Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Women's Rights And Issues Gone Awry

What am I doing up at exactly 2.52 am on a Wednesday morning. The stabbing pain at my back has gotten to the point of no return and I knew I had to sit or stand to alleviate it. So here goes my blog on women issues and rights.

Everywhere in every imaginable industry, it has become a female-dominated environment. Accounts, medical, pharmaceutical, education, real estate and banking. There is no escaping encounters of the Third Kind with the opposite sex.

I am no male chauvinist pig or sexist. Neither am I saying that the male gender is any better in some instances - the blimps and wimps plus a host of others. In fact, I think Professor Bryan Skyes did not account for the possibility that the gay gene is being transmitted down the line precisely because most wimps do eventually get hitched, sorry as that sounds.

I mean imagine the infidelity and all, the asides as bad as keeping a concubine on the stealth and the ambiguity of their sexual position. If you cannot live with yourself truthfully, you might as well not.

In the beginning I believe in equal if not gentler treatment of the supposed downtrodden and fragile sex. However seeing how things turn out now, how women can become as unreasonable, combative, competitive and bitchy, I have changed my mind and decided that some digging-in of the ground is in order to take a stance. Otherwise man is as emasculated and impotent as the Viagra he doesn't take.

In my earlier blog, I argued that women were in the first place not as equal in terms of anatomical and bio-physiological differences translating into some physical incapacitation, not any less able or intelligent. Therefore a differential in wages should follow.

I am all for the ban on age-old stifling traditions like feet-binding, prostitution as a means to earning a living, women abuse, discrimination in the medical benefits and permanent residency of their male spouses and so on.

But some discrimination could be necessary if the practicalities of the work dictate it. Like in the medical profession, a crucial life and death one, where time away from work means many losses in manpower resources to provide the quality of care-giving to an ever burgeoning greying population and medical-attention seekers.

As an example, I was trying to gain access to information to a property recently but the female manager was on sick leave throughout the week. The deal eventually did not go through and I am sure this is a pecuniary loss to the realtors.

Women seem to be a cunning lot these days. They are able to wield their feminine wiles , charms and weaknesses as a trump card for getting leeway for their more than shoddy and shirking of work and responsibilities but yet use this as a force on the opposite end to gain control and domination. How can one fight for equal rights when everything else isn't equal in the first place?

It is like having the icing and cherry on the cake and eating both twice over.

With women running an enterprise, it is quite a different ball game at times. They are no less profit-driven as the men, on the contrary they can be a lot worse. The enterprise is run like a tight ship akin to home.

We all remember the little things we hate being picked on at home especially the old wives tale kind like not to bathe immediately after exercise or food or restrictions on personal privileges like being grounded at home to save money on outings, buying clothes, movie-going or trips to the library. Yes. Trips to the library. That is forbidden because mother does not like the idea of you hanging out far from her sight.

Put simply, you being treated like a 5 year old kid all over again.

I remember an exhibition of books at my school once where I wasn't permitted to purchase any because we were not rich anyway. Those were books I would die reading for.

You want a work environment away from home, not its exact replica. What fun is that? So a female-dominated environment usually entails tale-bearings, gossips and women talk. These creatures all dolled up and dressed to the nines can be a minefield of potential distractions and disgust. We have to put up with their personal habits and mannerisms.

Sometimes I am not sure if they are present to work or find a life-partner. The Chinese national girls who come here on study passes are already a questionable lot, most of whom will go on to work after their completion of their education.

Unfortunately I can only indulge in women's talk superficially not like how the wimps can do with pizzazz. They are the metrosexuals who blend in as well with the womenfolk in thinking, talk and habits.

It is so unprofessional, does nothing for the pysche or intellect, with no improvements to my professional bearing.

If I had stayed on in my previous few jobs, it would have been a really really dead-end job. There were no personal computer workstations or high technology for us to play around with. No professional expertise exchanges. No nothing. I would have stagnated and died a skill-less dude if I had not dabbled in technology on my own or researched or read up myself on the latest happenings.

I am not sure what else the feminists are fighting for these days. I would think that they are right in fighting for their equal rights in developing Third World countries but in First World nations especially in Singapore, they have been accorded more than their equal rights. So much so the men are dwarfed and emasculated in positions of power and authority these days.

If they make better decisions, are wiser, more rational and reasoning, I say I am all for them in power or management. But are they? Going by the ones I meet, I do not think so. They can be worse managers and CEOs, less compassionate, less reasoning and less rational.

Worse, their words can be rift-driven and incendiaries for seeds of hate, malice and dissent, playing one against the other. I recall two conversations I had with both parents of a foreign student of whom I have been placed guardianship. The father was even-toned, rational and reasoning. The mother, on the other hand, was fiery and emotive. Her caustic remarks were cutting and totally out of synch with reason.

So has the feminist movement gone awry. It sure has in certain cases. It is about time we wake up to the reality and see things as they really are.

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