Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Like This Neighborhood And What It Offers

We Discriminate Against Nationality?
Malaysian permit holders can rent places in residential areas but not other nationalities. How different are they from the rest? I mean we can't have residences turned into living quarters for legions of foreign workers can we? 6 people squeezed into an already crammed place?

This Is How We Live Out Our Sexuality?
The rat just got fatter, browner and braver as it scurries across the ledge of the wall near the hydropool in broad daylight. Slime, grime, gloom and sleaze. That about sums up how men are meeting other men for sex or whatever at the men's club. Certainly no way to make an acquitance or strike up a meaningful relationship.

There are all these older men who must have lost a huge part of their lives before the INTERNET era who have to hang out at the men's clubs like that. I am just about straddling the two worlds with a 50-50 chance of not ending up like them.

Some prick (and a very offensive one who has been bashing us often enough) goes on and on about AIDS control. He obviously hasn't read my earlier blogs. Blogs about stamping out fleshpots, providing other avenues for social discourse and interaction and promoting civil unions/gay marriages as bases for familial stability.

If I die of AIDS or smoking-related diseases, it will probably be on your conscience. If you have one in the first place of course.

Oops !Me Maths Sucks
I am $3K off the mark when I understated Tim's 5-years rental returns. In fact, his annual return yields a better rate than all my investments put together so far.

And yes Auntie is a Malaysian. Tim is cleaning up the room and I am kinda certain he is gonna rent it out to a "friend", maybe even that Malaysian biking friend.

Did We Get Our Sums Wrong Again? I Know I Did
The GST hike cannot possibly be benefitting the poor. I think there must be a distinction made between necessities and luxuries. And this distinction changes with the times. A television and rice-cooker are now necessities. Everyone needs one.

So in hiking the GST across the board, everyone gets hit, rich or poor. So how goes the logic of a GST benefitting the poor?

A Veiled Issue
If I got my religious garb terminology right, there is the burqa, the niqab and the tudung. Certainly the former two are social barriers to communications. I can't see who I am talking to except for that windows to the soul. But I wanna see a WHOLE FACE AT LEAST.

So a tudung looks like a more equitable headwear.

Remembering how SHE-APE was rigged out in a tudung and being of ample proportions, she was sweltering in the tropical heat and she can't hear very well because the headscarf was covering her ears. I am not sure if it is even a practical attire for everyday discourse.

Much like a business suit or a tie.

A Belt Or A Cable
There are two machines which do not seem to work very well on a belt. The sitting lat pull-down and the standing tricep press. I understand a little seasoning is in order but for the time it takes to season, we ain't getting the workout we need.

And speaking of machines which we stand to work out, where do we hang the mandatory required towels while we work at them?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I Was At The Budget Terminal

This School Is On A Junket To Melbourne
Wow! A "school trip" to Melbourne for this group of students studying at Changkat Changi. And they are flying on a SIA plane.

From snatches of conversations I got, the teacher-in-charge mouthed something about being on a similar trip to Cairns.

And schools must be flushed with money to spend it like that.

I got a call for a "hardship" posting to teach Qingdao students for a month, starting this weekend. A measly $4 daily food allowance but with lodging thrown in and a salary of S$2500 a month. She quipped about standard of living and so on.

Balls to you, Man!

Contrast the two and tell me what you think.

"System Upgrade"
This is a laugh. After what the Bishan community library has billed it to be. Although it now has a nice opening screen with cool graphics and a well laid-out menu, the connection speed still sucks and toggling between windows lag so badly that when you type, the alphabets only come out after a certain delay.

The whole system is so slow and very unresponsive. The new screens dont come on fast enough. I think it needs a major overhaul and another "upgrade". The old system at the other libraries is faster and more responsive.

Hiro Is Gone - In A Jiffy And Just Like That
Hiro has upped and left. He has given me some inkling of what is to come when we ran into each other. What with all the snivel levelled at him, I can't really blame him. But then again he isn't exactly the cleanest or tidiest person or has the prettiest toilet habits. But neither is the house.

To think he spent 5 years here in that room. He must have spent some $15000 in all that time here. I thought he deserved better, not only in terms of furnishings but also in treatment and the way Tim and his mother snivel about him. All that vile and bile.

I took a look at it when it was vacated. The mattress had its spread cover torn and tattered, the furniture weren't exactly plush nor useable. But what I think was really bad were clumps of black dirt right below the air-conditioner signalling that it hasnt been serviced for a very long time.

And that room - halfway tiled on the walls, part of the window view blocked by a slab of concrete outside, obliterating light, view and pervading doom and gloom.

And it is SO SMALL for the price he pays. He could have gotten a better deal. Bigger room. Better furnishings. A newer estate. Etc, etc.

Ewwwww.......and all that health concerns and health scare. Doesn't anyone has a code on this? Some basic decent health standard for a minimum of air-conditioner maintenance?

The United Nations
Well, of course, another area our international public relations mill must have done pretty well, is to have brought in most, if not all, 193 countries of the world to be based here either at the ambassadorial or legation or whatever level. Another foreign policy of sorts.

As Tired As A Panda
I didn't know I was that tired untill I nodded my head and dozed off at the community library the other day. I caught forty winks or more, I think. After that short siesta, I woke up refreshed.

Just yesterday, my neck and back were stiff as rocks while I had these black rings round my eyes and they were watering really bad and I yawned so many times, flies could have made their home in my open cavity.

All those nights of sleeping in one kama sutraic position on a single bed, cramming my movement, and sleeping very late at night because of the caffeine in my tea or the nicotine in my ciggies didn't help either, I suppose.

