Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dear Uncle Agony And Anguish

By now, the intelligent, sharp, discerning and perceptive readers among you would have drawn many parallels between my many "seemingly" disparately woven blogs. You would, for one, have logically concluded that resited schools face the same dire fate as decrepit and deserted housing estates.

I remember the Da Qiao Primary School of old, standing desolate and in no man's land right smack in the heartlands of Ang Mo Kio. There are quite a number of such old schools around if you care to look. With our national thrust to be the global education schoolhouse and education hub, many private schools have heeded the clarion call to move into these premises, usually at their own expense of sprucing up.

It is the same with the old Housing Development Board Authority's headquarters at Bukit Merah. Compare this with its spanking new and swanky headquarters in Toa Payoh now. Or the extensively and beautifully re-done up Republic Polytechnic at the old Ministry of Education Kay Siang's site which will move again to new premises in Woodlands by next year.

The question is just what is going to happen to these sites, how many of them do we have and what of the expense of sprucing up and then moving out again to brand new premises. Could we not have redeveloped on the same site while the institution is placed at a holding one?

To elaborate just how perfunctory is perfunctory whenever I visit my General Practitioner, it is always customary a wooden ice-cream stick holds my tongue down while a torch is shone into my oral cavity. Temperature is taken to ascertain fever and flu-like symptoms and the consultation's conclusion is simply writing out a prescription for medicinal dispensation.

Missing your favourite doctor and evading his stand-in, the locum, is as alien an experience as students sitting out their lessons with a substitute teacher while their form teacher or subject teacher is nursing a maternity leave or on operationally ready National Service duty.

Two Chinese Nationals I met feature tops among the callous and economically-driven capitalists that have made China what it is today. One talks incessantly about the business his father is in and the money-spinning machine that it is while the other stops at nothing to recruit members for his as good as pyramid-selling health products.

It is like sitting in a drive-in movie with a ugly fat girl who yaks non-stop about the King-size burgers she has gulped down earlier in the day and all this happening while you are sick with a serious lower back pain, trying as hard as you can to get peace and rest.

Yes the world could have been a different place with the Chinese in charge. We can't be sure if it would be better though. If historians think that the Chinese are a peaceful and harmonious tribe, think again. The Warring States and the reign of Qin Shi Huang are as good as any indicator of the kind of world order we may be subject to.

As to if we should submit to the authorities and that they have mandates from Heaven, this thinking is as ancient as rhinocerious horns are thought to be aphrodisiac. 99% of the time we have lived our lives on this planet as nomadic hunters and gatherers. That explains whey when tribes cross paths, they kill to protect themselves.

Thus is it any wonder when city living forces divergent people to live together, that it is as sure a broth of trouble as trouble already is? Anyone coerced into statehood and nation-living then must surely has a legitimate claim to a birthright and entitlement to equality, fair treatment and so on, shouldn' t he? It isn't as if he asked for citizenship in this land in the first place, did he?

What exists of the state if its function isn't to distribute the fruits of its harvest among its people and not just to a select elite. What right does one group has dominance over another simply by owning the factors of production or power or wealth? We are born to rule equally.

The newspaper today (which I must say has been a source for much confusion as I now have to ask for "The Straits Times" rather than my old request of "Do you have today's papers" to which I will invariably be handed a copy of "Today", thank you for the semantic bungle) featured a hilarious gossip piece under the Aunt Agony's column.

Incidentally it is named "Teen Confidential" and so what is it doing in the open domain of the public press every weekend then? Here we have the resident counsellor highlighting a most amusing story of two same-sex buddies who are getting too close for comfort both on bed and in the bathroom.

She remarked that the accidental plomp of the guy's head on his friend's chest while both slept on on not one but two occasions, could be a result of him dreaming of his girlfriend and suggested inviting a girl out for a triple date as proof of his heterosexuality. That way the gay friend's inclinations could be shaken off.

For heaven's sake, it is obvious one dude is gay and onto the other and the least she could do was to make life comfortable for them both by asking the other to start fondling his friend's private parts and start blowing it as soon as circumstances permit in the public bathroom. Mua ha ha ha.

The following is my version of a Uncle Agony column:

Q. Recently I have noticed hair sprouting from places which signal pubescence. I have been having wet dreams and the dreams I dream are of naked men carrying me off to a far-off land and we having an orgasmic orgy. Is this normal? I am male. -----Signed Confused and Wet.

A. Your dream is as normal as a dream of two guys showering and kissing in a hot spa, except that that is about the only two people in the sauna making out - minus the galls. Wake up man! This is the 21st century and homo-erotic love has never been more openly displayed. I suggest everytime before you go to bed and know you are gonna get wet for the night that you invite a similarly pubescent boy or boys for that matter, preferably from your school or class. That way, you will know that your end of the dream has a 100% chance of materialising.

Q . My best buddy has recently taken to me like one Greek God Adonis to another Roman God Apollo. He has been stealing side-long glances at me in the swimming pool showers, even going as far as audaciously rubbing his beautifully protruding penis whilst masturbating and squirting his hot cum before my very eyes. How do I avert this? ----Signed Confused yet Tantalised.

A. There is only one stinking way out of this tight squeeze you have cornered yourself into. Rejoice and partake, you ingrate! Your friend is only trying his best to make you horny and you are not even appreciating it. The least you could do is to join in, cup his balls and cock in your hands and give him a good blow-job. After that, you may adjourn to the cubicle and fuck the living daylights out of each other. Enjoy you stupid nerdy coward of a sex-starved yet repressed Asian hoodlum! Do you and your best butt a favour. Read the famous "Kama Sutra" and position you and your buddy in exotic positions only acrobats can envy with drooling saliva.

Q. Please help! Uncle Agony! I am 120% straight ace but recently my best buddy has been giving me that queer look. He has been wanking and exposing his butts to me in the school bathroom. Worst, I think he is trying to suck me dry during detention class when no one is looking. I must say he has cute tight little butts and he is enormously endowed. What I am afraid of is being caught by the Discipline Master who is a young chap in his 20s, a graduate of the College of Physical Education. --- Signed I Very Scared But Horny For Threesome

A. You are absolutely paranoid. Wanking, blow-jobs and sexual intercourse in the male school toilets are as common as a school full of teenage abortionists. Who says that young cute and virile Discipline Master cannot complete a sexual circle of troilism. How do you know he is not gay? If both of you get caught, invite him to the party. I swear he will not only award you demerit points but probably hand you guys condoms to play safe sex with him from now on. Enjoy, you horny bastards!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Copy Cat (2x), Kiss Your Rat, Go Home And Give Your Mother Slap

I am really not sure what is happening to my back. I was feeling on the up until my medical appointment that day. It could have been the 3 hour wait at the clinic, the week's running around or that morning's task of cleaning out my 1 month old scum-filled fish tank. I was incapacitated for the next two days, lying flat on my back most of the time.

Lest you think I have something against Medical Officers, let me state categorically that I do not. Just that I feel safer with a specialist and I am paying fees for a specialist's consultation after all and he was helping out to clear the backlog of cases that fateful afternoon.

