Friday, November 04, 2005

What's In A Relationship

Let us be really frank here. There are all sorts of sexual relationships going on here. There are hetero, homo and bi-sexual copulations. Unfortunately there are a few no-nos we need to take heed.

If someone is a bisexual, he/she has to take a stance early and decide which of the two he wants to go full steam ahead. There must be no ambivalence. Any ambivalence is tantamount to keeping a mistress or concubine of either sex on the quiet. This can only lead to heartaches and utter mayhem in one's love life. I personally cannot stomach any of this rubbish.

I have seen enough of so-called wimpy bisexuals who cannot decide. These are people with a very weak sense of their own sexual identity. I will give him a chance to decide and if he cannot, then off he goes.

Some are the macho-mary variety who think they could have the best of both worlds, with no strings or commitment attached. This is despicable to say the very least. The other party who goes into this sexual alliance must be deluding himself. If it is a one-night stand, well. Just do not lead the other person on, thinking there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and have him wagging his tail after your every dalliance with him.

Similarly a hetero has to keep faithful to his/her partner come what may. The above consequences follow likewise if this is not adhered to. It is unfair to both parties if one strays. A homosexual is no different. My blog is to focus on homosexuals.

I have seen enough of the bottom or flexi gays who stick around bis or heteros to his own detriment. For christ's sake, these guys have their girl friends and wives with them and only using stupid gays like this as a side-kick and frolick for fuck.

Some gays cannot see this. They waste their youth hanging around them like dogs do masters at the dining tables waiting upon scraps for food. It would instead be more productive for them to form stable relationships with fellow gays who are thinking ahead long term.

I have personally experienced some. If someone has given up on our relationship and broken off, I will never come back to it again. The reasons for the break-up could be he has no time. Imagine it is a relationship of convenience which only comes forth when he has the time. This is not a relationship to go back to.

I have relationships like this. People who waver. People who are shallow. People unable to commit and decide. Once this relationship breaks, it is over and done with. I will enter a new relationship with no clinging to the past.

A gay I met entered into our relationship with strong feelings for his ex. This is so stupid. If you can't let go and you have been treated shabbily, you are in for hell to enter a new relationship with the past controlling the present. Ask yourself why you guys broke up in the first place? And never turn back once it is over unless that guy deserves a second chance. Most don't and I won't allow it.

Some stupid gays persist despite the shabby and dog-on-leash treatment. I pity them. A relationship is an equal one where both are treated respectfully, faithfully and lovingly. No one should be relegated to a "sit-shake-hands" doggie on command.

I suppose some hetero guys and gals are the same too. You can imagine how some hetero-guys can be just as wimpy. Cannot let go and clinging on.

You have my best wishes for a good sexual relations.

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