting near the Sultan Mosque.

Iconic buildings
These must be the preserve of tourism. Like our tourism board, museums , the resorts, the arts and other revenue-generators. Certainly not government buildings.

As for the maintenance of these buildings, in the case of the IRs, it would be the developers and owners who are responsible. So why not?

Work And Play
No wonder Daniel isn't keen on a LTR. He has said as much himself. He works at the men's club. Of course!

Evasive Evasion
This geezer was hogging the newspaper reading table, frantically scribbling notes in the margins of his investment portfolio. I casually asked how it was doing. Guess what he said? It isn't his and he is "assiduously" doing this for a friend. Look here! You don't have to be so kiasi. I won't be hankering after your wealth or something man!

I can understand that there is a huge shortage of tables in the community library after students had reserved the available ones for their study groups. But hey, I do need to read the papers. The last time I tugged at the chain to try to get the papers round to another table, the plastic binder broke off.

We can forget about holding any decent conversation or even striking up any meaningful friendship with our country men here, apart from wheedling for business deals. There is nothing to bind us.

Then again we can't really be sure they are our "country" men or women right?

In Your Dreams
I am not sure how the job statistics come about. A hundred and twenty thousand jobs created. Perhaps these are for the low-entry level kind, not the middle or high-end type.Then again, are they even created for Singaporeans?

Let Us Forget About High-Level Skills
As I have mentioned before, it doesn't take a degree to perform administrative, executive , logistical or whatever functions. So it isn't about people not having the skills but more that the jobs preclude them because of paper credentials. Wholly otiose, if I must add.

You mean they can't pick this up on the job? Does that piece of paper shows him what he has to perform at his work?

What Is Happening In My Life Now
Teaching jobs that require degrees. Look, I have seen teachers in action in schools and they dont strike me as degree-holders at all. The way they talk and reason. In fact, I think Auntie at home makes a better teacher and philosopher.

I have applied for sales and administrative jobs but this has not turned up anything save for an interview next Tuesday. Even a "boarding executive" job at a school hostel drew a blank.

Since I am already renting a room and there is a dearth of things to do at home (no TV, no computer) and people to talk to (everyone is unto themselves and I may not necessarily connect to one and all), I was thinking why not I put up at a school hostel and be in charge of young people.

At least I have some company to kee[ (for better or worse) and there are always the dudes I can relate to (drool). Some hostels even pay a housing subsidy to foreigners. Can you imagine that? Here I am, a local and I am footing a monthly rent out of my own pocket.

A simple job like that is also denied me.

Oo, Cutie Pie
Every which way I turn I have bumped into this cute SJI dude. At Vivo, at the library, at the park, almost everywhere. GOSH! What does all this mean?

Muiz, I Just Wanna Say This
I really really really love you. And miss you. When you walked away that day, my heart sank. You actually priortize your "friends" (of whom your relationship I am unclear) over me. I am so sorry I said those things just to spite and hurt you.

I like to call you but I can't. I have erased you from my contact list in a fit of fury and jealousy. I hope we can give our relationship another go.

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