It is like your regular favourite General Practitioner is out of town or something and in his place, you have a locum. A locum? Someone whom you are not familiar with, who doesn't know your medical history as well and someone who may lack the rapport you have built over time with your doc.

Not that I am saying General Practioners are not much like shop-keepers. They do do the most perfunctory of medical checks and the only outcome is usually medication or a referral to a specialist or further medical screening if needed. For some folks, it could be the psychological unburdening of their health problems that keep them coming or the feel-good factor knowing someone is listening to them. Especially for the elderly, this could be a real psychological uplift, so lacking in their own families where children have flown the coop or so embedded in their 24-hour careers.

From my back experience, it was the same. It is an internalised vertebrae compression and fracture. Not something they could reach into, unless surgically needed, and rectify. Thus it was just a round of Paracetamol, Diazepam and Calcium-Vitamin D supplements. I am trying as best as I could to up my intake of calcium and protein. Physiotherapy will help in strengthening my back muscles and I can't wait to jump back on my exercise routine of gym and runs again.

Yes I do think it is a fucking disgrace men have been reduced to carrying their galls' bags. As I remarked, I am all for it if it is a "family" grocery shopping bag. Unfortunately these are the dolls' make-up kit in all likelihood.

I don't feel very well this past month. I am irritable and high-strung. It is the uncertainty of the times ahead now that I am without a home. I have not even found any rented accomodation yet. The thought of moving so many furniture accumulated over a decade of my existentialism in my apartment is sheer torture, given the physical condition I am in now.

I seriously cannot foretell what lies ahead and if I can ever get back to home-owning apartment living as I am used to. Prices are exorbitant and I do not qualify for any of the home-ownership schemes for new flats except in the ghettoes' resale market at skyhigh prices.

Again I am forced to consider emigration. Where I will be no different from what I am going to do here anyway. I can't even live in my own homeland anymore. I can't even feed myself given the way my job options and business prospects have turned out.

My heart is filled with hatred and loathing for all the people who have turned me away from my only hope of a sustenance here. The private and public schools. The government agencies. The private education policy formulators. The foreign recruitment offices. The fucking bastards that they are.

The terms I coined like "personal mastery"and "life skills" were blatantly used by government schools and agencies in their own suite of programmes for their students and enrichment programs. It shows how "creative" or "thinking" these institutions are in not being able to come
up with their own original ideas in the first place. The fucking intellectual property infringers. They will have their just desserts one day, I swear.

The biggest disappointment must be the schools whom I had long regarded as the last upholders and repositories of integrity, honour and honesty. If they can infringe upon intellectual copyrights and the private schools are doing as much with their photocopying of renowned publishers' works, what role model do they want to parody to their charges?

Asia will burn in hell for eternity and all the people right along with it. This is what the Book of Revelation has revealed and it shall come to pass. Perhaps it is for better that I should leave before that day comes.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Superb Smart Sub-And-Superstructure

You have been warned of "blimps, bimbs, wimps and chinkos". Be warned of three vocations I would not work for - insurance, real estate and multi-level marketing (which still look suspiciously like pyramid-selling despite an Act proscribing it). All three smack of the prohibition Act itself too. If I should die, I would die a death of academia - that is where I belong. Not in commercial or some public set-ups either.

In my last blog I wrote of an almost 3 hour wait at the orthopaedic clinic and pharmacy. What is very wrong with a Medical Officer in attendant is that this bloke is choosing his medical specialisation at the moment and is feeling his way around the various specialties. It was I who had to insist on a follow-up X-ray half a year later to review my spine condition and request for physiotherapy. This back of mine is now giving me so much pain I simply have to seek relief.

First World infrastructure (or is it?) with Third World wages and wussies. Just to cite a few instances of world-class and well-thought out infrastructure. The lift buttons at my apartment building have dotted braille but the numerals were cast in equally reflective silver which the old has difficulty seeing. It was more recently that they made them into lit-up recessed and carved out numerals.

The wooden doors at the hospital were made of such heavy-cast material the infirmed and aged have to push them open with all their almighty strength. A light-weight and equally durable material is certainly called for. Imagine for a moment, wheel-chair bound and crutched patients facing this menacing ordeal every moment of their lives. We just don't know what it is like to be old - yet.

All glitz and gloss equal a slippery fall and posssibly death. Our tiled floors are all that and more. I would be wiser to choose a matt and non-slip finish for safety rather than aesthetics reasons.

We have smart building technology groups within most of our building, construction, housing and urban-planning authorities. Rather than examing functionable functions, they have perhaps looked too closely at form.

Schools I have visited have been so designfully designed, practicalities like rain shelters have been overlooked to the detriment that pupils could actually get wet sitting in their classrooms when the rain beats in or when they move from class to class along the corridors. What use is the UFO design and koi-pond theme? Did these do anything to improve their lives except perhaps to win an award? An award for who and what? For the soul? For the body? For the mind? Or just an award for a mere physicality?

While on the topic on education, let me lament once more how despite the numerous national and international competitions, trophies and awards, strings of distinctions in internationally-recognised examinations and "Special" paper subjects and world-class universities, our top-class graduating students , besides enriching themselves personally, have not produced a shred of compassion, improvement in the community's lives, people-friendly policies and medical or scientific invention to relieve poverty, pain, suffering and diseases in the world.

That must surely be education's aims, or is it?

I have personally promulgated a number of enrichment programs in schools, chief of which were orientation/transition programs for primary schoolers to secondary, personal mastery programs and life-skills programs. What ensued were copycats from the very schools themselves who either do these programs on their own or engage their favourite vendors to do it for them. We were left out cold, shivering and hungry. This must be the sorest of sore rub in the wound with salt.

Some educator at the training academy even wrote a book on "personal mastery", a term I coined long before this intellectual property trespasser did. Which brings me to the point of never starting a liberal arts college here ever. I seriously doubt if we have even arrived at that developed status to be able to accept a higher order education such as a liberal arts would demand. It will probably be commercially defiled and duplicated here, deviating from the true spirit of education like all the things we have done here.

If I ever want to start something inventive and new, I will do it in the Euro-American continents.

It is pretty gnawing to read a teacher's blog and her concerns were focussed primarily on her holiday trips and her students gushing over hunks. How much more shallow can blogs get if they don't at least examine societal, human , economic and policy issues and may I dare venture, even political ones? Enough of babe-watching and stupid product endorsement blogs. How much stupider can blogs get? I have also had it with economic number crunching about GDP, GNP and other economic growth statistics. Fuck it!

As I have said once and I will reiterate once more, buidling buildings must always be form fitting functions and not functions fitting form. Will the urban development authorities always remember this?

This is precisely the point I am articulating all the while. This nation of ours has all the pretty boys and girls, dolled and glossed up, all pretty on the outside but completely empty on the inside - their brains , their hearts and their souls. It is a nation of image and appearances with very little substance.

A quick browse through any category of personal classifieds would bear testimony to the countless bimbos and wimps, prettified, body-sculpted and alluringly-attired to entice and seduce.

This is what this nation has been reduced to - a retail mega-mall commercialisation with little regard for the dignity, integrity and soul of the human person. A reduction to nothingness, soulessness, heartlessness, brainlessness, bimbotness, wickified commercialisation, capitalism and industry.