Budget Terminal
Changi Airport T2 has nice skylights now which tend to brighten up things a little bit more. I visited the Budget Terminal and was pleasantly surprised by the modern, contemporary decor: clean, spartan, bright, quite colorful and airy. The word "budget" was fonted red and curvy on roadposts and on the terminal's wall.

Instead of being on two floors, one on top of the other, the arrival and departure halls are laid back to back, next to each other. There is only ONE cafe here and about the only things you can do here is sit around. No viewing gallery, no shopping, no nothing.

But it was kinda fun watching the countless motorists playing hide-and-seek with the CISCO auxillaries at the car parking lot as they zoom off or have to be told to scoot off or risk a parking ticket.

I hung around and took in the sights while observing the arrival of tourists/locals from Haikou. In fact the destinations that fly here are of south-east asian or asian origins like Taipei or Padang or Clark, Manila.

Danny Boy From Darwin
He must be Charles Darwin's fan, hailing from that part of town, or is it countryside, of Australia. I struck up a conversation and we got round to talking on a myriad of topics like the Subic Bay (the Americans have left the base some 18 months ago) where he had just arrived from (and oh, by the way, he was stranded when he missed his connecting flight and had to spend a day here in Singapore), Steve Irwin and his third, or is it fourth time, here at the Budget Terminal.

I handed him about the only "Uniquely Singapore" brochure cum map written in English (apart from the Little India Walking Tour and the Shopping Guide - the rest of the brocks were in Japanese, Malay or Chinese) to help him move around here and promised him I will drop him an email.

The Fabulously Rich And Maybe Famous?
All these big branded cars like the Mercs and the BMWs (oh, I spotted a Malay ex-MP driving off in a Merc on the eastern side of Singapore after buying home a meal from a Malay coffee-shop where I was dining on a $2 worth of roti-john - and yes, oh my GOSH, food portion can be BIG at some places so I shared my roti-john and gave away my $2 fries to an elderly news-magazines vendor at Hougang ) were pulling up to pick up passengers at T2's Arrival Hall. It was quite a sight to watch these rich and perhaps famous people, all togged out, stepping in and out of their marques as I sucked and drew on my ciggies.

In fact most of the people at the airport were fabulously rigged out, fabulously beautiful and seemingly rich. There were Asian Indians, Caucasians and Asian Koreans, Japanese or Chinese (whoever they are).

A Victorian Code And Happy Feet
"Singapore: The Encyclopaedia" has rightly acknowledged the penal code on homosexuality as a dinosauric Victorian code imposed on a populace living in the 2lst century. Incidentally Queen Victoria's bust got symbolically smashed to smithereens in the animated movie "Flushed Away".

Doesn't "Happy Feet" purvey enough undercurrents on being different, singing and dancing to a different tune in life and on absurd religious fanaticism in lieu of human intervention and effort in the face of calamity to warrant a parallel human look in our own lives?

What about the BIGGEST EVIL in the world - that is us humans if you don't already know - who destroys about almost anything in its path to conquest of every and any available resource for our human consumption and industry greed?

The penguins' food chain was seriously threatened when the antarctic oceans were overfished.

Just think about it - it is time Man Is Abolished.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Oh Just Shut Your Trap, People!

The Third World, A Foreign Policy Of Sorts And Yilmaz Western
Surely this must not only encompass poorer Asian countries but also the Eastern European Bloc. Remember the Ukrainian gall I met at a fast food joint. In fact, even round my block, there is another. An Eastern European gal.

Coming from where they are, Singapore certainly is haven. Many have made their home here. Of course they like it here and are actively supporting our government.We have of course done very well in this arena of our foreign policy. These immigrants can give a glowing report of us back home. It makes good public relations.

They have it so good that when I look at the exterior of the Tampines dormitory, it had a better-looking facade than some places I have lived in. Psycho's place is an example.

Yilmaz is one such example. He is from Turkey and is now a PR. Maybe even a naturalised citizen which he chose not to reveal to me. Having been a seaman and worked the rounds of our shipyards, he now runs a Western food stall and loves life here!

Why don't you drop dead, MOE? We can do very well without you, MOE! If I had a child, I won't send him to preschool or even school, MOE! I think he will fare better homeschooling, MOE! You have collected enough school fees and exam fees from all your various exam boards, MOE! It is about time you get lost, MOE! You are cramming my style, MOE! I think I get stupider by the day being in your "institutionalised" system, MOE!

Get the picture, MOE?

The Merit In A Meritoxic Meri-Talk-Cock-cy
Let us examine what merit really is here in Singapore. Is it money? Donation? Kith and kinship? Party alliance? Connection? Bootlicking? Alleged allegiance and loyalty? Now there goes quite a list.

If the grapevine is anything to believe, someone heading our public investment institution was a Warrant Officer in the armed forces. And I thought the press made her out to be a graduate engineer. WHOA! What sterling credentials!

And she has a clone in the curriculum planning department in MOE. Does that explain anything that is happening both in our economy and education?

Hey Mr Temple Guardian
Well yeah. If you earn $1, you spend $0.20. Good advice! But this 70 year old dude inherited his wealth and he has donated $400 000 to a temple and now has time to "yam-cha". Please! Shut up! What do you know? He is like He-Ape's son and all those scions of successful business magnates. What do they know starting and scraping at the bottom?

A Meeting With The Holy Trinity
Two men and a woman. A job interview. This gal marketed her financial program and got about 15000 students enrolled on her program already. The program was co-developed with a certain school union. I knew it! Some advantaged connection!

I was working my butt and footwork, trudging down to all 300-odd primary and secondary schools, managing to scrimp only measly contracts here and there. And here she is, securing deals I can only dream about!

"The Peak" magazine laid out at the coffee table showed up celebrities, socialites, establishment players, ambassadors and entrepreneurs mingling.

