Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Anticipation (New)

One Scare Tactics Too Many?
There have always been posters at our public loos detailing hand-washing rituals for users to follow so that no germs are left alive for transmission on our hands.

You could almost laugh at what the various steps in those posters teaches you, from rubbing to scrubbing every nook and cranny imaginable of your pair of hands.

Today, the scare campaign, like the packing on our cigarettes' boxes, have gone a few steps further. It features one hand filled with gooey, sick-looking and ghastly microbes, magnified by their ugly teeth and tongues, to drive home the point that 30 seconds is all it takes for us to rid our hands of them.

If it is attention and publicity that the HPB wants, they got them all right. Nobody would miss a poster like that displayed so prominently and strategically

Moreover, 30 seconds or not, with the soap on our hands and a trickle of water at some of the public wash-rooms, it isn't an easy task to wash off the bubblly foam. Thus a 30-second time-limit is really subjective.
Maybe we are overdoing it by that puke-provoking poster (PPP) and does this ritual actually encourage Obsessive Comppulsion Disorder in the long run?

I hope our authorities have seriously considered the demerits of an ad-campaign like this which could lead to an obsession with overt cleanliness, sterilisation and hand-washing akin to a surgical hand-scrub prior to an operation.
Finally could resources like this be deployed more productively.
Biblical History Recurring Again
There is this tee sold by a popular HongKong-based retailer here which bears the slogan : "Ordinary men crave fabric clothes while Gods or God-like people crave golden garb".
Telling in the light of mega and gold places of worship we have all come to know. Maybe it is the mortals not the Gods who want this.

I am aware that dollars and cents probably figure in luxury brands finally deciding to establish their brandnames here.

But what if they make Singapore their flagship of SEA or even Asia, maybe even making it unavailable anywhere else on this continent. That helps I am sure.

Therefore, I am crossing my fingers for other luxury brands like Tom Ford, Craig Robinson, Derek Lam (all of the USA), Adolfo Dominguez (Spain), Escada, Jette Joop (Germany), Raf Simmons (Belgium), Nina Ricci, Claude Montana (France), Missoni, Franco Moschino (Italy) Alexander McQueen (UK), Hanae Mori, Junya Watanabe (Japan) , Ritu Kumar and Ritu Beri (India) to make their way here.

The AYG And UpComing YOG
The AYG has begun and will end next week. The YOG, on the other hand, is slated for next year, 2010.

The Jurong West Sports facilities opened like more than a year and a half ago.

Already it is unbelievably filthy and dirty marked with stained floor, broken shower heads and paintworks. A broken mirror even grace one of the stadium's upper level arena's washroom.

I wonder if before the YOG that repair and remedial works will be carried out ?

The GreyHound Bus Way From LAX To SF Across A Couple Of Other Cities
While talking with someone the other time, I just remembered that the bus journey via the Greyhound Bus from LAX to San Francisco took me through various cities like Fresno, Bakersfield, Modesto and Oakland plus a couple more which I can't really recall.

That was when I blogged about being hopping excited when the Golden Gate Bridge came into sight over the San Francisco Bay.

And yes while doing a little research to re-confirm my itinerary travelled, the Greyhound terminal at SF was indeed something called the Mission TransBay Station. It was a two storey old structure as I remember it.

I also remembered waking up super early in the day like 4am or earlier just to catch the special shuttle from LAX airport (and I was like the only one there that morning in the dark cold night) to the Greyhound Terminal at LAX.

And yes at the Fisherman's Wharf, SF, I could look out over the Bay to Alcatraz Island.

LAX and SF are truly cities with wonderfully mild and temperate weather and they are beautiful cities.

The research jolted my memory and here I am blogging about some of my States travel.

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