Oh yes, a parting shot. To the bimb who blogged about how a transplanted aquiline Euro-Ameri nose looked like shit on her photoshopped face , I say you are already shit. Muahahahahahha.

Wussies, women, wine and song.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

World-Class Wussies And Wait (WWW)

My blog title is not a mistake. We have world-class wussies and eternal waits here (the World Wide Web) and you might as well surf the Net while doing so.

To elaborate on what Miss Wussy fumbled over at our Housing Authority Board so readers do not think I have maligned her in any way. My question was a simple one spoken in plain English : "Does the board sell flats which are SERS-affected, MUP and brand new units under its various schemes? She couldn't answer it straight and simple. Of course immediate replacement units cannot be drawn from the current SERS-affected ones, can they? But it doesn't mean this cannot be for future replacement of other later SERS-slated units or for brand new applications under the balloting, BTO or WIS selection exercises.

It is that simple Miss Wussy! Thanks a gazellion for the "help" rendered.

I think my attempt at bilingualism so far has been valiant, don't you think, albeit at my own time expense.

I have my medical appointment today at 3pm. But the queue numbers were haphazardly sequenced anyway and arriving at 2.30pm, the doc has not even cleared his earlier cases starting at 1400. So it was flash after flash, each interval finely spaced, the last of the sequences being 1445, 1452, 1459, 1500 and finally my 1501 alloted queue, this coming on at 5.05 pm. And I am seeing a Medical Officer in place of my usual Registrar.

There is really nothing much to be done for my spine and I requested for physiotherapy, hopefully to strengthen my lower back muscles and prevent what could be debilitating weakness in my old age. This is a terrible health burden I have to shoulder.

I remember the slimming therapy some beauty health centres were touting - herbal body wraps. This must be one sleazy and low-down gimmick as fats are on the inside and not on the outside and the only women to fall for it (or so I think) would be the rich tais tais with too much spare cash to throw.

Back at the hospital, the television monitor was broadcasting some repeat telecasts of "Triple Nine", starring hunky America-born Chinese James Lye. I must say he swaggers a lot much as he surely does on the catwalk as he goes hunting down clues for crimes. It was a distraction to watch him mouth his heavily-accented English and strut his toned, chiselled and torsoed look on screen.

After that, it was another long wait for my medicine, mainly bone-supplements. I was already late for my next appointment and when I finished, I sat around Far East Plaza, taking in the sights and sounds. It was a hang-out for the young and not-so-young, especially the women, all in various stages of undress, some no doubt soliciting. It was generally a bad crowd. I can't help breathing the human stench of death here, just as I did at the HongKong-Shenzhen LuoHu train border.

Young chaps with their scantily-clad female companions were actually carrying their bags for them. If it had been a shopping grocery bag I would have been in total concordance. But it was most likely a handbag laden with cosmetics and toiletries. Guys have gone so low down the metrosexual ladder that they are now tongue-lapping doggies for the bitches (no pun intended) GUYS! You are a fucking disgrace to the community!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

An Attempt At A Bilingual Blog 双语网络

I have hit upon a brilliant idea. For this special forthcoming Christmas occasion, I am actually attempting to write this blog in both Chinese and English. Sort of a festive edition. 一方面我可以表现一下我的华文,另外我又可以双语交流。

It is amazing how show flats have been window-dressed right down to the microcosmic detail of actually displaying real edible packaged food in the kitchen. What an utter waste! I mean imagine the hungry and poor who have not so much a scrap to feed on and here we have luxurious Swiss chocolates and cheese biscuits going to the dogs!


Have you watched Harry Pooter (sic!) and The Goblet of Fire yet? This instalment of an apparently on-going series must be the worst! It was one big bore from the beginning till the end. Its only saving grace is that it managed to carry across its message of multi-ethnic tolerance in an increasing cosmopolitan Europe.


Right. How's this for a dose of bilingualism?

I spoke to more bimbos over the telephone recently. The Queen's English variety who hyped up their language, hiding their deficient knowledge as a result. Where do the housing authorities get such "knowledgeable" customer service officers to serve on its hotlines? Did they fish them out of a training school for blink-a-bimbos whose main aim in life is to destroy people's lives with wrong information?


I have to navigate a maze of intricate policies and enmeshed information just to get round to my needs. It is amazing policy formulators have such a capacity for encryption! I wish they would drop dead while eating their lunches today, choking on a fishbone lodged in the cavities of their teeth and throat!

I can read the headlines now: "Civil servant chokes on nasi lemak ikan bilis" or "Senior civil servant dies on way home, foaming from epilepsy".

好!我要用午餐了! So if you will excuse me, you may find me in better times ahead. If you don't just consider me in Scandinavia gloved in mittens enjoying wintry climes. Goodbye!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Of Questionaires , Ivory Tower-Living Academicians And The XY-Generationers

I love survey questionaires especially Likert-scaled ones. I mean anyone who wants to manipulate statistics could easily concoct narrowed-down questions geared towards its goal. Say for example my objective is that all women should be obliterated from the surface of the earth, I could easily devise a questionaire thus:

Q1. What qualities do you associate women with?
(a) buttheads
(b) irrational beings
(c) footsies
(d) gold diggers
(e) paranormals

Q2 Do you think women are vain and if yes, what evidence can you prove they are?
(a) paint their toe and finger nails
(b) apply foundation and layered make-up
(c) pay for expensive hair-do
(d) dress to the nines
(e) undertake boobs, slimming and other cosmetic surgery

Q3 How do you rate women at work?
(a) always skivving under the guise of women's issues
(b) blabbermouths who know not what they utter
(c) gossip-mongers and tale-bearers
(d) haughty , conniving , trouble-makers and ill-advisers
(e) slinks away from mistakes by excuse of their gender

There! A list of choices like that is enough to have them gassed. I met a real estate wussy who has every trait mentioned above and any dud who listens and falls for her convincingly good lies would have their fortune torn asunder.

Just for you to sample how a Likert-scaled questionaire can elicit "Yes" or "No" or even guarded half-hearted responses without ever probing the true reason as to why, consider this:

Q1. Masturbation is good for health
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Q2. Homosexuality is not deviant behaviour and a second option for sexual liasions for society
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

But have we found the explanations for supporting, not supporting or being indifferent to the above socail issues? Has a Likert-scaled questionaire thus measured any social phenomenal statistic usefully and provided answers for sociological conclusions?

Incidentally I read a teacher's blog urging her students to write blogs meaningfully (I certainly have no issue with that) but she added a caveat that "what you write reflects the kind of person you are (I wholly agree with this). So you are the best person to decide how you want people to see you." Whoa! Hold on a second here! I am not writing to please an audience all the time and project a false image of propriety and politeness when I feel so strongly and passionate about issues close to my heart. I do not intend to be politically correct all the time when issues and truth have to be enunciated exactly the way it is, no holds barred.

