Thursday, October 13, 2005

Why I Do Not Regret Not Driving And Why I Hate This Commercial School

I am not sure about you. To me independent thinking and living are two musts in my life. That means living the life I want and pursuing the things I want to do. I am not one to rely on anyone - not my adopted son or nephews or nieces - for financial support. I must have my own money to spend as I see fit, freely and independently.

Seeing the way how my aging and eventually ribs and bones father had been largely neglected in the care of my older sister, I shun to think if I should ever fall in the trap one day of having to rely on her. I will kill myself sooner than count on her care-giving.

I have never regretted giving up driving. The only thing I miss is the personal space I have with my thoughts and surrounds. On the public transport, you share your private turf with a gazillion motley crew, each intruding into your face and physicalities.

It is such a hassle driving on bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highway, an "expressway" meant to convey vehicles expeditiously as its moniker implies. Then there are parking woes to contend with, maintenance and breakdown costs as well as every last cent you have to fork out for parking lots, ERPs, CBDs, tax, insurance and petrol. I can't afford any of these at the moment and I can't see the need for a car other than to have it rot away in some garages, utilised only on occasions.

My favourite hangouts if I do drive will be the far flung areas not as accessible by public transport like the East Coast and Changi beaches, the Marina Bay area and all the parks and reserve dotting the island in the West and elsewhere. I will not drive in the city.

Somehow when I visit Changi airport, I always have this tremendous yearning to fly away, the feeling of visiting a distant land beckons. Greener pastures. Traverse the oyster of the world. An exotic and foreign culture.

Having lived with three older sisters and my mother, I can gauge very accurately what women think . It is written large on their faces and the way they act and react. I can in certain ways judge their and men's character. I can tell the diabolical from the sincere.

I have one very sad prognosis for mankind. The women have been so psychologically tainted and wickified in the world of work and commerce, they are no longer the gentle, kind and compassionate beings we have come to associate with their gender.

Just look at the women drivers. They are no better than the men. They hog the fast lanes when they are slowing down, thumb their middle finger when provoked, hurl vulgarities just as quickly and hanker for fame and riches.

So it is too when woman run a show or enterprise. I was expecting magnanimity and so on. Oh no! I am so wrong. Let us name this woman "vice-principal" M/s Wicked StepMother.

M/s Wicked Stepmother is a mother of two. I am not exactly sure what her marital status is but it could be a contributory factor to her psychological make-up. The moment she opens her mouth, it was one sarcasm after another, full of invective. Nothing good spews forth, to put it mildly.

If she were a straight-to-honest person I would have forgiven her, but she speaks nothing but factoids. She is particularly hateful of the Chinese students in the school and speaks incessantly of one such student. Her words are fuel for a cat-fight and she is a back-stabber, sucking up to her bosses while bad-mouthing down below her line of authority. She does not have a heart of gold but a heart of Cinderella's step-mother.

Truth is, she knows she can't work a full day as she has to take time away which coincides with the big bosses taking leave at the same time. Nobody can ask more than one question. She shows you that wicked, stuck-up and curled-up lip expression. Who would want someone in their employ who cannot serve their customers and pick quarrels with them?

She will set people onto you if she does not like you. Like she did with me. A big Vietnamese student who is gangster-like. And of course her lackey, Mr Wimpy, remember Daryl Chan from an earlier blog, well I think he should have been born a woman.

I remember going off for lunch and having this funny feeling and came right back. M/s Wicked Stepmother had one of her lackeys rummage through my belongings. Worse, she keeps accusing a student of theft and conducts a body search in class.

She even conducts evacuation and fire drills and I have to leave my belongings in the General Office, with me feeling that she has some bad intentions up her sleeves. These were obvious tactics of hers to plant as many incidents in school to make her look like a heroine and thus deserving of her managerial capacity.

She even had the audacity of inciting a Chinese student (whom you recall was the one she was ranting about earlier) renting my place up and pack, without so much a word of informing me first. All this right behind my back. I may have my differences with him but we can always have a face-to-face heart-to-heart talk and if you want to move away, fine. But let me know first.

That was the reason why I had this strange feeling that morning that I didn't see this Chinese student. Call it intuition. That was why I immediately rush out and have to hail a cab as you recall. Lo and behold, he was packing up and ransacking my store-room for storage boxes. Is this ethical? No way. You can imagine the diabolics this woman had planned, arranging for transport and his leaving, behind my back.

Any boss who has the myopic foresight to employ a rift-creating and malicious manager like that must surely have his downfall eventually. This woman had free rein of the place, unbridled , and she must have thought she was Empress Dowager Cixi.

That reminds me of all those stupid old men who have these Chinese national women gold diggers snuggling up to them. They are such a pitiful lot if they think it is love.

Anyway after that incident, I have had two room tenants all coming from that school and I have not had a very pleasant experience with any of them. I am sure it must have been that bitch who sent them all.

She is just one of many women I have observed amidst us who is like this. And the wimps are another story altogether, lumped in with the blimps. I say this is the final end of the male species. The end of man and humankind. For course I speak solely for our society. It is a wicked cess pool of diabolics.

You judge and decide.

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