Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hasta La Vista, Bloghead - Blow-by-Blow Showdown

That is it. Someone on the other side of blogdom has slimed and slandered moi. This can only mean one thing - The War of Bloggerdom.

Debators, take heed, you may just get to learn a few magical tricks from me here as well as you can pick up card tricks from Mr Hunkie (Ewwwww...if you are hunky, I am hunkier** snigger* snigger* laugh* laugh) from the other side of the fence (maybe when we sign the Treaty of Blog Peace you could afford time to show me your card tricks ** I may scream if it is good * snigger and snort)

So here it is:

1. Anyonymous? Well I did sign in as anonymous a few times but that does not mean all anonymous entries are me. Anyone with gray matter in their cranial skull of a porridge (by the way one of the foodies you ate - snigger*snort) can log in as anonymous if they wish to, any more than they can log in as "beetch", "Dwayne" or "Daryl" or even "Philip Teo".

2. Incessant? Ramblings? After what you see that I write here, let me know if you still think they are incessant or ramblings. They are concise and balanced factually true truths. (N.B: I had to write this reply in a blog so that I could place "his" and "my" blogs anal-to-mouth-then-dik-to-orifice position for a blow-by-blow counter-thesis, nothing short of a mutual rectal and blow job ***muahahahha* so gay**. Guessed you guess this right with the "turn over" snide remarks). If you call episodic comments incessant, so be it. After all, a pig-head is determined too.

3. I conjecture at this point that "upset" people meant someone you linked (licked) and my take is: If you have a banquet of bikinis, you invite all to your feast.

4. Impersonate a teenage girl? My moniker then and now is "samurai". Would a girl impersonate a "samurai' or a "samuraiess"? If you think you are David Beckham, think again. Because that reincarnation has to wait 1 zillion light years (snigger* snort). And you mean she is begging for rape from you? Duh.

5. No comments on postings, gay and hot ass action. I only posted on two and if that is one too many, that number is just mathematically your imagination (snigger *chortle *laugh)

6. Plagiarism? I have never in my life plagiarised anyone. Unless that person is myself (snigger* slap-on-back-self-congratulations - where the hell do you get these taglines from?) Report me to the cops for my threatening replies? You call this blog threatening? And I will expose myself to the cops if I need to (snigger yet again)

7. Monkeys? We are fortunately more closely related to apes which only form a part of the primates. Our closest is the bonobo and the next closest, the chimpanzees. We are NEVER monkeys. You got your science wrong, take a hike dude. Well do read what I said before :"In solitude, be a multitude unto thyself". That could explain the brainwave we all get from time to time.

8. You are absolutely right on this. I talk to myself a lot like we all do at one time or another. Read the above quote again. And the "dialogue" serves as balances and checks against my own views on my blogs too. Kind of like self-editing (snigger* snort* chortle* I can just imagine you with mouth agape now*laugh).

9. Bash? Now this takes the cake. Why would I bash Dwayne, the other half of the famous pair, who is so hunky you (snort*chuckle yet again). Jesus! (oops - that is blasphemous)! I only "suan" him sometimes because he looks, well, so "suanable". He is a barrel of laughter. And anatomically too (but you look sexier **nude with protrusion, like tat other blog guy on someone's blog- snigger*hip-hip-hooray*hee hee hee)

10. Fame? The Straights Times? I only thought it would be cool to pen my thoughts and feelings on a variety of subjects as a way of self-expression and I got this idea only after I read about it in the press. If I had wanted fame, I would have gone to the press, like you guys did , and have a publicist with me (clap* justice sees the light) I would also never attend any DXO conferences not like you guys did, again. I swear to God - like over my dead body that is.

11. Cowardice? If you call "publicity-shyness", "introvertedness", "social awkwardness" and a "sense of right and wrong" that, so be it. It will be the same to you that black is also white and red is pink (chuckle). Add "elusive", "reclusive", "neurotic" and "withdrawn" and you created a sensible and cautious blogger (*hoot with laughter now)

12. Let me rephrase the headline : " So-so Super Not-so Gorgeous Bloghead makes his Gay Lover See Red over infidelity" (laugh* hoot la*) . Jealous? I am so zoilic now, why would I be green with envy? Rantings? I don't seem to think and see so (wahhahaha*seow)

13. You are right on one point though. I should get a life, But since I can't seem to get one, circumstantially speaking, that means I am not alive. And if I am not alive, I am dead. So help me GOD!

10 minutes is also about the same time I wank as a quickie (laugh*snigger*chortle) and if you want babes, I suggest you visit the bar (*hilarous laughter* sock it to him man)
And take note: all that background hooting and tooting of cheers, jeers and smears rises in crescendo.

So after thirteen (snigger*snigger* good luck to you) epistles from one blogger to another, do I sound any more anonymous than you do? Or are they still incessant rambles as you insisted previously.

By the way Russell Peters must be that jig of a comic stand-up. I think he is great too. And I think your food menu speaks a lot about your personal preferences in a way. (snort* snortle)

Other grammatical errors spotted: "miserly" for "measly and "saner" for "more sane" and the list goes on.

So there! I will continue reading your blog and hopefully we can "whatever". Hasta La Vista - Bloghead.

P.S: What is Vanilla sky? Foaming white ice-cream oozing from something hung up in the air? (snortle* chuckle yet again)


Amon said...

Aiyo. Buay huay bai (BHB). You say say oni. Self-edit kor lan la. Measly is correct. Tho it sounds like measles. Edit your head la.

Amon said...

Who tat kev? thank you for your comments. We shall look in it and if appropriate contact the proper authority and if necessary dessicate Amon. However there r words like pervert, loafer and gaudy that we cannot register on our databank. Please do not bother replying becoz this is a self-destruct precorded message. Beep.

Amon said...

Hi Kev! Sorry for that insensitive and stupid answering service. Care to chat? Email , msn or sms? I am always willing to listen to feedback not like those morons on the taggy. :) 81122714 there!