Friday, November 17, 2006

I Am So Gloomy And Broody, The Sky Can't Rain Any Worse Than This

Someone at some public financial regulatory office mentioned stepping in if private residential property prices spiral out of control. Read the above, MR WHOEVER YOU ARE. I am wagering my entire life on this one piece of investment just to get out of the rut I am in now - my house, my car, my retirement plans, my savings. You screw this for me and I am gonna screw your arse!

You Stink MOE
If I blundered once at the education job interview simply by innocently asking for a job fit to match my skills, what about MOE? Didn't they do the same all this time with special education for the intellectually gifted and not the intellectually slower?

I Think I Got A Job
The interview turned out well as far as I am concerned. A commercial vehicle sales representative. No basic, just a measly transport and monthly allowance.An equally measly commission on each vehicle sold. Amounting to a liveable monthly wage if I hit my sales target.

But who are the customers I am serving? And this will be for the most part of my day, spending my life like this. No creativity, use of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. No nothing. I seriously have to think about this and I don't wanna commit and back out should a suitable teaching job arises.

Major Hardware And Software Glitches
I have moved to the Beta version of blogspot and it is a double log-in like STARHUB. And the library is upgrading its system and OMFG, it is so slow and when I type, the letters don't come out at the same rate as my typing speed. There is a delay reaction.

Not to mention all the incompatibility issues I have been experiencing at the LAN shops. I have to convert my documents into rtf at some shops but these can't be uploaded at some job sites because they can only receive doc documents.

OMG, Look Who I Bump Into
Royston! I had a brief exchange with him but I wished I had been braver asking for his personal contact but I thought better of it as it seems kinda inappropriate at a first meeting!

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