Friday, October 07, 2005

I Am Seeing Someone Special

You filthy lecherous morbid whore of a mind! It isn't what you think. In fact he is some oldie who hawked chicken rice at one time and was among the pioneer residents of Toa Payoh like I was.

Through him, I learned that this first modern satellite town had its roots in 1965. WHOA! And I thought we were like the very first settlers of this new town when we moved in in 1972. Tomorrow I am going to learn about his capture by the Japanese when he was about three years old.

So you see! Not all old folks , men or women included, are blimpos or bimbs. Doesn't take a super genius or CEO to pass on some knowledge or history. It does however make him lesser than my mother though , who was in her late teens when she first encountered the Japanese invasion. And that in turn makes me more informative than he is as the oral history passed directly to me from my mother and father.

Speaking of which that makes my parents contemporaries of Minister Mentor Lee!

As I said, a person should be judged on what the person is on his own merits. Not on his historical past, his educational background, his gender, his whatever. It should be based on what he can do in the present and for the future. If we keep harping on a person's sexuality, it can draw more attention to an already contentious issue than warrants it.

May I suggest a close on all discussions of a sexual nature and let the open parties and marriage ceremonies go on privately without the need of public privy , knowledge or information? Let it be known among the community itself. We have the private means of circulation and dissemination.

Make this a non-issue. Let us not speak about it in the press but do let us debate this in private.

We should all publicly defend our positions. But privately, let us reflect on the criticisms and if proven true, we should work on rectification whilst making a public proclamation to the contrary.

Mr Blimp of A Historical Gripe across the causeway may be a stone wall to progress at some point in our negotiations, but he did levy some truisms about us when he mentioned about our cars going as far as across the crooked bridge to get away from it all and to rev our engine up sufficiently for good measure. So the good and the bad must be taken as one wholesome nutritional meal of vitamins and minerals plus viagra.

I remember my Officer-In-Command comment at one point in my National Service career that people like us cannot fight in a time of war. I guess he was thinking along the traditional lines of gearing up in combat wear with a bayonet attached to a M16 .

I will have him know, if he is still alive, that we can be human suicide bombers or missiles if we need to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our nation. So there! It takes more imagination these days to fight a war. Thomas Friedman observes that 9/11 was a war of imagination (note: airplanes used as projectiles instead of nuclear warheads) and not a conventional war as we imagined it to be.

I have met a number of women educators in our public service. In fact most were heading departments. The meetings usually start with screaming into my ears of one complaint or another about the state of schools , their populace and so on.

I see some have risen to vice-premiership of schools and even seconded to headquarters. If women (and some men) of such distinction could grace our institutions, I say we all had it. It is goodbye to great leadership and true education.

One school had an older Malaysian discipline mistress with anorexic looks and ultra skimpy mini-skirts parading her wares up and down the corridor. I hope she administers justice as well as she dresses up. Another had such huge boobs, she blatantly had them bobbing up and down in her cleavage-exposed tight dress. WHOA! How are the students going to study like this? Where did the training academy and authorities get all these educators? The bimbo peep-show attraction?

They actually made me wait out and waste two years of my life chasing after a dream of a school-enrichment program, feeding me false hopes upon quote after senseless quote. They could not be truthful with me and let me decide more decisively.

You have retail megamall mentality and we get retail megamall personality and disorder in return, all the way from the top to the bottom, from teachers to students.

After all if they have mega popstars as the only idols they can emulate, what can we all say? A beauty culture of slutholes, whores and bimbs? My older married ex-colleague (remember M/s Hatsheput ) idolises Madonna and she behaves like her. Look at the screaming fans turning up at airports, media stations or concert events and you can conclude how idolisation, consumerism, fashion and commercialisation have all taken hold of our young.

There is this senior lady working on administration who tried to pull a fast one on me. She seems to have a thing or two with a school attendant and insinuates that this attendant comes into the office only at 9.00am. As far as I know, the Executive and Administrative Staff comes in only at that time. If I had not known any better, I would have been misled.

Remember this vivacious hag of a witch who tried making me sign up for her "educational" lessons? She had me do a lesson for $40 and promptly issues me a IR8E for this measly immaterial amount which IRAS scoffs at. This coming after even signing on her payment voucher and her husband is an accountant who should know better.

Which reminds me of a local union-linked organisation who similarly issues me an IR8A when I am not even a full-time employee with them. It should have been a IR8E. So much for observing good governing procedures.

If something happens on the streets, don't always assume it is a Singaporean's doing. I have seen a couple of bad social graces and behaviour perpetrated not by us. Crowding around train station entrances, not moving the slightest inch even when other passengers attempt to board or alight, they were in some cases speaking a foreign tongue in equally loud tones at times.

In retrospect quite a few of the business accounting small and medium enterprises I worked for were owned by Malaysians. Note that they are not here to make meaningful contributions but to enrich themselves. Most work were paper-ridden and perfunctory at best. I am not sure if it meets anywhere close to the rigorous standard needed for a final audit report.

An emigration consultancy I met up with was manned by Malaysian, Thai and Hong Kong bosses. If they provide the kind of information they do that even an imbecile with half a mind could and in the English language even the mute can speak, I say I can run the same outfit in Euro-America, with better finesse and knowledge.

Oh yes! This commercial school run by a woman Chinese national, in the name of her Singaporean husband. See how I keep telling you the great governance we have here among our commercial schools where the supervisor is just a nominal nominee or proxy. I am not sure where she got her educational credentials but for sure she is not winning herself my kudos.

And this other Taiwanese principal running the same. I remember while sitting in on an interview with her when the telephone rang and she was speaking to the voice at the other end assuring it that the kids are not allowed to talk in class. There behind me was a class of chatterers with an Indian teacher (?) working crowd control. So much for education and casetrusting.

Sometimes I really wonder where have all the true-blue Singaporeans gone? I cannot believe that with the benefit of our still comparatively good education, that they could be one of so many of the herds we have all come to associate with uncouthness. Have they all disappeared somewhere to greener pastures?

Yes it is time I move on. I will if I am forced into a corner with no other options other than to move on and away!

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