Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Gospel Truth

If the truth be told, then it must be told. I am frankly taken aback by our young men and women of today. Most are just so contented with completing a tertiary education and then embedding themselves in a cushy job with the public service or a multi-national. Then it is one long smooth ride of a career, a house, a car, a family and retirement.

To think that given my age, I am still so Admiral Zheng He-like, yearning to brave the seven seas to see the world and bring back treasures. Where is that spirit of enterprise and adventure anymore?

Mind you these are the supposedly young, restless and energetic X-generation, cooped up, fattened and nestled amidst plenty while being warmed by quilted feathers. Laid-back, comfortable and yet opportuned with abundant possibilities, they seem not to bite the bait. Others are endowed with sufficient resources to move out of their comfort zone but who choose not to.

I fear for our future if the old and illiquid assetless me have to venture abroad at much risk of life and limb while the young stay at home, living off our land till it shrivels and dries up.

And we were hoping to entrust our womenfolk to mind the house while we are away. But what happens? They can't even go a day without a quibble or nit-pick. By their very tone and content of their talk, it is enough to incite and start a fight or a squabble. Just as aggressive for all the wrong reasons are Mr Blimpos.

It boils down to one simple fact : my style differs from Messrs Blimp, Bimb and Wimp. They are so women-like (the latter two), nit-picking and conniving while the former is just so full of past glories, arrogance and hubris, they literally live fossilised in prehistory.

By the way have you noticed how the Gaza Strip had just been emptied of Jewish settlers and the Palestine Authority given their first chance at long last to build a small state they can call their own. When did this happen? Only when Mr Arafat passed on. Closer to home, you would have noticed a warming of ties across the border when old bagpipes of historical gripes leave office and a new team takes over.

I fume when I visit national departments and I square off with young and old civil servants sitting around carrying baggages of paunches. They are faring comfortably and living well and preventing me from carrying out my livelihood. I feel like throwing a sandbag over them and rain blows on their faces whilst deflating their disgusting pot-bellies. They take from us and make our lives miserable for illogical reasons.

They are people who were supposed to think up policies that are comprehensive and integrative that apply correctly and situationally under different circumstances. But what do we have sometimes? A whole load of junk and that incessant asking for documents that do not fit the facts of the various cases.

I remember a wimp who worked with me some years ago. If you must know, his name is Daryl Chan. An exact replica of a bimb, he talks, acts and walks like one. He is so into the personal habits and lives of people, he gets into the faces of people who would want to punch the living daylights out of his puny miserable wimpy life. Of course he is in league with the bimbs. They are like ravens of the same evil black feathers who crows together.

We forget that our retail megamall showcase is only ephemeral. It lasts only as long as the next retail megamall showcase surfaces onshore or offshore usually at half the price and at half the time. Guess which way the foreign direct investment will hitch upon?

Did I tell you there is a rice stall near me who thinks that its cheap menu prices will attract a Britney Spears horde to taste its longkang dishes? Or that a now defunct (but probably name-altered and holing out elsewhere) commercial school actually occupied the historic MPH building, a monument that it desecrates and farts on just by its mere occupation of the site?

Macho Marys. That is the term we use for real-time wimps who try to act tough with a loud voice to match. Chee Hongs. Another term we use for guys who swarm every available girl they see. Minahs. The Malay girls who love playing truant and taking time off. Bayi. The Singhs we always play a prank on by "choping".

I have the personal good fortune to live with two permanent residents here. One is from China with a doctorate who at one time did some research. Another is from Malaysia who was a Finance Director. After hearing them speak and reading what they write, I question their specialty and expertise to stay here and compete with me for a slice of the Singapore economic market. GOD! One is now into multi-level marketing and the other in the healthcare industry. Surely I cannot be any inferior should I apply to the Euro-American continents.

Here in our land of dreams and bountiful, I can scarcely find a soul who would as much stop to help the "mentally disturbed", the homeless , the old folks and the beggars on the streets. One must be lying dead on the pathway and even then, it is no guarantee of help.

This is how I feel with the educators in our schools who would rather have a white or a rich homemaker (ex-educator herself) come do the schools' enrichment programs. They would not give us , a young struggling company, a chance to run the programs. As an ex-student told me, it seems many educators are just physically present but perhaps spiritually or mentally missing.

Which also reminds me of how I felt about this "ex-vice principal" of this commercial school. I know the words she utters are just some words without a single meaning or truth. I will say she is only a bodily existence without much of a true mind or spirit.

The conclusive truth then suggests to me that I am probably some being born in a wrong place at the wrong time.

So there! If the truth be told, then it surely must be told.

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