Friday, November 25, 2005

Superb Smart Sub-And-Superstructure

You have been warned of "blimps, bimbs, wimps and chinkos". Be warned of three vocations I would not work for - insurance, real estate and multi-level marketing (which still look suspiciously like pyramid-selling despite an Act proscribing it). All three smack of the prohibition Act itself too. If I should die, I would die a death of academia - that is where I belong. Not in commercial or some public set-ups either.

In my last blog I wrote of an almost 3 hour wait at the orthopaedic clinic and pharmacy. What is very wrong with a Medical Officer in attendant is that this bloke is choosing his medical specialisation at the moment and is feeling his way around the various specialties. It was I who had to insist on a follow-up X-ray half a year later to review my spine condition and request for physiotherapy. This back of mine is now giving me so much pain I simply have to seek relief.

First World infrastructure (or is it?) with Third World wages and wussies. Just to cite a few instances of world-class and well-thought out infrastructure. The lift buttons at my apartment building have dotted braille but the numerals were cast in equally reflective silver which the old has difficulty seeing. It was more recently that they made them into lit-up recessed and carved out numerals.

The wooden doors at the hospital were made of such heavy-cast material the infirmed and aged have to push them open with all their almighty strength. A light-weight and equally durable material is certainly called for. Imagine for a moment, wheel-chair bound and crutched patients facing this menacing ordeal every moment of their lives. We just don't know what it is like to be old - yet.

All glitz and gloss equal a slippery fall and posssibly death. Our tiled floors are all that and more. I would be wiser to choose a matt and non-slip finish for safety rather than aesthetics reasons.

We have smart building technology groups within most of our building, construction, housing and urban-planning authorities. Rather than examing functionable functions, they have perhaps looked too closely at form.

Schools I have visited have been so designfully designed, practicalities like rain shelters have been overlooked to the detriment that pupils could actually get wet sitting in their classrooms when the rain beats in or when they move from class to class along the corridors. What use is the UFO design and koi-pond theme? Did these do anything to improve their lives except perhaps to win an award? An award for who and what? For the soul? For the body? For the mind? Or just an award for a mere physicality?

While on the topic on education, let me lament once more how despite the numerous national and international competitions, trophies and awards, strings of distinctions in internationally-recognised examinations and "Special" paper subjects and world-class universities, our top-class graduating students , besides enriching themselves personally, have not produced a shred of compassion, improvement in the community's lives, people-friendly policies and medical or scientific invention to relieve poverty, pain, suffering and diseases in the world.

That must surely be education's aims, or is it?

I have personally promulgated a number of enrichment programs in schools, chief of which were orientation/transition programs for primary schoolers to secondary, personal mastery programs and life-skills programs. What ensued were copycats from the very schools themselves who either do these programs on their own or engage their favourite vendors to do it for them. We were left out cold, shivering and hungry. This must be the sorest of sore rub in the wound with salt.

Some educator at the training academy even wrote a book on "personal mastery", a term I coined long before this intellectual property trespasser did. Which brings me to the point of never starting a liberal arts college here ever. I seriously doubt if we have even arrived at that developed status to be able to accept a higher order education such as a liberal arts would demand. It will probably be commercially defiled and duplicated here, deviating from the true spirit of education like all the things we have done here.

If I ever want to start something inventive and new, I will do it in the Euro-American continents.

It is pretty gnawing to read a teacher's blog and her concerns were focussed primarily on her holiday trips and her students gushing over hunks. How much more shallow can blogs get if they don't at least examine societal, human , economic and policy issues and may I dare venture, even political ones? Enough of babe-watching and stupid product endorsement blogs. How much stupider can blogs get? I have also had it with economic number crunching about GDP, GNP and other economic growth statistics. Fuck it!

As I have said once and I will reiterate once more, buidling buildings must always be form fitting functions and not functions fitting form. Will the urban development authorities always remember this?

This is precisely the point I am articulating all the while. This nation of ours has all the pretty boys and girls, dolled and glossed up, all pretty on the outside but completely empty on the inside - their brains , their hearts and their souls. It is a nation of image and appearances with very little substance.

A quick browse through any category of personal classifieds would bear testimony to the countless bimbos and wimps, prettified, body-sculpted and alluringly-attired to entice and seduce.

This is what this nation has been reduced to - a retail mega-mall commercialisation with little regard for the dignity, integrity and soul of the human person. A reduction to nothingness, soulessness, heartlessness, brainlessness, bimbotness, wickified commercialisation, capitalism and industry.

Oh yes, a parting shot. To the bimb who blogged about how a transplanted aquiline Euro-Ameri nose looked like shit on her photoshopped face , I say you are already shit. Muahahahahahha.

Wussies, women, wine and song.

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