Saturday, June 24, 2006

What Of This LIfe? Dark Thoughts

A thought struck me again. If this trend of "thoughts" striking me ever so often continues, I might as well be Benjamin Franklin's kite or a lightning rod. The splendid idea of cascading tower blocks in a public housing project could , in fact, be extended to a zig-zag continuum of apartment flats in an estate. It will truly be thinking out of the box, as most of our current designs are "boxed up" concepts.

David Rasif was my senior in the short time I spent at a premiere junior college. How his age was stated as it is, is beyond me, unless his time spent in education had somehow been protracted. Whatever it is, my fervent wish is to bump into him when I next visit Thailand on a discounted airfare voucher. Perhaps his good fortune will rub off on me and bless me with eternal wealth to last a lifetime.

Due to a technical glitch, a contestant had been wrongly pronounced to be a Singapore Idol finalist. It is incredulous that Matilda D'Silva is now out of the running, though she still has that Wildcard chance. This must be the gravest injustice, I thought.

People are just people, whoever they are. It does not matter if they are gay or straight, white or black, young or old, educated or undeducated, rich or poor, man or woman. Therefore I shouldn't be expecting anything more from my fellow gay brethen, though I wished we could be a bit closer if sexuality-affiliation is to be the entry to an exclusive club.

Therefore one would advise me about sunning a buggy bed when fumigation should rightly have been the answer. Or to wear fluffy, designer bedroom sandals which are dangerously slippery in the bathroom when Crocs TM sandals would be a safer bet. By the way, the latter was propositioned by no other than Mr Psycho himself.

Last night, I strolled the park after my jog. The BBQ pits were filled with the delicious aroma of skewered meat being grilled. One party even did theirs at a pavillon. The nearby al-fresco diner by the water's edge was full-house.

This set me thinking about how Singaporeans, especially younger Singaporeans, are living it up here. The cars they drive, the club memberships they own, the houses they live in, the exotic travels they make and the fine-dining they indulge in. They wouldn't think twice over dinner at some fancy restaurant while the likes of moi meal at humble food centres.

They are of the generation of abundance while moi is from a deprived and austere one. Fear began to grip me as thoughts of my future loom. I don't know where I am headed (though I know what I want but I can't seem to get it) and what to make of my present life now. I am as good as a nomad. I am no better than the stray cats or rats that roam the park.

I am like sucked into a black-hole without knowing what to do. It is times like this when I wished I had a better grasp over life's uncertainties. But I don't. The fleeting thought came and went. Just as well as I have no intention of harbouring any further thoughts of my future destiny especially since I can't control it.

I know I will never be happy with a woman but I can't seem to get Mr Right either. Am I destined to be all alone throughout my life, more so as the environment and system do not at all support the lifestyle I hanker after.

As I do not hold the key to the answers to life's destiny, I promptly thought of jogging back home quickly to settle down to some hot English tea and biscuits, just so to obliterate my gloomy thoughts for the night.

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