Meri-Talk-Cock-Cy at its best!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hey Blabbermouth, What About Regulating This?
What I meant when I said that the blabbermouth at the public financial regulatory office should have just kept his big mouth shut tight was this: Remember all those bucket shops that thrived and cheated on its clients BIG TIME by pretending to have traded their investments in some overseas financial markets? Well, they weren't exactly stopped, were they? So?

We Are All Gays, So Do Not Impose On Ourselves "False Sexual PietyAnd Abstinence"
If that was imposed on the straights, then it is just a dose of their own medicine. Let them feel how it feels for us to be living in their self-righteous and imposed world.

Now, Tim's place isn't exactly the TIDIEST and CLEANEST in the whole Toa Payoh-Bishan precinct. I mean there is cooking going on and there are scraps in the sink, in the trash bag near the rubbish chute and that attracts ants, cockroaches and lizards.

I must be dredging hair and dirt from all over the place into me room with my CROCS (TM) clogs. Now that my work clothes aren't wrinkle-free, I have to iron them and the ironing board and the iron aren't exactly in the best of state. Its wires exposed (a potential electrical hazard) and a flimsy board.

My Challenges During My Entrepreneurship Stint
First, everything goes onto the tender system. I am only a SOHO against the couple of hundred primary, secondary schools, junior colleges and tertiary institutions (not to mention all the government bodies)

I can be sitting the whole day and night at the PC, and with all the buggy hardware and software glitches and connection speeds, it is a hair-tearing experience. And our dear "educationists" want moi, on top of all that, to set up booths to collect cash for my programs.

Now the Edusave fund is a BIG ISSUE. But MOE HQ tells me that all it needs is a few clicks to extract a name list and deductions can be made. Not the name by name entry schools are trying to sob a story to me. Who am I to believe?

I am a marketeer, an administrator, a trainer and everything else rolled into one. I am not complaining but at the end of the day, I have just a few projects worth a measly contract value.

I am not a civil servant who sits on his behind and even if he/she does nothing (a fund manager who manages someone else's funds and not his own can also be similarly analogised) at the end of the day, gets a regular paycheck to see him through his meals, mortgage and car loan for the month.

Because this is my passion, my money and my calling, I will do it. But I am a private enterprise not some public enterprises who can afford the luxury of time to sit and wait while watching my everything crumble and dwindle. That usually means finances.

You have a calendar year of scheduled events that fall within certain months like exams, sports day, Founder's Day, etc and I am sure you can fix my programs somewhere year on year. It doesn't change that much, does it, year to year?

You can't be coming to me weeks ahead and schedule a training program, can you? Where goes your purported year-end "committee" meeting to discuss and schedule educational edifice for your charges for next year?

If educators feel they are saddled with CCA, CIP, academic or administrative duties, trash it out with the MOE policy dudes. Do not thrash it with me. I am there as an outsourcee. And I am a private enterprise. Please do not outsource to just within your family bloc (that means among the government bodies).

I think there should be CIP teachers, CCA (that include Arts and Sports) teachers, Outdoor Experential Learning teachers and different academic (Business, Maths, Science, English, etc) teachers and so on with all the necessary administrative back-up.

But like me if I think I can do a few, why not? I don't wanna stick with just one and I can handle it and I am paid for it.

If you think my enrichment programs duplicate yours and the teachers can do it, then do it. Why ain't I seeing you doing it? Why are the tuition centres shadowing what should be your job? Ain't I doing you a service by bringing the programs to your doorsteps to supplement (and not supplant) your teaching?

Schools Have Changed Beyond Recognition
When I flipped the yearbooks like the one of SJI back in those days, I noticed how staff was overwhelmingly male. Now the situation has reversed.

I am not sure which is a better thing. One thing I do know is that now probably the wimps (gays and bis) and the bimbs are hogging the educational service and perhaps that explains all the problems surfacing in schools.

The insecurity. The sado image to uphold. The inability to cope because of family tie-downs, etc. The GALL and WIMP thing to have everyone conform to one MOULD (run like a home). So can you juggle family and work? Can this mean it is a men's world, maybe even a single man's world?

How The Teaching Of Social Studies Can Go Wrong
I can see other ways of answering a source-based or structured essay question. But apparently our educators or curriculum planners can only see the few "model" answers.

That sums up how our system has gone wrong. A one-track mind and one-track route to answering questions and teaching and learning.

My Personal Teaching Wishlist
I wanna teach one academic subject like English or the Humanities or Business. I can do a lifeskill program like communication studies or project work or drama or art. I like to conduct outdoor activities like a gym session or a kayak session or landscape art painting or a nature trail or an expedition or learning journey for instance. That would be my passion for teaching - indoors and outdoors. I expect to be paid correspondingly.

I ain't going into any teaching academy for 4 years, not even 2 and waste my time when I know it isn't even platinum standards, let alone gold. All that airy-fairy theoretical one track methodology that is supposed to "handle" 40 diverse personalities. I am just gonna sit bored stiff, listening.

Mind you, there is a price to pay with a couple of years' bond and "subsidised" fees.

Outscource The Government Too
Since outsourcing is such a popular in-thing now, we can seriously consider this. How do we know we are getting the value for the kinda money we are paying out of our national coffers?

The Gauntlet
Let all enterprises and government know that if the company or country isn't doing well, the first to sacrifice his/her pay packet should be none other than the organisational leaders themselves.

Sell your house and car, downgrade, live in the public houses you built for the masses, have a feel and taste of how it is like, living in one, day in and day out and take the public transport which "spoilt" Singaporeans are whinging about.