Doubly unfortunate too that she chooses to look at life from a more than rose-tinted angle - the beautiful and charming side of life such as coaxing her charges to visit a photo-gallery display of spectacularly artful works. I suggest she can also take her class to Boon Lay Court and see for themselves the seedier and sleazier side of ghetto life in Singapore and the pockets of poverty we still find here. Perhaps then the class can be better imbibed with a sense of rage and injustice so much so that they believe in it enough to take up a humanitarian cause for the underdogs in our society.

That would be the ivory tower of academia some academicians are living in.

I am praying for some blogs that will examine our statutes and their relevance to our times today. More blogs on social and human issues. On the receiving end of policies . Detailed analyses and so on. I have yet to see many of such blogs coming from the students.

I suppose the helmers of the educational system have such a big shoe to fill in playing a role to emphasize more on argumentative and expository essay topics in place of narrative and descriptive ones at the middle high school years. Even a critical-thinking paper like the Cambridge "Advanced" level General Paper has topics not requiring more depth and breadth of analysis than it should and a more diverse range of issues to argue upon.

Small wonder the blogs have been parochial, navel-gazing, self-centred , air-heady and airy-fairy blogs on overseas trips, shopping escapades , food, walking adverts for product endorsement, personal narcissism on fashion, appearances, the opposite sex, parties and so on.

Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) and What-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) in computer parlance of the good old days of disk operating systems.

The Retirement Age And Pension Act

Oopsy whoops! I spoke too soon. I can't compute pension benefits for Mr Cab-Driver if the schedule has 1/720th of pensionable emoluments kinda calculation. All I can gather from the respective statutes is that there are compulsory retirement ages for selected public services (the Armed Forces, the police force, the mental health hospitals, the prisons, the Gurkhas) which can come on at a stupendous 45 years of which one purpose could be to facilitate improvements in the organisation in which he works. Women are treated about the same too.

Of course you could be made to retire in the public interest (such as if you were a political dissident or a sexual violator I suppose) with or without pension especially contingent upon conditions like conviction and bankruptcy. If you are killed whilst on duty, additional compensation is computed.

One thing stands clear in the Retirement Age Act and that is retirement age can be anywhere from 60 years up to 67 years with 62 being the minimum age prescribed now. Anyone dismissed or retired on the grounds of age not within these parameters can be hauled to court facing a fine and imprisonment term. Unless it is on health and other grounds.

If upon reaching 60, his employer wants to reduce his wages, he has to do this in writing and only with the consent of the employee ( if he doesn't, he can choose to retire and this to me seems to be a surefire way to compulsorily retiring an old employee anyway but he has recourse for wrongful dismissal), reduction being no more than 10% of his wages, and he must have a good cause other than age unless age is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the ordinary performance of the older employee’s job.

Thinking back, my father must have been dealt the short end of the stick as he was certainly made to retire earlier (but then again his vision, afflicted with cataract and glaucoma, was already deteriorating). He slogged hard all his life and what did the capitalist pigs do? Didn't they send him for his annual medical examination and wasn't this supposed to help detect early and thus cure him of his highly curable medical ailments in the first place? What has he to show for save for a meagre (ten thousand to be exact) retirement fun, devoting his whole life slaving for the capitalist pigs?

These are the people in our midst who have no voice and a spokesman for their rights when economics is all that matters, even upon the suffering and death of a human life. FUCK YOU LAISSEZ-FAIRE CAPITALISTIC ECONOMY! You sure will burn in hell , interred along with all the dead founders of the industrial age!

I remember a statutory board requesting for original certification of deceased members of my family when this came to light in the very first place on their computerised system. Now why would they want this when they were already informed and this has been logged in on their databank? Isn't that good enough and suffice to say it all? Think blockheads.

My fervent wish for year's end is just that the administrators do not come up with any more mad-hatters' schemes to curb private property purchase. This will deprive me of my only hope to own a second roof over my head. I am gonna kill them if they do. Set myself ablaze in immolation or disembowel ala hara-kiri style in front of their every eyes if I have to draw attention to plights of ordinary folks like me trying to eke out a miserly living out of this multi-billion dollar worth economy. I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TINKER WITH ANY MORE PRIVATE PROPERTY POLICIES! Do you read me Mr Policy Formulator!

I may have thought I had two options previously but I now seem to have a third and my hopes can be only as high as policies are upheld as they are at the moment! I am exploring fully all my options and hedging my bets as best as I can. Emigration will be the last resort.

This is the one defining trait of our society. People love watching others suffer or be a notch lower than them in every conceivable status of life - career, house, car and income. If you are down, they kick you, not help you get back on your feet.

You may dismiss all these as never happening to you! I wish you luck. You will one day sooner than you think. It may not be of the same magnitude or circumstance but it would be of degrees or of another circumstance. Maybe even worse!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Private Property In Singapore

Remember "dispensary" , "pharmacy" and "clinic" in my previous blogs. Another hit me some time ago. I was volunteering at an "orphanage" and was given their "Annual Report" to read. Somehow we have all come to associate this with public-listed companies. But I suppose any organisation which has an income and expenditure would have one. Whether if it should be named such is questionable as charities and "non-profit" organisations have that extra "trustee" element to it.

I am feeling down and under the weather. Nursing a sore throat, wheezing, mouth ulceration and a cough, I am still putting up with my lumbar fracture lower back pain. I am also stressed and this is what brought on all the attendant ills.

The pinnochios in my recent blog were four real estate agents and the extortionist cum doctorate-degree holder of a Chinese National tenant. I haven't a thing against them as a nation, but the ones I meet do leave a sour after-taste. And I did fall, almost to the point of exacting death, when Mr Doctoral PhD tenanted my room for just a measly month. Two weeks after he moved in to be precise.

As I did with all the rest of the unpleasant encounters in China and I haven't even related to you my experience in ShenZhen yet. That place just across the LuoWu border was swarming with prostitutes at the time of my visit several years ago. I have never seen so many out on the streets and even after flatly refusing their services, they were still shadowing me and I almost tripped at one stage. Beggars, thugs , the poor, and street urchins were everywhere.

The hotel, just next to the train station and border to Hongkong, where I put up for the day had prostitutes and their patrons hoarding almost the entire place.

Back to my main blog. I am counting on my real estate agent to provide me with up-to-the-minute information, the "expert" that she is. As a friend, I am on good terms with her. Unfortunately relying on her professional expertise, I found her wanting in so many respects.

She is so off-the-market. She isn't clued in on transacted prices (even inanely suggesting a market price which would have cost me a $60K deficit had I gone along with her) and I lost a whopping $10K in the process. It is no excuse, given the extremely high floor and strategic location I am on. My price should be better or equal to a similarly transacted one in a neighboring block.

This brings on a crucial element in compensation benefits for SERS residents who have to look out for market valuation and transacted prices as benchmarkers. In fact I think compensation should be a market valuation on top of the transacted price which would constitute fair value for their properties.

She is not even updated on current policies and statutory documentation proofs. If I am the sole owner selling my property I can't be possibly dead and thus need a death certificate now do I? What the blink is this ex-RGS and RGPS bimbo telling me to do, the associate directoress that she is in the realty company she works for. She is doing fairly well by all accounts too. A second-hand BMW, an executive condominium, two kids and one maid. Another director agent I engaged unsuccesfully for my first sale drove a brand new Mercedes and lived on landed property.

