Thursday, October 20, 2005

Prejudice, Stereotype And Discrimination

I am stuffing myself with painkillers and tranquilisers to ease me into sleep and my pain. I took a short walk to get lunch yesterday as I had starved for two whole days. I was breathless, spasmic and the lower back cried out in pain. I knew I hadn't recovered and this is going to go on for two more weeks.

Did I mention my vital signs could not be had on the computerized and expensive-looking machines at one point? Doctors do not scribble in their indecipherable handwriting anymore as this is now typed out but with so many acronyms, the layman's mind boggles. As promised, my last blog before I break, die or vanish. I will come on back if nothing else happens.

Prejudice is a dislike. It could be a dislike for a gender, a race or even a nationality. For me, I am prejudiced against the evil trinity of blimps, bimbs and wimps. However aware I am of this prejudice, I will still give them a fair chance of interaction and friendship. Then I will decide if I should go on or cut it off. This action is then termed discrimination.

Most of the time, my fears are true and founded. The bimbs will invariably launch into gossips, idle talk and such. The blimps will do likewise digging into their own emotional and historical baggages. Wimps, well, are just wimps. The she-males, male versions of bimbs.

Stereotyping is when we always associate the female gender with the nurturing, maternal, gentle and loving nature. What a whole load of bullshit! If they were, I wouldn't see them screaming at kids in their care or even hitting them sometimes. Women are just as impatient, temperamental and bull-dozing.

M/s She-Ape, if you care to recall, would scream her lungs out at the students in her class, particularly the ones she doesn't like. The rest of us have to follow her lead and scream, intimidate and hit our charges as well. M/s Wicked StepMother distances herself from being responsible for the well-being of the kids from a foreign land. These are words straight from the horses' mouths.

If you are a PhD, Masters or Bachelor holder in educational qualifications, you must be smart and up to your work. I have seen so many degree holders who think and act like chao aunties at the market.

Discrimination is then acting upon our prejudices and stereotyping. Men cannot work at a student-care or child-care. They are either molesters or sexual deviants. Only native-English speakers for a language teaching position. Who is native and who isn't? Female working environment. Age above 40 not allowed.

When women go for branded goods , clothes and cosmetics like Louis Vutton , Estee Lauder and Gucci, they are discriminatory. If they are brand-conscious, they certainly can be class-conscious. Which explains why they are the ones to turn their noses up first at others they deem beneath their social status, followed by the wimps and the men. They will look for people who drive as sure-fire signs of wealth and class.

By the way, M/s Cleopatra was biased against me too. I worked in the construction industry once and she was sarcastically mimicking a contractor's speaking manners much like Phua Chu Kang. So too was the General Manager who caustically remarked that I needed escort, prison-warden style. That explains their bonding, big time. Both have emotional baggages to share.

These are the biases of the lower classes themselves. After all both are lower-classes who aspire to the upper. They have succeeded materially but inwardly they are the same person - all poor of meaning and substance. They need material wealth to prop up their psychological weaknesses and abyss.

I was screaming at the GM a few times because he was allowing all these bimbos free rein of the whole office, gossips about some squint-eyed actor (incidentally who is the ManHunt finalist Benedict Goh) and yelps about other people's (usually co-workers') lives. No control. No management.

Oh yes. M/s Cleopatra was hankering for Mont Blanc pens for her hubby. She must be one class-concious and bitchy bitch. The sales supervisor thought I was like so into M/s Cleopatra, who is a married mother of two, and remarked that if she were singly available, I would perhaps have a go at her. This shows how seriously wrong people are thinking what they think I am thinking. Highly assumptive. Do not second-guess my thoughts.

So never take anyone for granted. Like Imelda who turned her back on her social class once she attained fame and wealth, the poor can be just as nasty when they become rich.

I am equally disappointed with educators whom I use to hold in high regard. I have been making the rounds of seeing some and the reaction is at best lukewarm. My ex-teacher even asked how long has it been since I last met him, as if he was waiting to see me falter some time into the future.

People were actually waiting for you to go bust or something. They are not interested to lend a hand to help now. This is the overwhelming feeling I get from meeting some of them. That is magnamity and compassion for you. How do you expect your charges to show the same if you are the role model as such.

This is my last blog. Either I break, die, vanish or return.

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