Thursday, October 13, 2005

What's Going On Here?

Lord! What a fucking day it had been! Am I going out of my mind? First I had to drag myself out of the house for I had been cooped up too long I think dust is beginning to gather on me hair. So it was off to I-am-not-telling-where.

An old couple was already queueing up and the old blimp was complaining. Show starts at 10.15 am but booking starts only at 10.00am, a mere 15 minutes to showtime. It needs more time than that and he was right but the counter "girl" did come in earlier at about 9.45 or so and did start taking bookings as soon as she was ready.

Even his female companion/wife listened and asked him to shut up. Given the time I had and having drunk gallons of water earlier after my exercise, I trudged off to the loo. A CJC dude was inside and he had a toenail ripped off and it was really gory and it bled some spots of blood which remained even after I visited the john 1hr 20 minutes later. What does that tell you? Someone has not been cleaning out the toilet!

This reminded me of Dwayne and his toe stubbed on a sharp bathroom thingy. In the CJC dude's case, he already had a bad toe from a bicycle accident and today he had it stepped on. Ouch! So I told him in no uncertain terms that he can't be walking around like that. After checking it out, I took him to a "dispensary" nearby.

Look CJC dude. Never mind if it is a "dispensary". A dispensary is double entendred. It is still nevertheless a clinic. I promptly ordered the clinic assistant to bandage it up and crossed my finger and trust he is well and left.

That must have left me in a tizzy and I was sitting in the wrong cinematographic hall and only realised it when I noticed the huge turnout of women who were obviously rooting for their Korean superstar idol and the flashing trailer had Korean words on it. It was supposed to have Chinese words on it.

Ok ok. It was a R21 made-in-China gay movie "Lan Yu" (aren't all things made in China nowadays?). Happy now? God! This movie was like banned some time back and it is now allowed to screen with many cuts as I can see. Why cut it? It is R21 after all and as far as I can see, the audience was matured, with a few old men sleeping throughout the show.

God! I missed my screening by a good 10 minutes. The action unfurled thick and fast and I was drawn into the life cycle of a pompous promiscuous rich gay man and his quickie marriage cum divorce, his client-server relationship with a penniless gay student, a on-off thingtummy culminating with the poor lad's death because of his brush with the law. Nothing to crow about.

Did I spy M/s Gladys Fernandez, my lower secondary school teacher? She has put on weight but she still has that distinctive Mickey Mouse look with her oversized glasses. That was what the boys call her in class.

That brought on memories of my school days again. As I see it, almost all the female teachers throughout my school career had served with distinction and honor. They had a professional, even-toned and academic-slanted approach to teaching. They were never like the callous bitches I see in some schools and in the commercial establishments these days. What is the academy and the authorities churning out? Blimps, bimbs and wimps?

Even my favourite teacher M/s Maria Teo, fashionably ahead of her times and physically asseted, dressed decently with at most a scarf around her neck and in high heels. It was never the ultra short skirt and skimpy cleavaged top.

M/s Wicked Stepmother if you care to recall had even on one occasion egg me on to jump off the window by her insinuation. When inked markers ran out, she suggested using blood to write. What a stupid fucked up bitchy bitch! She claimed (and infact many do in the commercial establishments, credentials which I question) ex-educationist status and this is how she served in the profession? Christ! I had to fight a fire at home once, some problem with a gushing tap and came into office soaking wet. She asked caustically if it was raining outside.

As I lounged around and sipped my drinks, I started dreaming and thinking (again). Suddenly I notice an Indian couple walking by. The wife started coughing. I can't believe this and instinctively felt something was wrong. Something overwhelmed me. I became dizzy, light-headed and nauseous. It tickled my throat and nose. I started coughing too.

It triggered a chain reaction and others started coughing as well. We realised something was amiss with the air and ran out. Save for a couple of people who were unperturbed, the rest of us felt some stingy pangs of "air" which had us coughing. I am keeping one of the operations personnel cell phone number just in case what we breathed in was harmful.

My mother must have transmitted me her genes for intuition. Mother knows best. Despite my mother's best intentions , my then 19 year old rebellious sister married against her wishes twice. She paid for this dearly and I knew our whole life at home was never the same again. Dear sister even instigated me not to look after my father as she knows she will be pulled into a quarry if I do. If I have problems, she will be the first I will call as we are "closer".

So fathers are not financially supported in their old age. Why? Because mothers always have daddies be the bad guy. If you do something wacky, she threatens you with father and father is the whipping sadist. Does that explain it all?

I hope the women know better and to heed their mother's warning when it is indeed meritorious.

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