And there are lots of these agents plaguing the industry, hitters and runners. Fast lane, fast life and fast buck. Even if given prime properties as marketing tools, they can't sell.

Going on a hunt for private properties, namely the apartment-living sort, has left me in stitches . Wait till you hear what some private property developers have done to their unbelievably surreal development.

One had private elevators going right into your apartment. If you were in the elevator with Mr XY, there is no preventing Mr XY from stepping out from the lift as it stops on your floor and visit your apartment. How is that for private intrusion as well as private exclusivity of lift use. It could be a lot hotter under the collar if Mr XY is also Mr Rapist (XYY) or Mr Burglar (XYYY).

This same development has a underwater gym in the swimming pool. Yes folks, you read that right. Well it is actually only waist deep. This reminds me of another swanky and up-market condominium touted as a safari park some years back. The marketing media blitz was a laugh-a-minute trailer with its trumpeting elephants and roaring tigers. Hitherto, it is still marketing some unsold units. Perhaps the thought of wild animals living within human confines has frightened off potential home-seekers.

Finishes and fittings were in some cases no better than public houses. I have the same elevator buttons as one did. One had ceramic tiles finish. Even designs, supposedly done up by renowned foreign conceptualisers, were apalling to say the least. Grilled and industrial-park look. Others look more like apartment buildings rather than the condominium status they are accorded.

There seems to be a glut of private properties and next year more are being planned to be released. I can't see good urban planning here when parcels of land in close proximity are tendered out in the same breath. When developments start, they compete neck to neck simultaneously.

Opening up public housing to Singapore permanent residents for "specially talented" ones would seem reasonable who otherwise cannot afford private properties. However I don't see any in way of talent or cash-flushing our economy with some of them. In fact the only talent they have is coming into our shores and profiteering from us where the resale market is concerned for public houses. If not restrict them to the private residences where it would be better served.

We have built many new HDB towns which I think was a wrong strategy in the first place. I hope Punggol would be our last encroachment on our greenland. What we should have concentrated on was to rebuild our old blocks, without having to clear away existing reserve to make way for new ones. And to build not only 4-room, 5-room or executive apartments but the 3 rooms as well. In fact many of the older flats are bigger in space. Old blocks would then not be left deserted and decrepit.

All the lift-upgrading programs, hoo-ha of a 75% majority vote , hue and cry over incurring expenses would never have happened had elevators been built to stop at every floor in the first place. What were the administrators thinking? Humans were built to last? Their health will never fail them? They will never age?

I was bugged by a civil servant recently, whom I had with one stroke of the brush, tar most as pompous and officous. This one is no exception. He questioned if my training programmes have been applauded by the general public and if Donald Kirkpatrick's evaluation was to be used.

First let me rebutt this as totally preposterous when I have not even done this with his participants and if I never do, I never will get started, will I? Kirkpatrick's evaluation may not even apply (in fact in some quarters it is regarded as obsolete even) and I have our own unique assessment indicators pertinent to my kind of programs.

I am going to blog on a what a cab-driver remarked next. He was a Warrant Officer in the Singapore Armed Forces and now living on a meagre pension as he claimed. I remember our Retirement Age Act and Pension Act and my next script will address this, helping him out as to how the computation works.

Watch for the next blog!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Of Pinnochios And Power Ranking Of Our Ministries

That fairytale of Pinnochio, made famous by Walt Disney , whom Gepetto made and whose nose grew every time he told a lie is re-enacted day after day as I come up close and personal with the myriad of characters in the real estate and education industry.

Each holds his finger up to his nose every time a lie is told. It is such a mirth to think that they must be trying to hide their growing noses with that give-away gesture. I remember this student from Beijing who despite his glib and smooth tongue , twitched and held his nose belying the whoppers he was telling.

Sometimes it could be a twitch of the lips or corner of the mouth when someone realised she had let slip a Freudian or has her lie stood down by a truth.

I spoke to a young devout Christian whom I probed for the reason he attended regular Church services and cell meetings. He replied that he was seeking God's messages. Messages of morality and guidance in living life. I have no quarrels with that surely. But for a more balanced and rounded viewpoint, I suggested to him that he could also turn to other great moral and life philosophers with a secular and not so slanted towards religious perspective.

How do we rank our local ministries in order of their power and importance? There are several criteria of measure we can use. One could be the first and foremost point of contact, in order of chronology or another could be by virtue of the length of time which the ministry has the greatest impact on us.

Going by chronology from cradle to grave, the Ministry of Health and Home Affairs have more or less equal share. It is in a hospital that we are first born into and die in the throes of our last breath (barring home mid-wifery and dying at home). With both the beginning and the end of a life, come the need to register a birth and death.

Our next moment of reckoning is the Ministry of National Development where we taken home to be housed. The Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts and the Ministry of Transport would be responsible for the media blaring at us from television and computer sets and we do have to travel to schools on private and public transportation.

The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports has a short reign during our infantcare, childcare and kindergarten years.

Considering the length of contact time, The Ministry of Education has the most pervading influence. Primary and secondary schools, junior colleges, polytechnics and universities. The Ministry of Manpower engages us when we enter the workforce, either prematurely, voluntarily on a holiday and short-term assignment or when we are fully fledged. The Ministry of National Development, in this yardstick of measure, also has the greatest hold in the roofs over our heads.

The Ministry of Defence only impacts the males and at a very much later stage of his life though this is to hold sway for a considerable time thereon. I suppose the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Trade and Industry direct the other ministries with their revenue and expenditure and thus budget policies. We drink water every day of our lives so the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources ensures we have this potable source always on hand.

Guess which ministries are further removed from our lives and thus more remote and detached?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Is Homosexuality Such An Abhorrence And Don't We Have A Say In Our Sexual Preference?

A young boy recently confided in me how his parents hauled him to a Family Service Centre for counselling when they discovered his homosexual clandestines and inclinations. This is the 21st century. I would have thought that we have been enlightened enough to know that the World Health Organisation and even socially backward China has taken homosexuality off the list of mental health disorders. Other sexual dysfunction like fetishes remain on its hotlist.

He was later taken to a private hospital where two former flight attendants now turned psychologists, behaviourists cum counsellors grilled him over his sexual identity. What this episode shows is the dark ages of a Third World mentality we are still living in. Imagine the increased stress a young person has to suffer just because he has a different sexual preference. It isn't as if if he turned straight and narrow that he could be assured of an equally happy or more satisfying life.

It is his life. Doesn't he have a say how he wants to live his life the way he knows he will be happiest? After all homosexuality isn't like criminality now, is it? He dreams of romance and love with someone he can wholly devote his life to, something I have long forgotten and given up on since my primary school days.

When I hear him sob softly over the telephone, it reminded me of the torture and pain I have to endure myself growing up gay. Firstly I realised I was different. Secondly I have to hide my real feelings for people of my same sex. Thirdly I have to pretend to persecute my own kind to show my concordance with a predominantly "heterosexual" world. Fourthly in my time, we hardly have channels for proper dates and meetings. Fifthly everyone doesn't own his living space to be able to build a life together. Sixthly since a gay life is condemned and persecuted both in society and in religious circles, gays go underground and can only sustain short term relationships with no strings attached except when older. In short we live a double life.

