Friday, June 02, 2006

Of Mice And Men

Ah, there was a score of them, I reckon. Sweaty, smelly, tanned army hunks out on a NDP exercise. After some pep talk from their superior, they were dismissed and all hell broke loose. They came charging into the showers and that terribly terrible terrible stench.

Sorry moi was all done up and I may be a slut whore at times but that doesn't mean I don't stick by some hygiene rules. If moi were as sweaty and smelly as they were, hey, it would have been a fusion of twos, maybe even threes. But as it is, moi stuck his nose up in the air and walked away. Sorry guys! **Wink wink.

Mr He-Ape has a "school" presence in the neighborhood. Judging from the couple of office suites he is occupying , their layout and its monopolistic hold within the precinct, he seems to be doing pretty well. All this for blood-sucking off un-suspecting preys. I chanced upon its flyer (so if his "school" is so good and news of its reputation (or infamy) gets spread around by word of mouth, why does he need a flyer doing the rounds in the estate? Explain that.).

Strewn with grammatical errors (and this coming from a "school" player for 19 years) , it proclaims its "best" program, how "only the best serve the "school"" (She-Ape was the best? *laugh my hard arse off) and a whole load of crapshit. It highlighted its top PSLE scorers and credited their successes to it (rather than the schools these pupils attend - who spend more time with the students?).

This laugh-a-minute, self-praisy flyer must take the cake for cheesiness.

Ah, moi had his ear peirced, adorned with a gleaming blue stud. Moi also has part of his anatomy tattooed. For the hour or so, moi sat and cringed as a searing pain tore through his body and mind you, this is only a golf-ball sized spherical design in nice shades of green. I can't imagine how one could endure a whole body tattoo! Only "intimate" curios will get to know where my tattoo is!

I am having problems with this doorway broom. Every time I sweep up the dust, dirt and grime, it sheds its bristles. Talk about sweeping after a broom.

Ok I just have about enough time to blog a little here. Till then, adios.

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