Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Oh Just Shut Your Trap, People!

The Third World, A Foreign Policy Of Sorts And Yilmaz Western
Surely this must not only encompass poorer Asian countries but also the Eastern European Bloc. Remember the Ukrainian gall I met at a fast food joint. In fact, even round my block, there is another. An Eastern European gal.

Coming from where they are, Singapore certainly is haven. Many have made their home here. Of course they like it here and are actively supporting our government.We have of course done very well in this arena of our foreign policy. These immigrants can give a glowing report of us back home. It makes good public relations.

They have it so good that when I look at the exterior of the Tampines dormitory, it had a better-looking facade than some places I have lived in. Psycho's place is an example.

Yilmaz is one such example. He is from Turkey and is now a PR. Maybe even a naturalised citizen which he chose not to reveal to me. Having been a seaman and worked the rounds of our shipyards, he now runs a Western food stall and loves life here!

Why don't you drop dead, MOE? We can do very well without you, MOE! If I had a child, I won't send him to preschool or even school, MOE! I think he will fare better homeschooling, MOE! You have collected enough school fees and exam fees from all your various exam boards, MOE! It is about time you get lost, MOE! You are cramming my style, MOE! I think I get stupider by the day being in your "institutionalised" system, MOE!

Get the picture, MOE?

The Merit In A Meritoxic Meri-Talk-Cock-cy
Let us examine what merit really is here in Singapore. Is it money? Donation? Kith and kinship? Party alliance? Connection? Bootlicking? Alleged allegiance and loyalty? Now there goes quite a list.

If the grapevine is anything to believe, someone heading our public investment institution was a Warrant Officer in the armed forces. And I thought the press made her out to be a graduate engineer. WHOA! What sterling credentials!

And she has a clone in the curriculum planning department in MOE. Does that explain anything that is happening both in our economy and education?

Hey Mr Temple Guardian
Well yeah. If you earn $1, you spend $0.20. Good advice! But this 70 year old dude inherited his wealth and he has donated $400 000 to a temple and now has time to "yam-cha". Please! Shut up! What do you know? He is like He-Ape's son and all those scions of successful business magnates. What do they know starting and scraping at the bottom?

A Meeting With The Holy Trinity
Two men and a woman. A job interview. This gal marketed her financial program and got about 15000 students enrolled on her program already. The program was co-developed with a certain school union. I knew it! Some advantaged connection!

I was working my butt and footwork, trudging down to all 300-odd primary and secondary schools, managing to scrimp only measly contracts here and there. And here she is, securing deals I can only dream about!

"The Peak" magazine laid out at the coffee table showed up celebrities, socialites, establishment players, ambassadors and entrepreneurs mingling.

Meri-Talk-Cock-Cy at its best!

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