I am not even sure the commentators are we. I mean they could be the permanent residents or even the naturalised citizens. So they had it good and of course they arent affected. They could even be the establishment players themselves.

A projected 5.5 million population in the future and an influx of foreigners (with the S pass relaxation and the Sentosa IR projects coming up) aren't gonna add on to the crush?

Try another time slot like 8.30pm in the night and judge if the crowd is the same as the 8.30am one. Try the early morning 6 or 6.30 am slot during school hours.

Administrators, come down from your lofty castle and live among us. Don't dream and live in cloud nine.

Where Do $1 million and $500 000 Get You These Days
You can afford a 4 maybe 5 -room flat that is fully paid for at today's resale prices and keep for savings, investment and retirement.

With half a million, you can only afford a 2 room and very little left over for anything else.

Dont Be A Fucking Bastard and CCB, MOE
By now you would have recognised the thread this is going. I have just added some and it MAY go on.

Friday, November 17, 2006

I Am So Gloomy And Broody, The Sky Can't Rain Any Worse Than This

Someone at some public financial regulatory office mentioned stepping in if private residential property prices spiral out of control. Read the above, MR WHOEVER YOU ARE. I am wagering my entire life on this one piece of investment just to get out of the rut I am in now - my house, my car, my retirement plans, my savings. You screw this for me and I am gonna screw your arse!

You Stink MOE
If I blundered once at the education job interview simply by innocently asking for a job fit to match my skills, what about MOE? Didn't they do the same all this time with special education for the intellectually gifted and not the intellectually slower?

I Think I Got A Job
The interview turned out well as far as I am concerned. A commercial vehicle sales representative. No basic, just a measly transport and monthly allowance.An equally measly commission on each vehicle sold. Amounting to a liveable monthly wage if I hit my sales target.

But who are the customers I am serving? And this will be for the most part of my day, spending my life like this. No creativity, use of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. No nothing. I seriously have to think about this and I don't wanna commit and back out should a suitable teaching job arises.

Major Hardware And Software Glitches
I have moved to the Beta version of blogspot and it is a double log-in like STARHUB. And the library is upgrading its system and OMFG, it is so slow and when I type, the letters don't come out at the same rate as my typing speed. There is a delay reaction.

Not to mention all the incompatibility issues I have been experiencing at the LAN shops. I have to convert my documents into rtf at some shops but these can't be uploaded at some job sites because they can only receive doc documents.

OMG, Look Who I Bump Into
Royston! I had a brief exchange with him but I wished I had been braver asking for his personal contact but I thought better of it as it seems kinda inappropriate at a first meeting!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I Am Simply A HopeLess In Life

Muiz, You Just Don't Understand
If you thought I was nonchalant about our relationship, you are dead wrong. I was stressed and not settled back then. I had to contend with all those "gaylords" and moved house 5 times. You didn't exactly send out very clear signals either. You wanted to return to your previous "abused" relationship with that dude who treated you like dirt and you had this group of khakis whose position I am unclear. You can't commit and you said you can't live in, may turn straight, etc etc. I can't read you or make out where you stand.

Add One More To The Definition Of Wimp
Oh yes, to me, wimps are also sluts who yearns and asks for fucks. Come on, you are a guy, not a gall! You wanna be a bi's punching bag?

Being Gay Is Far Worse An Ordeal Than The Hetero Community Can Imagine
We can't own affordable places till 35. Not having a home make living together impossible. We can only second guess each other's sexuality in public places, that means attuning our gaydar. We have no spousal nuptial ties or social contract binding us as there is no Woman's charter backing us up. We can't have PDA and we can't this and we can't that. What kinda sane condition is this for the emotional well-being of a person?

Surprise! Surprise!The Pot Calling The Kettle Black!
My title blog "Who goes there in the dark? Show thyself" could be equally applied to what I discovered that night. Tim brought home a total stranger (at least to me), a motor-biker carrying a crash helmet who slept over. He could well be responsible for soiling the toilet bowl too as he was using it the next morning. This proves my suspicion among other nagging suspicions I have been having. And we ain't supposed to have visitors?

Kallang Riverside Park
I have been to only one stretch of the beach but not the other or in fact, the whole loop of the beach and waterway. It is nice and the kayakers even nicer. But the place is small. I watched the kayakers and the water-skiiers while SDBA was towing some boats from one side to another.

The Role Of Government
If I had not spelt out more clearly the turfground which government should be operating on, perhaps I should now. I am not sure if it is their business to be in business in the first place. And the money they make, shouldn't that be ploughed into doing good for the community?

I thought they should play a more facilitating and regulatory role in the interest of the people. They should step in when corporations do not treat its staff well or even abuse the working relationship. In other words to put wrongs right. For justice and equality.

If I go for a constituency surgery, I do expect them to help me solve my problems. They are the government after all. If they can't, who else can?

Someone has to tell them sometimes how some things just aint working some of the time, right?

The Parable Of The Flatulating Diarrheaic
They can't accuse us of being whingers when most of the problems were created by the system in the first place. Like the recent card reader which cant read two EZLink cards or one EZLink card and contactless cashcard at the same time. It isn't fair to say that the onus is now upon us to remove one or the other. It is their GODDAMN FUCKING duty to rectify it.

As I have mentioned, the creator will have to be the destroyer. He who has created can similarly destroy or put right. The root cause of a problem has to be uprooted and destroyed. Like a flatulating diarrheaic. He alone has to be cured of the disease. You can't expect all of us to be cleaning up after him while he still goes around flatulating and diarrheaing, right?

Poor Old Man At The Corner Of The Bishan CPF Building
He begged for money. This is so pathetic. When I thought about Makcik near the Sultan Mosque, I can imagine her hopelessness, her desperation and her anxieties of surviving from one day to another. Like I am beginning to. Given these could be hoaxes but still I gave, from my heart.