With society and family not accepting of a gay life, anyone could crumble under the weight of constant threats and pressure. This poor boy actually had his parents threatening to throw him out of the house and beat him up if he does not mend his ways. Imagine the insecurity, the hatred and the enmity bred all round. What kind of family life are we encouraging? A violent and hate environment?

It is also the wrong signal the gay community is sending out. The gay chat channels, the gay parties , the gay clubs , the gay saunas and the gay advertisements have degenerated to become places for a quick pick-up , instant sexual gratification, amorous advances and displays of sexual promiscuity. Worse, it could be a back-alley for sexual peddling to the highest bidder. Escorts and rent boys.

They promote homo-eroticism spilling into the realm of commercialisation, commercialised sex and one night stands . It is one sculptured torso after another attired in various skimpy underwears to entice and lure. It isn't about sending out a responsible message of wholesome gay living and relationship. The people who gain most are the profit-motivated capitalists. No different from the heterosexual world of sexual commercialisation.

Even an organisation like AFA (Action For Aids) hits straight on a sexually transmitted disease and its prevention. It never did emphasize on responsible same-sex dating and monogamous long term coupling, did it?

This should be the main thrust of its sexually transmitted diseases' prevention campaign. Responsible and faithful relationships. Creating opportunities for genuine gay dating and coupling. Providing avenues for communication and debate. Fighting for a stable home life with civil union rights (and thus conferring all the rights a matrimonial union would between a man and woman and which the Woman's Charter now so vociferously condemns as void a same-gender marriage) and the right to adopt children (which singles can do anyway) .

Alas I am not going to wait around for this to happen just when I am aging and ailing, bald patches , teethless and all. If we can't have it now, I might as well leave for a First World Developed Nation who does.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My Pets Over The Ages And More

To begin my blog, let me first add one more category to my list of bewarists : Chinese Nationals. I got pick-pocketed, had an excruciating fall, weighed in my luggage with one, had another put her feet up on my table at home and yet another suggesting I throw in my life's savings investing in a backward and dangerously con-manly China. It is as if the winds of evil are a-blowing with the opening up of a hungry and capitalist China! Winds that smart your eyes and dry your tongue.

The doctoral-degree holder (or so he claimed, from renowned QingHua University and our distinguished permanent resident of almost a decade) Chinese National tenant of mine was half the time recruiting me for his Multi-Level Marketing scheme. Every month I have to fork out a couple of hundred from my own pocket just so meet my sales quota. He tried extorting money from me as "compensation" for what he deems to be his righteous right even though it was his own self-termination of the tenancy agreement.

What does this show you about the kind of behaviour and mental cognition they possess? Civilised? Ethical? Human? Or conniving, vicious, money-grabbing and thuggish?

I read a blog about the quandary someone was in over attending a movie alone and in relating the genre of movie he watched, let slip a Freudian. I didn't know an intelligent young man could be so hung up over as trivial an issue as a pick of a movie and the company, or lack of, he has for the show.

Frankly it shows the state of life we are all in. We have to conform and conform to every single social more society throws at us, for better or worse. We have to laugh at corny jokes our superiors crack, wear masks and do things we don't really want to . It is like someone who lamented how she feels alone even though she is surrounded by "friends". Well, good luck one and all. I am not going to be entrapped thus. I am going to live life my way, free from encumbrances.

Oh yes and I actually received a demolition order from the Housing Development Board courtesy of the renovation contractor ala the future lessee of my flat. My eyes almost popped out when the renovation permit had my personal particulars neatly laid out and had specific dates for the demolition. This coming even though I am still, technically, occupying the premises.

This brought on recollections of articles I read about of China and even more recently an European or American country where land and residential building were compulsorily acquired by the state and occupiers ordered to vacate. The cruel, cold sledge hammer and ball of capitalist pigs!

On to the main theme of my blog. The first pets we kept were caterpillars we found on vegetables (imagine that, vegetables of old has this which signals a healthier and pesticide-free feed for humans) which we kept in meshed shoe-boxes. When the little worms had metamorphosed, we could hear the angry flaps of wings, demanding to be released from their enclosure.

A stray black spotted female pigeon had the great fortune to wander into our house. We had it caged ( an old food trolley cart we converted) and lo and behold another white male pigeon followed suit. A couple it became, though the male was always pecking at the female. They copulated and the female laid two eggs. One was born still-live while another actually hatched to live for a while before submitting to the cruel fate of captivity. We would watch with fascination as they curdle food to feed their young.

Yellow and fluffy chicks make good and cute pets while young but as soon as they grow up, they are big, change colour and make a lot of noise, eventually ending up as dinner on a platter. I can remember our favourite chick/hen called Fluffy (or was it Whitey) who had its throat slit and died in the throes of an excruciating death on the floor of the bathroom, spilling blood all over. YUCKS! I must have been traumatised and refused to eat it.

Parents , please do not have pets as food. Please separate the two. Pets are pets and food is food.

Breeding hamsters can be just as traumatic. I had a white and brown couple. They reproduced so fast, it was litter after litter of baby mice. Once they were of age, I had them sold. The inter-breeding went well and the babies were nicely colored of different hues.

The unfortunate turn came when the mother hamster became cannibalistic, eating up its babies, leaving turfs of tell-tale fur and killed its soul mate, leaving a ghastly-looking gash on its side, gory and its insides showing.

Remember that any living thing you keep is a life. You have to attend to it as much as you would a human baby. When it is sick, you need the veterinarian. Just remember that.

Monday, November 14, 2005


As promised, a blog on observations during the past week.

Civil servants can expect a smaller bonus of less than 2.25 months as compared to last year. Therefore this would be a great concern for discontentment. They must be kidding! For all my working life, it would be a laugh if I ever got my 13th month. My chit-chat on the ground reveals bonus payouts at some multi-nationals going for as high as 5-7 months and our NKF ex-Chief Execuitive had a year of bonus.

I can imagine a mere clerical officer in the government service on a monthly wage of $1200 having a small windfall of $2700. And $2700 can at least buy a reasonably branded 26inch plasma television. I am now making do with none at home.

Considering how pompous and officious some of these civil servants can be in their dealings with the public, I spit at the pay perks they are granted.

The economy has exacted such a great price on its people that I sometimes observe people with a limb or a phalange missing. It could be due to diseases but my bet is some industrial disaster when I can see peeling skin and the person look ethnically disposed towards blue-collared occupations, though this is no basis for an assumption.

The ghettoes I mentioned in the previous blog would hopefully be spruced up. Even if I don't decide to move into any of these slum areas, I would have at least fulfilled my obligations as a global citizen by airing the plight of these slum-dwellers.

It is ironic that the "seven wonders" (incidentally the "Twin Peaks" pop up in my mind as a quintessential illustration) as a parlimentarian chose to label some of our public buildings are ostentatiously opulent, replete with fountain and koi pond themes and big screen televisions while in the slums, residents have none. These buildings are for working in, not living, yet they are so much better retrofitted that I might as well chose to live in one with its "hotel-like " bathroom facilities.

