Saturday, August 27, 2005

Women - The Bane of Thy Life

The late Professor Stephen Jay Gould in his book "The Mis-measure of Men" states that the world could be a very different place if women enter the workforce. He is so right.

As far as I can remember, they have plagued me from home to work and from young till old.

They are surely unfathomable creatures God created by mistake in the Garden of Eden. He must have been joking when he deems Adam in need of companionship and so he took a rib off Adam and made Eve. So God, if you are listening to me now, let us just say I thank you for the miseries of the world you have wrought by your hands!

After all, it was Biblical Eve who incited Adam to eat off the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Helen of Sparta had to be the most beautiful woman and sparked off a war of ultimate demise for one nation when she became Helen of Troy. Empress Cixi inexorably ensured the death knell of the Manchu dynasty by her reign.

Their mood are like swings of the pendulum. One woman food vendor could agree to my packing off my eats without extra recompense one moment but demanding more the next. Cleopatra could be all pretty one day and conniving the next. Utter unpredictability.

Look! If you have the face, you have it. There is no need to cover it up under mountains of paint. And to flaunt your artistry in the hope of magically masking hideousness at the office can only deflect all good spirits with your compact mirror.

Talking to one takes effort. I am not sure how they see the world. It looks like there is a filter of hate and moronity built into their sensors. Watch out for the blinkered ones. They are the typical dumb blondes.

Wedge-drivers they are. They would gossip to you about someone's vices but with that person, they in turn yelp about you. I had one who actually asked her sister why she had married this husband when she had so many other suitors. If this is not driving a wedge, what is? For pete's sake, they have three children by this marriage and are married for some time now. Just because you don't like your brother-in-law doesn't mean that your sister doesn't.

They are so animated that it pisses you off. You can tell a sincere smile apart from a wicked one. Their intentions are so blatantly written all over their faces. Some think they can pull the wool over your eyes with their smiles and charms. Once you are hooked, you are like a drowning man clutching at that last straw.

You had better not say something to insult them, they will bear grudges and hit back when you are least expecting it. If they nit-pick on the right things it is perfectly alright but it is usually on some mundane ones. In schools, disciplinary offences are usually on attire and looks. I can imagine someone being picked on for his looks or wearing tinted glasses. What is the big deal really?

Perhaps that explains the lack of entrepreneurship in our society because anyone who dares to be different is brow-beaten and whip-whacked into shape till he conforms. And a lot of rebelliousness is surely going to be bred this way.

I had a vice-principal of a junior college chasing us away because we were not exactly high-pointers for our GCE 'O' level examination. She certainly had a younger diffident me turned my life around. I will hound her till her deathbed with her callousness.

Please keep the women talk among yourselves and I am not keen to be drawn into any such conversation.

And higher education does not seem to help either. I don't see any words of wisdom or distinction passing out from their mouths. What comes out is just shrill-ass siren of gossips and intonations.

So before you open your mouth, please check that you got the facts right and you know what you are talking about. Because if you are in a position of authority, you are leading the blind by being blind yourself and feeding mis-information and gossip.

And that mis-information can cost someone his life or fortune.

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