Successful Welfare Models
I am glad MPs have brought up how the Scandinavians have done particularly well in their welfare model when compared to Germany or England. This has earned a swift but sure rebuttal with figures to boot. I still think we should take a second look.

Where Is The Crowd At The Library?
Today, it is almost a ghost town. All the mugging has disappeared. There are just about a couple more exam papers like the Combined Humanities, Additional Maths and Combined Science to go. So the muggers must be taking a break or they are done.

Oops, I spoke too soon. They are streaming in right now.

The Inequality Of The Sexes
This dark and good looking chap was with a bevy of galls. They were shunning him, calling him "gay". He kinda seem like he was latching onto them. I feel so sorry for him. Hey dude, if you are reading this, latch on to me instead. I welcome it.

By the way, I have been noticing this really cool CHS dude. When you observe his quiet demeanour, you can't feel how well-behaved he is . More than I can say for the galls I have seen.

Monday, November 13, 2006

A Crazy Monday Morning

A Near Dust-Up
This PRC prick first played loud music from his PC while LANNING, even though there were headphones readily available. He was occupying the first few rows of tables where I was. I had to only because these were the PC stations that had CDROM readers and floppy disks for me to work on my resumes.

I requested him to tone down as I was already exasperated and overwhelmed with the sheer amount of job applications I had to submit, not restricting myself anymore to a teaching job but to sales, training, customer service, logistics and so on. These are really not my calling but I do not have very many choices left what with finance, time, age and academic qualifications not being on my side.

I will not teach in an all-girls school. Neither will I subject myself to training in the only teacher's academy here when I know what I can expect. Which is only to teach in the primary school section which isn't what I want unless as an enrichment program trainer. And not to mention the bond and school fees I have to bear. My best hope is still in the independent schools or the privately funded or private schools which occupy school campuses. Not the tuition centres. Not anything else.

This prick refused and after a while when I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up and shouted a string of vulgarities at him. At one point into our fight, he picked up a panel filled with nails and waved it at me. I would have thrown a chair at him but I thought better of getting myself hurt when he was more superiorly armed.

I called the police and as usual, I was disappointed that they could not take any sterner action other than issuing a warning. Especially since my life had been at risk.

I was angry at the "management" who had not persuaded him to tone down sooner. In fact they came up to me and cited the hourly rate of $2.00 as a non-profit venture for them to intervene. Their premise with its broken down panel had been turned into a potential assault weapon and they haven't taken more care of this. This only enraged me more.

Our Foreign Talent Got In Through The Back Door
These PRC students were almost like the few I witnessed who got into schools with donations , although they did not pass the admission tests. I am not sure what they are here for most of the time. Their backgrounds remain dubious and their "peidu" mamas even more doubtful. Were they their accompanying "mothers" even? They seem to be here for some job openings on the side or in the future. Their ages and qualifications masked beyond our immigration's notice or care.

And we are providing bondless scholarships to these ingrates which range from the Asean to the PRC schemes. What madness!

A Meeting With The UnHoly Trinity
Thinking back, I indeed had a meeting with the UnHoly Trinity and this was with MOE. Years back, after going round the commercial schools, I decided perhaps I could try out teaching in the public schools. I applied and was called up for an interview.

A panel of the Unholy Trinity swung into action. There was this long table with the threesome (a woman -bimb- who was bowed to by a blimp - an old fart and a young man - wimp) seated across moi with their names and designations displayed on tags on the table.

The younger Indian man who wore an ear-ring, upon my commenting on what I could do for the academically gifted, grimaced and made it clear I had transgressed on something. He asked me what I could do for the EM3 which perhaps was something he thought a male teacher should be doing? He struck me as vindictive. In fact the whole panel did.

Now I wanna ask whether shouldn't someone who wanna teach be assigned to teach pupils and subjects he/she feels confident about. Why would you want someone strong in the English language to teach Maths or Science when these are not his forte? And if he is more adept at teaching the intellectually abled, so shouldn't this be his gift? If I am teaching, it has nothing to do with my gender. I am not going to pretend to be a sado-macho. I am there to open up hearts, minds and souls.

If there is a need, I have my own brand of disciplinary control. My style is my style.

The whole panel made it sound as if they were some gods/godesses deciding on the people's fates. This is probably the grouses of many in the teaching service. They are for whatever reasons assigned and posted to teach pupils, subjects and at schools which they dont fit. It seems that these are sentences meted out for whatever "trangressions" they have committed. More like not ingratitaing to the upper reaches of the education service.

A Benign Or Belligerent God?
This reminded me of the different tracks religion take. For mine, it seems that someone's calamities in life is a result of some trangressions on his part and as a result he is punished with every kind of affliction in life. So he is to bear and grin it like Jesus carrying his cross. That explains his fellow Christians looking on and mocking him as a sinner? This is insane and almost as good as driving a person to his deathbed.

Another Christian religion however opines that this is otiose. Jesus had carried and died on the cross for us so we need not suffer.

Now, which of the two almost similar religions is more benign? And is God a severe and punishing God or a compassionate and loving one? If he is both, what of the more vile crimes committed against mankind in history? Have the perpetrators been swiftly brought to justice and sentenced? What of all the crusades in History ? Were they justified?

Whipping The NewSpeak
Going by the number of times the Whip has been lifted in all the decades of Parliament sittings, you can hazard a guess where all these newspeak is heading. Into the trash bin and dumped.

Who Are You In The Dark! Show Thyself!
If I read blogs in the blogosphere and someone can have MM Lee's lawsuit documents posted online, I know there are people in blogosphere who must be in some ways linked with the establishment. They are keeping tabs and spying.

