Tuesday, November 22, 2005

An Attempt At A Bilingual Blog 双语网络

I have hit upon a brilliant idea. For this special forthcoming Christmas occasion, I am actually attempting to write this blog in both Chinese and English. Sort of a festive edition. 一方面我可以表现一下我的华文,另外我又可以双语交流。

It is amazing how show flats have been window-dressed right down to the microcosmic detail of actually displaying real edible packaged food in the kitchen. What an utter waste! I mean imagine the hungry and poor who have not so much a scrap to feed on and here we have luxurious Swiss chocolates and cheese biscuits going to the dogs!


Have you watched Harry Pooter (sic!) and The Goblet of Fire yet? This instalment of an apparently on-going series must be the worst! It was one big bore from the beginning till the end. Its only saving grace is that it managed to carry across its message of multi-ethnic tolerance in an increasing cosmopolitan Europe.


Right. How's this for a dose of bilingualism?

I spoke to more bimbos over the telephone recently. The Queen's English variety who hyped up their language, hiding their deficient knowledge as a result. Where do the housing authorities get such "knowledgeable" customer service officers to serve on its hotlines? Did they fish them out of a training school for blink-a-bimbos whose main aim in life is to destroy people's lives with wrong information?


I have to navigate a maze of intricate policies and enmeshed information just to get round to my needs. It is amazing policy formulators have such a capacity for encryption! I wish they would drop dead while eating their lunches today, choking on a fishbone lodged in the cavities of their teeth and throat!

I can read the headlines now: "Civil servant chokes on nasi lemak ikan bilis" or "Senior civil servant dies on way home, foaming from epilepsy".

好!我要用午餐了! So if you will excuse me, you may find me in better times ahead. If you don't just consider me in Scandinavia gloved in mittens enjoying wintry climes. Goodbye!

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