Friday, June 30, 2006

Much Doo-Dah Over Nothing

I didn't know that. "SUPERMAN" could twirl around on his torso too? Don't blame moi. When moi picked up the figurine, poor "SUPERMAN" was strapped to the box by his limbs. Looked like he was having bondage fun or something. Thank you MR MALE COHOST of the morning talkshow. Now we all know what else "SUPERMAN" is capable of. In fact MR MALE CO-HOST even demonstrated the various karma sutraic positions "SUPERMAN" could be laid. On the lap, on a shoulder and behind someone's back. Muahahahahaha. BURP.

Singapore Idol's WILDCARD screening saw a vast improvement in all the contestants' performance, vocally and imagily. I couldn't really pick who should go on to the GRAND FINALS. Because some of the idol wannabes who performed poorly the last round did amazingly well this time. All said, the deserving contestants were indeed selected for the finals. SINGAPORE, you showed yourself to be not relying solely on looks but also on vocals when you voted.

But since this is a American Idol spinoff and under its wings, we can't be expecting any different I suppose. This is sad. It should have been a real talent quest with our local singers singing compositions composed to suit their voices. And the fact that this is a "competition" doesn't help. And I am sure we don't want another Mariah Carey clone right? In fact, I wonder if all those popular singers in the States underwent a competition like this before they were talent spotted.

On television now, there is actually something called "The Barbie Diaries". This show is really funny with animated, talking, walking barbies doing the AMERICAN doo-dah. Instead of "precisely" or "exactly", they have "totally". FAR OUT, galls!!!! And of course, "Oprah" rocks. Her series have had themes on plastic surgery, bras, jeans, image and house makeovers and one episode where Brooke Shields came on and chatted about her post-natal depression. Uproarious as BROOKE SHIELDS emotes like nobody else could.

You shouldn't miss this movie "JUST MY LUCK". I laughed the moment this hoity toity lost her luck upon having her fortune read by a gypsy. She broke her heel, had water splayed on her and a whole host of misfortunes raining down on her. To think just a while ago, she was living the high life with everything going her way. You deserve it, GALL!

More amazing discoveries. More nature parks, water and a trail right behind one. This one offers such a spectacular view of the water and skyline and totally so deserted, I can only hope to take my bf along on this trip to savour its splendour. Who wanna see it with me? We could hold hands, FRENCH kiss and have *** all at one go! ***Double winks.

But as I have mentioned before, perhaps for the umpteenth time. Having to take a bus or train just to have a walk in the woods or stretch for exercise is so demeaning. Plus, you lug all that stuff with you for a change-over : gym, run, walk and shop gear-up. You know what I mean.

And if I have to take transport at a neighboring estate, then shouldn't I be living there instead? And it is strange that nobody at me place here takes the bus. All of them take the train. That is because with just seven bus services plying the precinct, they don't go all places, especially places where people work or wanna play.

Moi is moving again. You must have read all my reasons for this in all my other blogs. And Daniel was a let-down in a way. I shan't blog about it here but well, there are only two of us and if he had made it more like a flat-sharing doo-dah and less dollars and cents, I think I might have stayed on despite everything. Oh well.

I found a perfect place. It is a central location where I could access a couple of gyms within walking distance and the whole route is dotted with amenities like a library, swimming pools, buses, stadia, trains and a town park. It is astounding that it straddles two estates. WOW! Two towns for the price of ONE! INCREDIBLE!

Well rest assured all the hunks are still very much alive everywhere moi goes. The only hope I have is to bag one. *Drools and winks.

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