In fact I know for some time, I have been confronted with many strange incidents along the way wherever I go which can only be planted by the establishment. And the people I keep bumping into are sometimes familiar faces. Like this morning for example. That PRC boy I have seen quite a few times on the bus and at the LAN shop.

It seems someone is throwing things down my way to test and to harass moi. Well I say FUCK YOU! It shows that you are no better than a rat who hides in holes!

I write and speak with no fear. That is and will always be my motto.

As I have said I am a pretty neutral kind of guy at first but I got sucked into all these bloody fucking stuff not of my free will. The people I met were always whinging and I am beginning to see why. I am beginning to whinge myself.

That is what all your doings have made this nation of people to be! Pure and simple!

Friday, November 10, 2006

A New Season Of Blogs

Hold On, Here I Am Logging In And Look What I Found!
This is amazing! I log in through the Hub Centre and to view my bill, I have to log in again through the Account Manager! Double vision! Oo! But if I log in through the Account Manager Tab, I can view the bill directly!

So why the HUB thingy at all?

Why I am Pissed Today!
Starhub hasn't informed its subscribers of this termination of log-in through its Account Manager tab. Could it not have transferred existing account holders to the Hub Account automatically, saving them the hassle of re-registering? Couldn't they also link their existing e-services to the Hub and not make them wait for the mapping service.

Sweet Clove-Flavored Ciggies
I am onto this pack of "manis" ciggies which leaves a sweet aftertaste. Far out!

Governance For The Good Of The Majority
If we are to believe this, then the abundance and easy availability of fleshpots here is for the good of the majority. Straying spouses, break-ups and divorces. This must be good for the majority.

What about allowing foreigners to prostitute themselves openly here! According to one source, it seems that prosperous Singapore is duty-bound to allow these Third World harlots in to feed off our wealth. After all, the old farts here have no better use for their CPF funds, do they?

WHOA! I didn't know this was our responsibility! What about reciprocity? We don't find it easy to work abroad and I don't mean just the soliciting kind. Almost every type of work!

Look At The Galls Here!
I am not asking for demure bimbos nor am I asking for scantily clad witches nor ungirly butches. But hey, everytime I turn around, I see girls misbehaving. Screaming their lungs off, talking at butchy voices and cackling like the three witches of Mcbeth, they arent the girls they should be.

We have beaten down the last breath of almost every remaining dude here with the dire consequence that the GALLs have been let off lightly to the extent that they have climbed over the cuckoo's nest atop a tree.

Now they RULE the WORLD!

The Psychology Of Hate
This book is worth a read. It is well-researched and explains HATE like it is. Get a load of this! There is a taxonomy of hate from cool hate, hot hate to simmering, seething and burning hate! It also lays out the psychological foundations and origins of hate. Prejudice, history, racism, religion, ideology, us-and-them devaluation of groups of people and so on.

By the way, I am beginning to feel it too. HATE BIG TIME!

Starhub Lag
Starhub has just done away with logging in through the Account Manager menu such that all subscribers have to log in through the Hub Management centre. That means that I have to register for an account with the Hub Centre. WHOA! If you think this was easy, think again.

I had to make several calls to the centre just so to navigate the controls, in no small part due to the vague instructions given probably because the operator doesn't know better. I now have to wait an hour to log in even though I have activated the account upon an email notification and it was successful.

As it is now, after logging into my HUB account and clicking on the Account Manager Tab, it prompts me for another log-in. A double log-in! What incredulity! Apparently I can view my bill when on the Account Manager mode. I hope so.

You are so GOOD............!

Library's Peculiar Glitch
I have this funny feeling that the people who are responsible for writing the computer system program probably doesn't know a thing about library patrons' needs. Maybe even the library administrators arent aware.

I am on the library's online catalogue. I search for a book by typing in either keywords (I almost always pick this as I go by the book's title) or the author or name (not sure what "name" means - author's or what?). I limit my search by language (English in my case), media type (adults for me) , date (date? I will if I know) and branch (wherever I happen to be).

For the last few weeks except only for today, it has been turning up NIL results. When I look into the search box engine again, a string of gibberish (or Spanish maybe) is attached to the string of search keywords. I delete this string and re-enter and hey presto, it turns up results.

GOD! What is it with you, system! It worked today but not the last few times!

Where Do We Find True Talent?
Maybe they are found in our prisons? I don't know. What do you think?

We Can't All Be Singing Hymns Of Praises, Can We?
Let me be that vocal critic of our system here. We can't all be the Naked Emperor's minions to sing praises, sweep all and sundry under the red carpet, pretend that nothing is wrong here and that everything is working fine.

Let this be the job of all the mindless, hopeless, ingratiating idiots and lapsdogs in our society.

You Didn't Do Your Sums Right To Extract The Most Of Each Combination, Did You?
Some of the coffeshops don't have a fixed meal menu for the "kayakun toast". Like a whole meal set (eggs, toast and drink thrown in) at a certain price. They specify 2 eggs, 2 slices of toast and a drink. You can't have one of each but you can have 2 of each type and each type only. I get so cheesed I just order a drink as a protest. Doesn't that leave the vendor with less? I understand it has something to do with the toasting machine or boiler or something. Too bad for you!

What Will All This Newspeak Translate Into?
Yes, we have more relevant issues surfacing now at this new sitting of parliament. But what will it all lead to? Will it all be more talk and no action? Are we not running into brickwalls yet again? Will someone like me wanna sit in parliament all day making speeches without seeing any concrete translation?

Wait. Didn't someone say that it is gonna take 20 years before homosexuality gets decriminalised? 20 years! That will be when I have one foot in the coffin and the other doddering on a walking stick. It is like earning a princely 5 figure salary every month at that age or starting a business. What use will that be for me?

