Friday, June 23, 2006

Please Patronise This Wanton Noodle Stall, Will You?

Don't accuse moi for just spewing criticism without handing out the solution. I just thought of the perfect public housing design that will ensure a panoramic view and open up all available wind channels. Build one block in the middle and to its left and right, cascade all others. The three triangular spaces to its sides and in the middle could be parking lots, landscaped gardens or other vital amenities. Don't you think this will pan out to be the "Architectural Wonder of the Next Century"? *Blink.

I visited one park connector that took me from one neighborhood town park to the river basin. Along the way, I spotted egrets, witnessed a crying tod in the arms of its mother (imagine a family in the making under a flyover), meandered through an opposition ward and experienced a bridge of love connecting a family of schools built over the river. It even had its own swimming pool and of course, the hunks (plus a couple of eye-sore - GALLS).

Speaking of which, I visited yet another much talked-about gym and it has the same offerings of facilities and hunks. Moi may just try this one out as well, right after all my other "trial runs" end at the other ones. Last night, moi went for a late-night jog and was justly rewarded with sweaty hunks running about the place. I think I am going to make this my regular running hotspot. *Blink.

It is strange that viaducts in other places are meant to be built over waters but here we have them built over roads and highways as well. We must be such ingenious people, yeah?

By the way, I promised this cheery and friendly OWO (one-woman-operated) noodle vendor whose stall lies at the cross-road between Opal Cresecent and Moonstone Lane , that I would help promote her food. The wanton mee I had was quite good, with a dash of sesame oil and a nice sauce, which makes it tasty. Not like the instant noodles that we are increasingly being subjected to at almost all food centres. So people, stop and sample her cuisine. I mean I had better fare in the heydays where noodles were real home-made reciped kind.

The sex on Mt Faber didn't happen. This liar claimed to be a good-looker but when I turned up, he was just a little stocky white as sheet piggy and he had the cheek to wanna play hard ball with moi. Pui. I may be hideous but I am not that desperate. *Blink (Hope I got that right).

But the upside was I discovered Mt Faber Park. It was a splendid view at its summit, a view stretching all across to Sentosa. There were Marina deck and Jewel Box too. And the whole place is so near to Harborfront so moi had a spot of fruit munching at its food outlet.

I watched the second round of Singapore Idol for the next batch of male finalists. I thought almost all were good save for one or two contestants. Since the last instalment would be a Wildcard proposition, it would be quite disturbing if Jay Lim, Norman Then or Randy Chua didn't make the cut. The voting got a bit of skewed I thought. I had given the female finalists' episodes the skip but Annabelle and Nurul were quite good, me thought. But they were ousted?

I aint sure what the hoo-ha is about Jac being as bland as the PAP's uniform but cut her some slack will you? She did do a mirthful take of Paul Twohill's appearance, didn't she? She was the kindest of the judges too I thought.

Ah, looks like native speakers are about to be hired in our schools to teach the English language. If I hadn't had my say on the subject yet, then let me say it now. Moi does not know what it means by "native". Who is really really really natives of the English language anyway. And if they are, prove it. If natives are to be hired to teach the English and Chinese languages, then why are non-natives teaching the Chinese language as well? We might as well hire the whole Maori tribe or aborigines if we want authentic native residents. Wouldn't we then be obsolete as a nation as all our citizens aint exactly native? Did you get that? *Blink.

There is going to be an episode on Christopher (the original SUPERMAN) and Dana Reeves. I think this will warm hearts and bring out the sniffles. I am certainly gonna watch this as this woman stuck by her man throughout his paralysis, epitomising the solemnisation of their marriage vows of "in sickness and health, till death do us part", just as Stephen Hawking's wife did.

Dwayne and Co, will you do the same for moi? This aint a marriage proposal, it is a date. *Blink.

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