I have mentioned in my earlier blogs how I would like to pen my travelogues. Here is just one snippet of my travel to China.

My first destination to the Heaven and Earth Imperial Land was Beijing. When the plane nose-dived to land on the taxiway, the ground swelled up showing a Beijing, remote, untouched , barren, rural, hot and arid (it was summer). Groups of early morning health practitioners (as it was almost like six at dawn when I touched down) were doing the palm-fan routine.

At the airport , there were military-dressed men and women, some replete with beret and rifles in ram-rod straight posture. It didn't exactly earn itself kudos for the foreboding sense of discomfort it stirred within me. If a nation dresses its people like that at its international airport, it shows its militaristic, rigid and possibly inflexible stance.

Getting myself out of the airport, I was greeted by a myriad of touts for cab and coach services. These touts didn't leave me a very good impression, the thugs that they were. A lady struck up a conversation with me and I can feel it in my bones that she was up to no good. I also remember this other woman at the old Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport (which has been shifted to Pudong) who actually wanted to weigh in her luggage along mine.

The Beijing Railway Station was a scene of huge milling crowds, larger than any I have ever seen before. As I headed for the bus interchange to board a bus to my hostel in the suburbs, a horde of vagrants were giving me the eye over and I could sense something intuitively wrong.

True enough, as I climbed the flight of stairs up the bus, they squeezed me into a tight corner and it was a synidcate who pick-pocketed me and handed my wallet in my back trousers down the line. The Chinese official at the hostel was no help, a strict time-keeper to the hours of his shift work. I think swindlers abound in that developing country, each trying to make a fast buck . The gay movie "Lan Yu", on reflection, is such a commercialised effort, I am sure the producers were cashing in on the tide of "gayism".

A call to the Singapore embassy was no help either. It actually wanted me to remit money to them first before they would lend money to me. I wouldn't need their help would I if I had cash on me? I was pick-pocketed for pete's sake. That means I was penniless.

Even the trishaw rider who sought to ride me to the bank to withdraw cash from my plastic account, wanted to extort from me.

My first day in Beijing and this had to happen. If China cannot keep its streets crime-free, please do not ever think of inviting foreign investments into its shores or even tourists. Imagine the kind of impression and ordeal tourists have and endure.

This is exactly the kind of society we breed when the economy takes hold, disrupting people's lives and creating rifts in human-to-human relations, based primarily on money as the fodder for feeding and growing our lives.

More observations coming up in the days ahead.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ghettoes In Singapore

I am recovering nicely from my spinal fracture though I can't walk, sit, stand or lie down for long. In fact on exertion, my lower back hurts and I am often breathless. So many things have happened the past week and I am going to try to summarise all my observations here. If not, I am just going to concentrate on the property market and pen the rest in another blog.

First, the property market. And I am referring to only the Public Housing ones.

Valueing a property should be an objective and neutral process. Seeing how private real estate marketers are also valuers, I question if this function can seriously be compromised. I mean how objective can I be if I am both selling and valueing a property?

The age of the development, its precinct, location, the exterior condition of the material property and its interior are all factors. The insides is in itself a class all its own, considering the property's lay-out, design and physical condition.

Add nearby amenities such as schools, eateries, shopping malls, entertainment complexes, sports facilities, libraries and transportation and you have as many possible tangible yardsticks for not only measuring the value of one unit from the next but even one estate from another.

Unfortunately I can see few of these being applied in the valuation or marketing processes.

The Walk-In-Selection , surprisingly, has moved into the realm of not only marketing brand new units but also the "Main Upgrading Program" units as well. It is good the Housing Development Board is undertaking the sales directly and this is not relegated to the open market where the real estate agents jack up or down the prices as befit the circumstances.

However in the case of the MUP ones, the conditions for sale should be treated as re-sale ones. That means opening up the sale to other categories of applicants not covered in the new sales category.

Otherwise the Single Singapore Citizen or even the Joint Singapore Singles are left with the second-hand market units, usually in "slum-like" or "ghetto" condition. This is especially true for singles who want a smaller or zero liable and affordable unit like a 3-roomer. These units are in such short supply and are usually located in aged and dilapidated estates, sometimes in far-flung and remote corners of the island, lying right alongside properties leased to our guest workers from Asia. And they are priced ridiculously high too.

Just for illustration purposes, a MUP unit under the WIS retails for $85K in the West or a brand new one for $116 in the North-Eastern. An aging and run-down unit , although located on a high floor and at the corner, goes for anything like $128K to $175 K or even higher. This is almost comparable to a unit selling under the MUP. How skewed can prices get?

It is really sad that many of these ghettoes have the potential to be the great estates they can be. The design of the apartment buildings is promising, with well thought out lay-out and unique linkways. Moreover it is exclusive with only two units to a floor with a nice service balcony fronting the living hall.

It is the electrical switch boxes and pipes clumsily hovering above or clinging onto the walls, the slabs of gaping holes in the columns near the roof-top, the stalactites dripping paintwork, the spalling concrete, the soiled and dirtied screed staircases, the rusting and peeling metal railings, the charred lift floors with "loan sharks" graffiti sprawled across its walls and the algaed facade overgrown with creepers and crawling with bugs that make the whole place uninhabitable. The rubbish chutes somehow turn inwards into the central walkway, adding on to the almost unsanitary and unhygienic living conditions, littered with rubbish.

So there, I take back what I said about us being a First World nation infrastructurally. Perhaps partially? And I ain't gonna throw away my money like that investng in a piece of junk property, unlivable and sleazy.

I am personally happy and contented with a 65-70 sq m space easily cleaned and maintained where I do not have to fork out huge liability expenses month after month and yet it yields me enough cash proceeds for savings or investments and future expenditure or venture.

Besides, the secondary market is opened for sale to Singapore Permanent Residents and this makes citizenship no different from permanent residency for singles. Unless this implies that singles are any lesser as citizens than their married or foreign counterparts. And unmarried siblings may not necessarily want to live together under the Orphan Scheme.

Many of the enterprising SPRs and our very own native home-owners have sought to rent out many of these units to a variety of foreign visitors. They have bought units for rental income or for holding out for a Selective En-Bloc Redevelopment Sales.

According to HDB's subletting rules, there can be as many as 8 occupiers crammed into a house. Long lines of laundry and mud-caked working boots snake along the corridor. And this is happening amidst a residential estate. Doesn't this detract from the overall estate aesthethics and shouldn't HDB differentiate between residential residence and non-residential residence? And thus allot living quarters accordingly?

I am not sure if HDB can site them in Tuas when the Boon Lay extension is up and running, much closer to their workplaces in the industrial estates there.

Speaking of which I have highlighted to the transport ministry how we can join the furthermost terminal dots on the rail map to connect the western part of Singapore to its southerm, eastern and north-eastern brethen, forming one seamless, peripheral and express railway.

This will truly be integrated and inter-connected commute, saving time bypassing the mish-mash of network criss-crossing the inner core of the island. MOT can name this the North-South-East-West Hemispherical Line (NSEW HL).

Coming up soon in my next blog ! Observations on life during the last week.

