Thursday, August 11, 2005

O Mighty Last Tiger Of Our Reserve

At the turn of the century
You roamed and pawed the reserve
Your brethens in stripes so dark
The orange coat of fur it camouflages

Your feeling whiskers and glowing eyes
Scan the forest floor and horizon
For sustenance to make your mighty roar
It must have been a majestic maraud

Your teeth of carnivorous strength
And instinct intuitively matched
Makes you Almighty Beast feared and awed
Of our reserve and the kingdom of beasts

Your stealth and pounce
Is strong and beyond compare
As you steady your keel for the kill
To feed your brood and brethen

Your silhouette is of the beast of Greats
It scares the wits out of mortals like me
You stand atop the hill and roar
Your abode you make amongst the forest shrubberies

You spar among yourselves
In playful play and pounce
Learning and honing the craft of preying
So to keep alive and well

The forest beasts they scurry on your approach
The Second Only King of the Beasts
As you strut with mighty strides
And grandeur pad upon the forest floor

But alas, your tragic end
At the hands of Man
Reduced to a pittiance heap laying on the forest litter
What Man Art Thou to kill the Almighty Beast!

O braveless fearless One
That last growl of howl and pain
Has then terminated the Beast of Greats
Nature red in tooth and claw

As I glimpse the last of you in that monochrome
It must have been death of throes and shudders
At the shot of a gun
Your mighty frame as it is being brought down under

What heart is Man
To kill the Beast of beasts
And smile and grin
At the end of a species

O Murderers of this magnificient kill
The same befall you too
As your lineage is done for
Suffer the same as the Almighty Beast

O Mighty Last Tiger of our Reserve
What an awesome sight you will impose
If you were alive again today
You stand with glow and glory and roar atop the hill once more


Amon said...

God! Read your prose and I think you are a sick and mentally retarded naturalist. Why would anyone in their right mind wan a tiger back in our civilised midst? Wishful thinking and a really soppy tale. Can it! Imagine admiring a beast of a tiger! As it is, I am already very afraid of the macaques hanging around our reserve
Signed: Frightened Silly Old Gall

Amon said...

Dear Silly Old Gall,
I think you got it right on several counts : First that you are silly and second, you are old and third, you are a gall. Chutzpah. I would rather admire a King of Beast in all its majestic glory than a load of women like you in bikinis anyday. As for "civilised" I am not too sure we have this word right judging from the numerous "killings" in our "civilised" midst. If you ar even afraid of macaques, I suggest you should really remove yourself from nature. Because your screams of fright are actually frightening the beasts in the forest too. So do all of us a favour and just scram. :)

Amon said...

Sob sob sob. I can't take it anymore. Give me the tiger back, you bad bad bad men. Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo!