Friday, June 09, 2006

Yer Good Luck And Mine

Surprise! I am blogging again. I just finished me workout at a renowned gym. I have been going round its few branches to have a peek at what it has in store. It has some really great equipment for lateral raises and a myriad of stuff for just each body part. I had a full body analysis and was assigned a complimentary personal trainer for one session (no wonder he is free!).

After snacking on a Subway sandwich and gulping down a cup of Acapulco juice, I noticed a free internet kiosk just round the corner. So here I am, blogging. Just my luck and yours. I get to yak and you get to read a B-O-N-U-S blog!!!!! Tada.

So what shall I talk about. Right. I noticed there are many words or phrases in the English language that do not actually tell the whole story. So if I had said that Mr Psycho was bald, you won't really know if he had little or no hair right? If I had said bald-pated, you would. But what if someone had just a little turf sticking out of his pate? What do you call that? Turf-bald?

By the way as I passed by Mr Psycho's residence today, he was actually pottering in his "garden" again. He had hung some drapery (which is some old, soiled linen, trust me, I know every inch of cobweb and dust around the place) across me ex-room's porch. I think he is doing this to satisfy some psychotic need inside of him to decorate and redecorate, hailing from his "hair designing" days. Who knows, he may be thinking of being the next miraculous revival of "Old Scissorhands Of Down The Dumps East"?

I watched one episode of "The Nanny" and it was a very telling story. It was about this family where the son had to be force-fed as he shuns food. It doesn't help that meal-times are turned into a mortal combat of sorts with Mom yelling and pushing and shoving and son screaming and yelping. By the end of the episode, with Nanny's help of course, son Brandon is actually roped in to help prepare and cook meals.

What a turn-around! It smacks so much of an Asian family setting where somehow fat and chubby toddlers are held in high esteem for its purported healthier and more well-fed outlook. It also reminds moi of the battleground schools have turned into with educators on one side and pupils on the other. Everything is "issues galore".

Because we are so concentrated on "forced eating", we forgot to relax and just let things naturally progress. In education, we are so concentrated on "exams and grades" (that means the number of credits or distinctions) , we forgot to focus on the "joy of learning" process. We forgot to create that ambience and opportunity for learning and self-discovery.

I met some personal bankers, young business graduates. Certainly they have been trained in the knowledge of the financial products they were selling but when I throw a few questions down their way, they could not fathom and apply the knowledge they have or go beyond that. It is a sure case of loads of memorisation and rattling off a standard template. Much like answering an essay question in an examination within a limited time frame. Does it test anything?

It also seems that Asian parents do look upon their children more as economic productive units (much like most Asian states) rather than as bundles of joy whom they wanna bring into the world to love, give and receive. I can understand if the older generation needs this support as they are not as educated and thus need financial assistance from their children.

But with each passing generation, parents have to be financially independent. That is why moi wants to be in this position. Anyway it isn't my style to ask for hand-outs. I wanna make my own money and spend it the way I see fit, with no-one breathing down my neck. I also do not want to be a burden to my kid especially in this economic times where the future generation may not even be earning enough to feed themselves.

And I, for sure, want my money for retirement NOW. We won't know what will happen. I can not work all of a sudden due to ill health or something (like the back-breaking fall I had) .With cash on hand, you feel safer and in control. And in your own home too.

Remember how dowries are a must when a daughter is married off in some societies? Sometimes it makes you think if it was a marriage or a cash transaction. Selling your daughter?

I also caught the trailer of the female finalists for Singapore Idol. I am not sure if the segment I watched did justice to any of their vocals but oh my god, I don't think even one measured up to their idols' songs they hoped to mimick. Just not within their vocal range. Maybe only Melissa would make it, I thought. By the way I didn't watch either episode of the "performance" or the "results" so I don't know who won even though the winner would have been announced by now.

It isn't as if I want to be in the position I am in now. I can't get out of it. Every stinking bastard I come across just push me into this tight corner I am in now. I have no where to go, no work to do, so what do you want me to do? All these bitches and bastards only open their mouths to yak, providing me with no concrete solution or action plan. Damn you and do not second guess what I am thinking or assume a whole host of stuff which isn't true.

I know best what I wanna do. I am not into any special education. Neither do I want to be with "at risk" youths. Hey, I may be riskier than they are! I wanna do gifted education. So there! Cross my heart , burn my lips and scorch my tongue. I think I just said it.

Oh yes my wishlist just got wider to include a tour of Europe and the Middle East.

To the credit of the urban planners, "home" where I am now has the apartments very well landscaped and seamlessly integrated with the parking lots and roof-top gardens. The rooms are also well-proportioned and the bay windows , available only in the living hall, let in lots of natural light.

But moi happens to be at a remote, far-flung "terminal point" of the mass rapid transit system. With no more than 5 bus services running here, it means traversing the whole length of the mass rapid transit just to get to the other parts of Singapore. Not only that, there is no sports facilities, library or LAN shop (remember I don't own a computer anymore and this is for surfing not gaming) anywhere. To do a spot of Microsofting is even near impossible at some LAN shops, especially if your files are on floppy or something, not to say of the place here. Life is practically zilch.

To get to the next neigboring town takes at least an hour by bus . In fact I need to hop on to its neighboring town's bus terminal en-route to my destination. Journeys sometimes look like this : LRT-MRT-Bus-Bus.

It is ironical that just to stretch or exercise, you need to take a bus to get there. The concrete trail , though reminiscent of the Benjamin Sheares bridge, offers no respite from vehicular traffic (it is a connecting viaduct after all). The only refuge is a trail edged on a murky, foul-smelling, polluted canal/body of water/river. The only memorable occasion I witness here is of a bird which spiral-dived, head-on, into the water to catch its food.

It is just shop, eat, rot and sleep away your time here. A ghost town with a ghost train to boot. One small train to hold the peak-hour crowd.

The galls are really getting on my nerves, especially this bitch ass at the gym, a senior instructress no less. Before she shoots off her mouth, I wished she had put more thought and tact in her "communication". Otherwise I would have to reason with her and show her how flawed her logic and thinking is. Anyway if you are reading this, SHUT UP.

I won't blog about it here as I have written in a report on that incident. It seems I need to write to get things off me system.

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