Monday, December 21, 2009

Explained And Unexplained Mysteries Plus More Fucktards (Updated)

The Least And Minimum You Could Do
At least allow older singles like myself to buy new flats... That would be a reprieve and concession while the age limit remains for the rest for resale ones.

Resetting The Network
Perhaps resetting the network for internet tethering isn't that unusual.

Remember back in those days when we actually had to reboot our comps? Or even now, refreshing or reloading our web pages!

I suppose that is the same reasoning.

Explain This Mystery Of The Appearing And DisAppearing Prefix W3
Unfortunately I cannot fathom this.

As far as I understand it, the URL is that string of address we always see in the title bar preceded first by the protocol (which is kinda like FTP) and W3 is always the host server .

But excuse me if I still don't get it when an official website cannot be accessed when prefixed with W3 and can only be when it is prefixed by the protocol. Other websites can be either. So how do you explain that?

Someone Explain These Terminologies - Standby Time And Audio Playback
Can someone also explain what it means by standby time?

Coz some batteries are claiming hundreds of them but I don't see it yet on mine. And tens of hours of audio playback. Again, I don't see it.

I guess that counts out FM radio streaming then. No wonder my IPhone is constantly drained!

No Extraction! Faster Time! And Perhaps Self-Ligating Braces Would Have Helped?
And I was absolutely pissed with my dentist!

I think I didn't need braces for more than 2 years as my teeth was relatively straight forward. I just need that recessed tooth to be brought to the fore and perhaps 6 months to a year would suffice to straighten everything out!

And extractions were unnecessary! Because four of my teeth were, I had to wear braces with ties to close the gaps!

More time and money spent.

What Trauma, Stress, Disturbances And Dissonance Can Do To You (Plus.... Oh Yes....Shifting For The 15th Time)
Because of all the recent traumatic events, disturbances, noise and dissonance, I am stressed and when you are stressed, you don't think or listen very well. I find myself asking others to repeat themselves several times. I am beginning to be impaired like Chris was.

And I had to approach my SAVIOURESS and her compatriots a few times too for help with the computing. Once I am settled down, I could think and read the literature myself and figure how to do the computing stuff.

That is how it is!

Get This Once More To Your Head, Fuckers!
Gerald, the owner of this place, may claim whatever he wanna claim.

For sure, this place is jointly owned. He could be separated and awaiting custody and a divorce trial. Or this place isn't really his. His sister's? His "borther's"?

As it is, he spends nights away and according to his "brother" who lives here, he is at his sister's.

I have a deep feeling in my bones that the duo are just interested in some tips for financial investment. And really to harass me for the 1 month rental prepayment EVEN before I move in is really disturbing and a harassment!

I may find Gerald cute but it will end there and I am remotely interested in his "brother". And I just wanna know what is the agenda.....

Go fuck and drop dead pigs!

More Bimbs At My Ex-School
As it is, I have enough of my ex-classmates at Kaplan.

The ethnics. The fat gal. Sabby. The rest.

I keep running into some of them at school when I wanna settle down to my studies the last time and I know it was purposeful.

A big female chinese student of a new intake I ran into (and I knew this was planted and these people may even be working at Kaplan) suggested I volunteer for APEC or the UN and help out the foreign women.

Fuck you! They were the cause of all my current predicament and I haven't even solved my own problems yet.

And I promptly ran into her again the next day at a nearby Hotel. Coincidence!

And Wimps At Calif
The long-haired retard is trailing me. So is that Hindu Arab or wateva.

Go fly kites and drop fucking dead! Pigs!

If I don't like you means I don't like you, Brothers! That is such a misnomer!

Other Reasons For Ditching Alvin
And there are other reasons why I ditch Alvin. He was beginning to be like his mother or mine (and my brother), nitpicking on my eating style and habits and he was way too sensitive about himself.

I suppose these fucking people think I should sit at home, wait to be fed and served their kinda food they cook.

And smile and wait on them.

We Are On A Bronze Standard (If There Is Even One), Not Gold - That We All Know
We all know what kinda standards we are working on.

From working for He-Ape and the rest, I know this. Point is I am just happy to go on doing my work, especially when dealing with youths in an education setting, but the other people think otherwise.

Brags about their impeccable standards and worse, disturbing me and making me look like I am sub-standard while they are of "GOLD" standard.

Just shut your fucking mouth and let us all just do our part of the work.

Fuck You!

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