Friday, November 04, 2005

What's In A Relationship

Let us be really frank here. There are all sorts of sexual relationships going on here. There are hetero, homo and bi-sexual copulations. Unfortunately there are a few no-nos we need to take heed.

If someone is a bisexual, he/she has to take a stance early and decide which of the two he wants to go full steam ahead. There must be no ambivalence. Any ambivalence is tantamount to keeping a mistress or concubine of either sex on the quiet. This can only lead to heartaches and utter mayhem in one's love life. I personally cannot stomach any of this rubbish.

I have seen enough of so-called wimpy bisexuals who cannot decide. These are people with a very weak sense of their own sexual identity. I will give him a chance to decide and if he cannot, then off he goes.

Some are the macho-mary variety who think they could have the best of both worlds, with no strings or commitment attached. This is despicable to say the very least. The other party who goes into this sexual alliance must be deluding himself. If it is a one-night stand, well. Just do not lead the other person on, thinking there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and have him wagging his tail after your every dalliance with him.

Similarly a hetero has to keep faithful to his/her partner come what may. The above consequences follow likewise if this is not adhered to. It is unfair to both parties if one strays. A homosexual is no different. My blog is to focus on homosexuals.

I have seen enough of the bottom or flexi gays who stick around bis or heteros to his own detriment. For christ's sake, these guys have their girl friends and wives with them and only using stupid gays like this as a side-kick and frolick for fuck.

Some gays cannot see this. They waste their youth hanging around them like dogs do masters at the dining tables waiting upon scraps for food. It would instead be more productive for them to form stable relationships with fellow gays who are thinking ahead long term.

I have personally experienced some. If someone has given up on our relationship and broken off, I will never come back to it again. The reasons for the break-up could be he has no time. Imagine it is a relationship of convenience which only comes forth when he has the time. This is not a relationship to go back to.

I have relationships like this. People who waver. People who are shallow. People unable to commit and decide. Once this relationship breaks, it is over and done with. I will enter a new relationship with no clinging to the past.

A gay I met entered into our relationship with strong feelings for his ex. This is so stupid. If you can't let go and you have been treated shabbily, you are in for hell to enter a new relationship with the past controlling the present. Ask yourself why you guys broke up in the first place? And never turn back once it is over unless that guy deserves a second chance. Most don't and I won't allow it.

Some stupid gays persist despite the shabby and dog-on-leash treatment. I pity them. A relationship is an equal one where both are treated respectfully, faithfully and lovingly. No one should be relegated to a "sit-shake-hands" doggie on command.

I suppose some hetero guys and gals are the same too. You can imagine how some hetero-guys can be just as wimpy. Cannot let go and clinging on.

You have my best wishes for a good sexual relations.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

What Is Wrong With Asia And I Have Only Two Options

I am back, but only just for a short while. I have to make the BIGGEST decision of my life of which I have only two options: I leave Singapore or I stay on. But the former is a more attractive option.

What can be so wrong with Singapore and Asia that I have to leave it and seek greener pastures in the Euro-American continents? For starters, it is unbelievable the way we run things here. It is no wonder then that Europeans are wary of Asians whom they label as slit-eyed, cunning and imitative.

Every industry I encounter, from education to real estate, has commercialised and stupefied so much that it is more than ridiculous. Real estate valuation must be so skewed that the value appraisers must be wearing a "one-eye" Jack patch or they seriously must be cock-eyed. A 20 year old dilapidated, spalling and uninhabitable apartment actually fetches a value above $150K while somewhere a decent one is valued similarly. Where is the defining difference between the two?

The valuers by the way come straight from the real estate agencies themselves and they are either jacking up or down the prices according to their whims and fancies.

I cannot imagine the scramble these people get themselves into, killing the market, themselves, us and the industry over their price wars. The professionalism is dead. The conduct and etiquette wanting. All over existentialism and money.

Scandinavian Europe with its population of 4 to 5 million spread over hundreds of thousands of square kilometre and thus a population density of only about 15 per square kilometre must definitely be a paradise of sorts. Singapore is the second most densely populated with about six thousand per square kilometre.

Our living conditions are just better and cleaner than Hongkong. But not any less dense or smaller.

Besides, they accord civil unions (though they don't recognise gay-marriages but as I have always envisaged, the pomb and ceremony could be had in private) rights to gay couples. It is 600 times bigger, forested, beautiful , has more natural and man-made attractions. Even its enterprise is welcoming and at age 65, residency and employment is not a big issue as we here in Singapore make it out to be at 40, 55 and 62.

What does this show you? A first World country with First World developed status and mentality. The Nordic countries are among the first to institute this as far back as the early nineties after Denmark in 1989.

Too bad Australia is no longer a choice migratory destination because once they opened up the immigration to Asians, the whole culture changes and life is never the same again. I cannot blame the many flammatory and discriminatory acts targeted against Asians abroad because they have businessified the whole industry so much, it is devoid of humanity, compassion and sanity anymore.

Not that I am saying the Industrial revolution wasn't the first to blaze the trail. The millions in costs to lives as immigrants slog away in sweat-shops except it seems now we have roles in reverse with Asians at the helm. No better than the whites.

Remember the Japanes occupiers, emboldened as they were from their defeat of the Russians. They were Asian colonisers who under the guise as opponents of white supremacists did no better than they. So what is the big difference? Nothing. All of us, whites, yellows or blacks are the same.

Look at the state of our commercial schools and even public schools. The real meaning of a true education has been so defiled by the kind of curriculum, assessment structure and quality of people staffing these organisations, it resembles a gulag and exhibit zoo of low-class life-forms. Garbage in, garbage out. Look at the calibre of students they churn out year in and year out.

Education has been commodified. Sure, it is to pick up a technical skill , gain employment and earn big bucks. But in Asia, a coveted education at a renowned university is a means for a good brag. There is nothing wrong if education at the same time opens up the mind, help us learn about ourselves and others, think and do things better, improve, simplify our and the community's lives. Not complexify and add on to the suffrage of mankind.

Think of all our past mistakes in ideologies, medicine, industry and governance.

Have we touched lives, minds, hearts and souls of our people? Have we created a more compassionate, loving and scientific community resulting in a quantum leap in improvement of our lives? Has our knowledge base similarly been enhanced? Do we only know money and nothing else of the world and of ourselves? Have we brought knowledge of cultures beyond ours and a truly borderless world? What of teaching logic, reasoning, common sense and judgement and transmitting values of love rather than hate, stereotypes and prejudices?

People cannot relate to people anymore. It is based on class, religion, race and language. Class came about only because of the economy. Asia is developing so we will see more of the economic class struggles, woes and pains. But Euro-America is developed, so they must be stablised to a large extent. But do watch out for the immigrants (the shabbily treated ones) and the large populaces of the countries.

I am going to be homeless in two months' time and judging by the choice of properties I am faced with, I am forced to leave. Besides if I am to be homeless here and without decent work, then I might as well go abroad, be homeless and without a decent job. Both offer the same conditions.

At least I still have a fighting chance overseas when it is so seriously overcrowded and meaningless back home.

Scandinavia here I come.