Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Retirement Age And Pension Act

Oopsy whoops! I spoke too soon. I can't compute pension benefits for Mr Cab-Driver if the schedule has 1/720th of pensionable emoluments kinda calculation. All I can gather from the respective statutes is that there are compulsory retirement ages for selected public services (the Armed Forces, the police force, the mental health hospitals, the prisons, the Gurkhas) which can come on at a stupendous 45 years of which one purpose could be to facilitate improvements in the organisation in which he works. Women are treated about the same too.

Of course you could be made to retire in the public interest (such as if you were a political dissident or a sexual violator I suppose) with or without pension especially contingent upon conditions like conviction and bankruptcy. If you are killed whilst on duty, additional compensation is computed.

One thing stands clear in the Retirement Age Act and that is retirement age can be anywhere from 60 years up to 67 years with 62 being the minimum age prescribed now. Anyone dismissed or retired on the grounds of age not within these parameters can be hauled to court facing a fine and imprisonment term. Unless it is on health and other grounds.

If upon reaching 60, his employer wants to reduce his wages, he has to do this in writing and only with the consent of the employee ( if he doesn't, he can choose to retire and this to me seems to be a surefire way to compulsorily retiring an old employee anyway but he has recourse for wrongful dismissal), reduction being no more than 10% of his wages, and he must have a good cause other than age unless age is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the ordinary performance of the older employee’s job.

Thinking back, my father must have been dealt the short end of the stick as he was certainly made to retire earlier (but then again his vision, afflicted with cataract and glaucoma, was already deteriorating). He slogged hard all his life and what did the capitalist pigs do? Didn't they send him for his annual medical examination and wasn't this supposed to help detect early and thus cure him of his highly curable medical ailments in the first place? What has he to show for save for a meagre (ten thousand to be exact) retirement fun, devoting his whole life slaving for the capitalist pigs?

These are the people in our midst who have no voice and a spokesman for their rights when economics is all that matters, even upon the suffering and death of a human life. FUCK YOU LAISSEZ-FAIRE CAPITALISTIC ECONOMY! You sure will burn in hell , interred along with all the dead founders of the industrial age!

I remember a statutory board requesting for original certification of deceased members of my family when this came to light in the very first place on their computerised system. Now why would they want this when they were already informed and this has been logged in on their databank? Isn't that good enough and suffice to say it all? Think blockheads.

My fervent wish for year's end is just that the administrators do not come up with any more mad-hatters' schemes to curb private property purchase. This will deprive me of my only hope to own a second roof over my head. I am gonna kill them if they do. Set myself ablaze in immolation or disembowel ala hara-kiri style in front of their every eyes if I have to draw attention to plights of ordinary folks like me trying to eke out a miserly living out of this multi-billion dollar worth economy. I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TINKER WITH ANY MORE PRIVATE PROPERTY POLICIES! Do you read me Mr Policy Formulator!

I may have thought I had two options previously but I now seem to have a third and my hopes can be only as high as policies are upheld as they are at the moment! I am exploring fully all my options and hedging my bets as best as I can. Emigration will be the last resort.

This is the one defining trait of our society. People love watching others suffer or be a notch lower than them in every conceivable status of life - career, house, car and income. If you are down, they kick you, not help you get back on your feet.

You may dismiss all these as never happening to you! I wish you luck. You will one day sooner than you think. It may not be of the same magnitude or circumstance but it would be of degrees or of another circumstance. Maybe even worse!

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