Saturday, November 28, 2009

"SomeWhere Over The RainBow" (Updated)

SomeWhere Over The Rainbow
More songs, what else!

Of so many versions sung by so many different people, I personally like the ones by Doris Day and Celine Dion and only because I didn't listen to the entire listing but sampled a few.

On hindsight, the ones by the originator "Judy Garland, "Celtic Woman" and American Idol Jason Castro were really good. And I got to see one of my favorite singers "Josh Groban" in a duet rendering the same song.

This song really kicks!

From Now On, It Is Gonna Be All Apple For Computing, Audioing And Cellularing
To keep my mind engaged even further, I am gonna spend at least the next 6 months studying the Mac OS X.

As it is, I am enjoying the quiet, solid and very stable UNIX system it runs on and many of Mac's unique and useful features.

I may actually migrate to its system eventually, ditching Windows for good?

And as a final tribute to all things Apple, I am gonna switch to an iPhone and Ipod very, very soon when my re-contract comes up. Among some of my wishlist would be that Iphone will feature screen-savers and messaging emoticons real soon !

Ode to Apple!

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