Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Lexicon of Context, Culture and Continuum

This is the last of my trilogy on philosophical musings with regards to muti-dimensionalism, rounding up my thinking on many current post-modernistic issues.

I have gone from a mono-angle to a bi-one and even to a multi-perspective facet.

What remains now is to show a continuum . In case you ask what difference would that make, I think it is a fair question. My answer is : Does it really really matter? Of course it does.

First it would show once and for all, in all its finality, the Golden Median concept. That mid-point or that average of averages. That homeostatic balance in view and equilibrium. Never leaning too far right or left. And so logically never ultra liberal or ultra conservative.

Whether this stance can always be possible to all of lives' conudrums, that is ultimately a philosophical posit.

It is important that we relate all that we experience within its proper context and culture. In fact culture is such an influential factor, the Thai has it in their greeting of "Suawdee Krup" or "Suwadee Ka", exuding feminism or masculinity.

Many of our English words have the same. He is a blond but she has blonde hair. My father is my greatest confidant but my mother is my confidante. Plato must surely count as the savant that he is but we can safely add that so too was Mary Magdalene, the savante of Jesus' disciples.

We can never be at the polars of the world both at the same time. However we can veer off in the magnetic polar positions.

This illustrates the continuum concept perpaciously. We are usually on a range, between the maxima or the minima. With bad luck we could lean on the absolute zero but with the God of Fortune smiling upon us, we could also be at the pyramidal apex.

Like the optical electromagnetic spectrum of varying wavelengths, theological cardinal, venial and mortal sins or geographical rural , exurbia, surburbia and urbania.

But we must remember the continuum does not necessarily represent the zenith or the trough. Each may equally be a point of excellence on the continuum. It need not lead to progressivism as in the sense of being the best or most ideal.

Any point on a continuum could be just as excellent as those at the extreme positions.

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