Friday, August 12, 2005

O Great City - Thy Name is VSM2

A fishing village it once was
But now a metropolis it is
Skyscrapers reaching for the sky
Of steel, glass and concrete they are

O Great City, Thy Name is Vanity
Of ostentation you are built on
And the people decked out
Of galls in skimps and men in color

Of gleaming marble floors
And glinting steel glass
Of torsoed sculpted men
And gaily painted women

Of pearly smooth complexion
Not one a blemish allowed
Of the finest fabric
To match an alter-ego

There is no place
For the mal-look or aged
And the odd ball
Is banished to all but hell

Of lavish ponds
And space of disproportion
Castles, fortresses and mansions
You built up to heaven

O Great City, Thy Name is Money
Of all enterprised is commerce
Of monied hues
And loss of soul

O Great City, Thy Name is Materialism
Of landscaped houses
And luxury wheelers
Of branded garb
And bejewelled decks

Of professions and of titular apellations
Of commerce in conglomerates
At the befallen whose slog toils blood and sweat
Just so for the luxurious inside

Of all the homes
Plush furnishings and fixtures
Any modern contraption
Is deemed a necessity

The only brandishment
Is the mobile telecommute
Of brand and expense
The only show-off

O Great City, Thy Name is Sin
The wretched indigent
and vagrants they are
Yet we see not with our eyes

The living children indigent
The folks barely make ends meet
The rising costs
And the nest-egg dwindled

The drink, wine and dine
Of waste and women in songs
Till the wee-hours of the morning
For want of a meaningful existence

The young are left to their devices
All have left for industry
Of minds distorted
And obfuscated in values

Of personal gain and fame
Not one ounce for the community
It is self and self alone
To rise and rise without a pause for thought

Chalets, parties and club drugs
Of The Net affluence
and the coupling young
Left to abandon

The media blatant in all its display
Of magazines skin
And amorous young
Seduce and tempt in various sartorial

Of parties and clubs
In their lust
Of bodies in motion
And of working pairs

O Great City - Thy Name is VSM2
But with me is a part of a whole
But I shall hold my own
I still believe in thy redemption

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