Friday, December 04, 2009

AnOther Game Plan And You Die! (**Updated Updates)

Proven Theory Going On To Become The "Law Of The UnHoly Trinity & The 2Fs"
If by now people cannot understand what my issues are with the UnHoly Trinity and the rest, let me repeat and relate my past experiences with them

The blimps are still stuck up there in their ways and thinking. And their past baggages. Remember Sim Mong Chai, He-Ape and you will know why.

The bimbs like Black Widow and fellow ex-colleagues have again proven this. And then there are wimps. The money bois (foreign and local), many of the gays I ran into like Daryl The Eunuch and oh, Chris (blimp and wimp).

Religious fanatics (She-Ape and some of my classmates) and foreigners (the employers I worked for and the people I stayed with) have again proven this theory very well.

Imagine on home ground and I have to constantly watch my back. Large numbers of foreign workers and our own people. Even manning our critical and security positions where money and our physical safety is concerned. From call centres dealing in telephony and banks to information technology.

And if our boys-in-blue can't do much, it does seem like a system is not in place to prevent and track down theft.

So what is the point again? Like the example of that cleaner at the pool?

Unless I see a change, this law is upheld.

First, All The "Incidents" At This Constituency (And I Can Only Guess Why)
Holy Mackerel! This is impossible!

I wrote about the various incidents at Tampines where the senior gym instructress kick-started a chain of bad events. Then there was my stolen pack of ciggies while showering at the gymnasium followed by the old Malay uncle who will always come in to clean up the showers at the Community club only when I step in.

This cleaner at the Community Club is almost like the old Malay uncle at the other public swimming pool who does that. And you just have a feeling he and the previous tatooed old Ah Beng cleaner before him was doing it on purpose. Anyway he just wets the floor, really. Just making it slippery and dangerous for users. Never really scrubbing it.

So what is the point?

While at the swim pool once, I left behind a pair of trunks and only when I got home I discovered the loss. The next day I found it on an ethnic swimmer and an argument with another ethnic lifeguard ensued who was his friend. So was this a collaboration?

Don't forget an Old Chinese uncle actually took my travel bag away when I left it on the arena steps and went for my jog. And I know my wallet was rummaged. He may have good intentions (or was it under the pretext of safe-keeping that he wanted to know its contents) but were they really?

UnBelievably! Beware! Jurong West Stadium Is A Danger Spot!
Guess what! And I could lose my travel bag right under my nose!

I have blogged before how Jurong West stadium and all its other facilities were left in disarray only after opening for not long.

And that is because the foreign cleaners I noticed at that time were making the store their home and seems to be pre-occupied with listening to their ethnic music and what-nots.

Unbelievably, There Could Be Thieves Like That In Broad Daylight - Beef Up Security If It Is A Known Danger Spot And ForeWarn All Users! And This Had To Happen On Home Turf!
Today, I lost my travel bag and all my valuables in it. You name it, I had it. Wallet, mobile phone, house keys, all forms of identification cards, security card, membership cards, my travel bag, polo, jeans, sunglasses, spectacles, cash, transport card (to name those I remember).

I had to borrow money to go home in a cab and again it poured like cats and dogs!

And when I got "home", I was locked out for several hours because Old Aunty wasn't in. She is home most of the time (providing guardianship to all of us older adults at our kinda ages, cooking meals for us to eat and preparing our hot baths - snigger - wait long long) and of all days, she had to be NOT at home!

In fact, she didn't prove any help at all when I lost my lappie last. And all she wanna know is where you eat, how much you spend, where you go and so on. I suppose if I happen to be at Jurong, I should travel all the way down to Ang Mo Kio and pay for a "delicious" meal of a $2.50 "longkang" wanton mee at a hawker centre!

I travelled all the way to Jurong today because a school called and I am not even sure if I got the job! And this had to happen! FUCK!

Insider! Can You Trust Them?
I have a funny feeling it is an inside job. First the whole place was empty. The moment I changed and got ready, there were a few others who joined in. And it was lunch-time, mind you!

An ethnic female "teacher" (according to the cleaner and I feel it in my bones she is a single mom as she claimed to be using her daughter's mobile), then someone in "army-sloganed" tanks and his friend and even the kindergarteners and families were passing by the area for whatever reasons.

And yes I have noticed the foreign workers milling around here. Sitting around, people-watching and at the playground. From the MRT, I already notice an ethnic who kept looking at me and where I went to smoke, he followed. And yes, foreign workers donning the exact same brand of clothes I did! How they got them I can't be sure! If it isn't theirs!

But of course it can be anybody! One of us, Chinese, male or female, young or old, local or foreign, about anyone!

Who Can You Believe?
In fact it seems that these people are more the culprits rather than the heroes they make themselves out to be. Inevitably they always seem to make it like the rest of us are the suspects. The so called "educators", the cleaners, the washers, the public transport staff, maybe even people meant to protect us? The counsellors?

Like this ethnic "teacher" who postulated that whoever it was, was probably eyeing and observing me. She IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! FUCK ! Maybe she was too! And she was on her daughter's handset which she claimed she was listening to music. Maybe she was giving out instructions to the thieves? Just a postulate!

Even kids would hover around me when I hang a soft-toy on my satchel. Holy Shitty Tornado! And I could see his Mom in the distance breaking into a smile. Another one of your drama-mama scripts you are staging?

Cuss You Even More! Another Of Your GamePlan And Pranks!
If you think you wanna stage another drama like this and script my life further, YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG! There will be no change in my set direction. YOU CAN GO TO HELL AND DROP FUCKING DEAD! Get it?

The more you do this, the more I will hate you. The community (young or old, local or foreign, gay or otherwise, gender-based, ethnic, rich or poor, wateva), and the rest. GET this into your fucking head! Motherfuckers!

Thieving! And These Things Are Mine And They Won't Look Good On You!
This is the last straw. Theft! And whatever I own will not look nice on you! And they are not yours! My cusses remain! You are CUSSED forever....

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