Elaborate Fashion Styling And Whoring
So if you can't live with yourself and you have to resort to overwhelmingly prettifying yourself, it doesn't speak much about you does it? I mean I can understand if you have very bad scarring or something. But if you spend tonnes on cosmetics, hair-styling and fashion, then well, oops, I dont think what you see is what you get. What you see isn't what you get! Not at all au naturel.

What about money spent in schools on deportment? Is that necessary? Wouldn't just some tips on personal basic hygiene and grooming suffice and not the whole elaborate works?

In fact why dont you wear pants! That way schools would not have a problem enforcing hemline rules!

Don't Go Into Bastardized Education, MOE
I have said as much on my educational review blogs. There is nothing wrong with academic achievement but to expect students to excel excellently (which is what an aggregate score in PSLE, the L1R4/L1R5 and the numeric point system for university admission are doing) a basket of compulsory examinable subjects is asking for a SUPERWOMAN or SUPERMAN mentality.

It is good we introduce other subjects like business, economics and computer studies as options but not as compulsories. Make all subjects modular so students can pick subjects they do well in or have the aptitude and passion for. We have to get this very clear from the outset.

Academic studies should be the preserves of public schools and not "commercial schools". Commercial schools should be providing educational alternatives, not tuition (especially run on a class-size basis) which is only saddling students with more academic overload, spilled over from mainstream schools.

However small-groups of 5 or less and one-on-one tuition are effective academic remedial and enrichment supplements and complements.

My Definition Of Wimps
Please don't get me wrong. I have no problems with men/boys who get along well with women/girls, just so long as they don't adopt those traits that define GALLS the way they are. Those very irritating traits in terms of behavior (not such a big problem if it is feminine traits that a guy exhibits) and thinking, values, their culture, their mouth, their everything.

To me wimps are guys who cannot stand up for what is in their heart. Mouth things they don't mean. Say what everyone else is saying. Act like a sado-macho. Covering up their sexuality by marrying or having a GALL round them as a shield for fear of being found out (but it is ok if they need this as an emotional prop or shield but why cant they lean on a guy, I can offer my shoulder and my gonads if they truly need it...)

It is sad that many bis have married and still do things on the side. Live a lie. Condemn gays even. They are really our scourge. Crucifying us. They turn out worse than any other gays or straights.

I think we all have to be true to ourselves. This is the last bastion of our personal space and freedom.

No One Left Behind - You Mean Your Flatulating Behind?
If this is the resounding chant of the DOTA SENTINELS AND SCOURGE we are onto now, explain why that poor old lady sitting right in the middle of the road in front of Bugis Junction/Seiyu near the traffic stoplight pedestrain crossing along Victoria Street is still there. Or the makcik near the Sultan Mosque?

Someone obviously hasn't wiped his behind after a trip to the loo. Or he hasn't been washing his hands?

Meri-Talk-Cock-tic Meritocracy
A reporter ran an excellent article today on meritocracy. I thought I should just add another side to the story. The story of how some "foreign talents" are winning the much hard won and well deserved places in our education system by our locals without seemingly much correspondent effort and merit. They pay money to get in.

Now isn't that merit-talk-cock-cy? Or is that your cock in your own mouth?

Breathing Fire Dragons And Phoenixes
There seems to be just a bit more fire and brimstone in Parliament now. The new crop of parliamentarians have surfaced pertinent issues that affect the lives of many. For instance, in the case of a media ban or censorship either in screen or print, people should be allowed to judge for themselves what is good or bad.

The more controversial a book or movie is, the more reasons it should be permitted to be read or watched. Usually this says or purveys issues that are true but which out of political correctness and for a myriad of factors, it is feared to provoke public outcries.

Let there be all the public outcries there can be if it means that the truth be out or that another perspective or view to an issue be allowed to see the light of day.

Your Cranial Mucus Is Thinning...........That Is Why It Is Time You Wear A Toupee (Fake Hair)....Geddit?
But one thing amid all the changes to the Penal Code remains, even though our law-makers have made it abundantly clear that they will not be pro-actively policing or enforcing it. Section 377A which is termed "outrages on decency" (what if it is consensual and the other guy is actually asking for it or enjoys it?) remains in force.

When the encyclopedia invokes "Asian Values", I almost wanted to bend over and ask a "sodomite to fuck me good in the arse - just for laughs not thrills, mind you. It will be my GRAND TWO TIMES having sodomy committed against my "weak will". This is so laughable, the Republicans have been routed but Singapore still has the PAP.

Again this is not only discriminatory, it is also contradictory especially when we have men's clubs here which surely do not have fashion shows as an appetizer on their menu. It is like banning the Nation Party here in Singapore on the unproven grounds of AIDS spreading when we still have gay parties in clubs and pubs. What is the difference or the point even?

Not as if the heteros (or is it bis) are not "playing ball" given the proliferation of karaoke lounges, bars and brothels here.

Someone's cranial mucus at the top of our policy-making machinery must be thinning......

Muiz ...I Miss Our Hot Kisses
Yeah, this is another thing I miss. Our long, deep, hard tongues thrusting into each other's oral orifices. These are kisses only men can share and love.

I can't imagine kissing a woman like that. Not even if she opts to take off her lip-color or has pearly white teeth. YUCKS! Get off me women!

How Am I Feeling These Days
Despondent, desperate, depressed, down and alone. Can't find a suitable teaching job (not teaching an all-GALLS outfit for one) and Muiz has all but left me. I am just living out my days one day at a time.

The last interview I went for was a direct-sales job (which kinda mean pyramid selling). I have to purchase a set of demo-packs and likewise, all other "customers" I approach. They in turn will have their "customers" do the same.

