Saturday, November 26, 2005

Copy Cat (2x), Kiss Your Rat, Go Home And Give Your Mother Slap

I am really not sure what is happening to my back. I was feeling on the up until my medical appointment that day. It could have been the 3 hour wait at the clinic, the week's running around or that morning's task of cleaning out my 1 month old scum-filled fish tank. I was incapacitated for the next two days, lying flat on my back most of the time.

Lest you think I have something against Medical Officers, let me state categorically that I do not. Just that I feel safer with a specialist and I am paying fees for a specialist's consultation after all and he was helping out to clear the backlog of cases that fateful afternoon.

It is like your regular favourite General Practitioner is out of town or something and in his place, you have a locum. A locum? Someone whom you are not familiar with, who doesn't know your medical history as well and someone who may lack the rapport you have built over time with your doc.

Not that I am saying General Practioners are not much like shop-keepers. They do do the most perfunctory of medical checks and the only outcome is usually medication or a referral to a specialist or further medical screening if needed. For some folks, it could be the psychological unburdening of their health problems that keep them coming or the feel-good factor knowing someone is listening to them. Especially for the elderly, this could be a real psychological uplift, so lacking in their own families where children have flown the coop or so embedded in their 24-hour careers.

From my back experience, it was the same. It is an internalised vertebrae compression and fracture. Not something they could reach into, unless surgically needed, and rectify. Thus it was just a round of Paracetamol, Diazepam and Calcium-Vitamin D supplements. I am trying as best as I could to up my intake of calcium and protein. Physiotherapy will help in strengthening my back muscles and I can't wait to jump back on my exercise routine of gym and runs again.

Yes I do think it is a fucking disgrace men have been reduced to carrying their galls' bags. As I remarked, I am all for it if it is a "family" grocery shopping bag. Unfortunately these are the dolls' make-up kit in all likelihood.

I don't feel very well this past month. I am irritable and high-strung. It is the uncertainty of the times ahead now that I am without a home. I have not even found any rented accomodation yet. The thought of moving so many furniture accumulated over a decade of my existentialism in my apartment is sheer torture, given the physical condition I am in now.

I seriously cannot foretell what lies ahead and if I can ever get back to home-owning apartment living as I am used to. Prices are exorbitant and I do not qualify for any of the home-ownership schemes for new flats except in the ghettoes' resale market at skyhigh prices.

Again I am forced to consider emigration. Where I will be no different from what I am going to do here anyway. I can't even live in my own homeland anymore. I can't even feed myself given the way my job options and business prospects have turned out.

My heart is filled with hatred and loathing for all the people who have turned me away from my only hope of a sustenance here. The private and public schools. The government agencies. The private education policy formulators. The foreign recruitment offices. The fucking bastards that they are.

The terms I coined like "personal mastery"and "life skills" were blatantly used by government schools and agencies in their own suite of programmes for their students and enrichment programs. It shows how "creative" or "thinking" these institutions are in not being able to come
up with their own original ideas in the first place. The fucking intellectual property infringers. They will have their just desserts one day, I swear.

The biggest disappointment must be the schools whom I had long regarded as the last upholders and repositories of integrity, honour and honesty. If they can infringe upon intellectual copyrights and the private schools are doing as much with their photocopying of renowned publishers' works, what role model do they want to parody to their charges?

Asia will burn in hell for eternity and all the people right along with it. This is what the Book of Revelation has revealed and it shall come to pass. Perhaps it is for better that I should leave before that day comes.

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