Saturday, August 27, 2005

A Tribute To My Form and Subject Teachers

Primary 1 - Mrs Ang : Sorry old hag. I remember you pinch my ears so hard in class for god-knows-what I had done that I never spoke up in class again. All you ever cared for were the lottery draw tickets you wanted us to sell to raise funds for the school. That Chinese handicraft teacher who makes us do fruit crafts like papaya. I loved getting my fingers gooey and sticky with all that paper mache.

Primary 2 - Mrs Doreen Khng : A supportive teacher who encourages and cajoles. I think I even won "Best Conduct" prize or something. Or was this in my later years? Cik Minah who pinches all the boys' private genitalia. Thanks for that and that is how guys get horny.

Primary 3 - Mr Lim Kok Kee. A huge and fat man. How did he ever get to his size I will never get to know or want to know. Strict and mostly punitive punishment that he metes out. Loves passing the volleyball real hard. Heard he has undergone some stomach operation and he has deflated so much.

Primary 4 - Mrs Juliana Chng. A bitch-face whom I don't really like. Ostensibly class-conscious and scoffs at my dad's occupation. I could do without you bitch. Hey all the Chinese teachers seem to have problems. Mr Heng and Mr Tim. What is wrong with you guys? Miss Szetoh who teaches Singapore history with such realism especially in her narration of Sang Nila Utama.

Primary 5 - Mrs Maria Tay. She is one of a kind. She trains me in my leadership role and makes me do all those things which I never dreamt of doing - concerts, skits, talentime, sports, the prefectorial board and the whole works. Thank you M/s Maria Teo. If not for you, I would never have the guts to do anything. Mr Robert Teo for his short-putting skills.

Primary 6 - Mr John Tan . A young handsome man whom I may have fallen in love with. Encourages me in my quest for knowing the English language so much better.

Secondary 1 - Mr Joachim Pereira. No problems here but our class was a noisy one so I guessed I sided with them in the "hooliganism". Miss Lian - I know the other guys are infatuated with her but sorry I am not. She may be the prettiest woman about town but I don't give a damn. Miss Christina Liew who comes across as someone who is serious and sincere.

Secondary 2- Mr John Cher. A remarkably sedate and soft-spoken man. No problems here too. Mr Heng - a sleepy Literature teacher. Mr Balasingam - a loud and funny history teacher.

Secondary 3 & 4 - Mr Peter Tan. My source of politicism. He dutifully does his work and we learn much by way of his English language pedagogy. Also religious. I am sorry I have to disappoint you on this count. Miss Chan who was just fresh out of school and teaches with oomph. Poor Miss Mary Lim, the bad boys make you cry. Miss Ting - Maths teacher, what really happened to you? You look and behave like a robotic mechanical zombie. Mrs Chia - that fierce and vocal Chinese teacher who makes me want to do well for my second language.

JC 1 & 2 - Cik Aminah. Cannot remember very much here maybe because I wasn't in class half the time. Nothing really memorable. Belinda Charles scares the hell out of me with her sharp tongue so maybe this is where I pick up mine. It is my only defence against women too - be like them to beat them at their game. Mrs Molly Tan - OMG - that heavily-painted doll who shrils ever so often at lectures but she is really one nice woman. Mr Chia Khoon Hock - smiling tiger. I will have him know our last tiger was in the 1930s. Miss Eu - really lucid and good maths illustrator. Otherwise I might have done worse at Maths. Miss Chng - good Chemistry teacher but I don't seem to be able to score at this subject. Mrs Cheah/Mr Lim - God..please...I can't understand her Singlish and Physics has never been made a duller subject than it already is.

To one and all who make or break my future, thanks a zillion.

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