This company is affiliated to a local major publishing company which in turn is a subsidiary of an American BIG TIME media mogul. I am not gunning for this job for reasons I know best.

I have bought myself some really cool and neat working clothes but I don't seem to be going anyway or wearing them anytime soon. This is such a waste!

Something must come up....sooner than I can hope for.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Muiz I Miss You Dearly

Everytime I look at other dudes, my thoughts stray to thinking about you. The good times we had for a while, your smile, your personality, your twinky bod and our conversations. I hope you understand that I was stressed for a period. Do call me when you are ready. I don't have your number anymore.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I Am Dying Soon I Think - Of Boredom That Is

Western Vs Asian
We didn't copy the Western model of democracy and of openness and communication. But we certainly didn't hesitate imbibing their sleaze like their media, porn, sex and bars. What does this speak of us?

The True Spirit Of Philantropy Then
Back in the old days, we had our philantropists, people like Tan Tock Seng and Tan Kah Kee. They built hospitals and schools for the destitute, the sick and the disadvantaged. Not only in Singapore but even as far away as China.

There weren't any credit point system for admission into universities to be had, no international image to uphold, no National Day Awards to receive nor were they run like the sleek business-generating machinery that is charity organisations today. They did it straight from their heart. For the good of the community and for the people.

The Role Of Government
I had blogged on the role women can play in society and more recently the role of religion.

Today, it just hit me that government too has a role to play. It has to be the provider of essential goods (like water, power, housing, welfarism and education) where a commercial one would seriously price these out of reach to the people.

In the same way, it has to mitigate in the untrammelled greed of commerce and its externalities while ensuring that it itself does not go down the same path . Sure, by all means be pro-businesses but at the same time, it has to act as the guardian and protector of the people's interests.

So How Is It Here?
It does seem that the people here are the ones footing the charity bill for the less fortunate. Think ethnic-based groups with monthly donations, flag days , charity events and so on. How much of the money goes to the poor directly or to the maintenance of some buildings or HQ in the case of charity organisations?

This poor old lady is still sitting near the Sultan Mosque.

Iconic buildings
These must be the preserve of tourism. Like our tourism board, museums , the resorts, the arts and other revenue-generators. Certainly not government buildings.

As for the maintenance of these buildings, in the case of the IRs, it would be the developers and owners who are responsible. So why not?

Work And Play
No wonder Daniel isn't keen on a LTR. He has said as much himself. He works at the men's club. Of course!

Evasive Evasion
This geezer was hogging the newspaper reading table, frantically scribbling notes in the margins of his investment portfolio. I casually asked how it was doing. Guess what he said? It isn't his and he is "assiduously" doing this for a friend. Look here! You don't have to be so kiasi. I won't be hankering after your wealth or something man!

I can understand that there is a huge shortage of tables in the community library after students had reserved the available ones for their study groups. But hey, I do need to read the papers. The last time I tugged at the chain to try to get the papers round to another table, the plastic binder broke off.

We can forget about holding any decent conversation or even striking up any meaningful friendship with our country men here, apart from wheedling for business deals. There is nothing to bind us.

Then again we can't really be sure they are our "country" men or women right?

In Your Dreams
I am not sure how the job statistics come about. A hundred and twenty thousand jobs created. Perhaps these are for the low-entry level kind, not the middle or high-end type.Then again, are they even created for Singaporeans?

Let Us Forget About High-Level Skills
As I have mentioned before, it doesn't take a degree to perform administrative, executive , logistical or whatever functions. So it isn't about people not having the skills but more that the jobs preclude them because of paper credentials. Wholly otiose, if I must add.

You mean they can't pick this up on the job? Does that piece of paper shows him what he has to perform at his work?

What Is Happening In My Life Now
Teaching jobs that require degrees. Look, I have seen teachers in action in schools and they dont strike me as degree-holders at all. The way they talk and reason. In fact, I think Auntie at home makes a better teacher and philosopher.

I have applied for sales and administrative jobs but this has not turned up anything save for an interview next Tuesday. Even a "boarding executive" job at a school hostel drew a blank.

Since I am already renting a room and there is a dearth of things to do at home (no TV, no computer) and people to talk to (everyone is unto themselves and I may not necessarily connect to one and all), I was thinking why not I put up at a school hostel and be in charge of young people.

At least I have some company to kee[ (for better or worse) and there are always the dudes I can relate to (drool). Some hostels even pay a housing subsidy to foreigners. Can you imagine that? Here I am, a local and I am footing a monthly rent out of my own pocket.

A simple job like that is also denied me.

Oo, Cutie Pie
Every which way I turn I have bumped into this cute SJI dude. At Vivo, at the library, at the park, almost everywhere. GOSH! What does all this mean?

Muiz, I Just Wanna Say This
I really really really love you. And miss you. When you walked away that day, my heart sank. You actually priortize your "friends" (of whom your relationship I am unclear) over me. I am so sorry I said those things just to spite and hurt you.

I like to call you but I can't. I have erased you from my contact list in a fit of fury and jealousy. I hope we can give our relationship another go.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

This One Is For You Muiz!

Muiz, I am just so disappointed in you. You came into my life when I wasn't particularly the best of myself, what with having moved house 5 times and living with wimpy gaylords. Now that I am ready, it seems that you have deserted me. You walked away that day when I thought you wouldn't. It is no way to start any relationship if we can't be truthful to each other or go on a fetishy and physically abusive sexual relationship. I have erased you and your contact from my list. But I do wish we can still get together.Above all, you can't commit and I am not sure who you are hanging out with and what your real position is with them and with me.If you think you can, let me know. I will be waiting!