Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Way Forward (Newest)

Clarification : It Is Not To Be Taken Literally But Figuratively
I hope readers did not take it too literally when I wrote about the hearing and intellectually-impaired.

I am sure they understood that I meant those who did not hear or understand what I had said or written in my blogs.

The likes of people who love throwing their weight around and who obviously do not listen and always cut in when you talk to them.

People like that senior instructress at the gym (and I had a quite a few incidents at this constituency), the assistant manager at my school (effectively a sales consultant) and the rest.

Oh yeah! I actually ran into the Eunuch Daryl just today. He seems to be doing fine. The usual posturing, false accent, pompoity (so full of himself, that fucking wimpy prick) and nonsense. He is an "educator", mind you.

But one day he will get his just dessert. Nearer old age if he lives long enough or upon his death. It will not be peaceful I assure you. It will be a horrible death. He will be gnawed inside of him before he kicks the bucket.

Human (Song By "Human League")
No matter.

I am human after all, of flesh and blood I am made, born to make mistakes (TADA - lyrics of the song and yes Wang Lee Hom actually did a "TADA" pose when he debuted at ION Orchard's Grand Opening).

I do feel a whole range of emotions, feelings (nothing more than feelings - TADA again with lyrics from the the other song "Feelings") and frustrations from day to day, even hour on the hour. I do need to VENT "my feelings" and my blog seems like the WAY TO GO!

Feelings (Song By Morris Albert)
Like the pain I have been experiencing the last couple of weeks. The throbbing pain centred right between my browhead and a kinda cold searing sensation running down my back in addition to what else but more pain. Which includes pain from my knees.

At times I felt like passing out, feel disoriented (maybe my braces and vision played their part in making me feel even groggier), light-headed and dizzy especially among crowds and constant movement.

That explains my agitation and irritability when I am faced with harassment from groups I blogged about. And by the way any community, young or old, ethnic or otherwise, foreign or local must remember that if stereotypes are to be broken, they must prove themselves and earn the respect from the rest of us

And of course a fillthy toilet at "home" (whch attracts fruit flies sticking on to dental floss, hair, food scraps, urine and faecal stains) just adds up, doesn't it? I mean it is living quarters after all and don't we all wanna keep our abodes clean?

Which explains why I could actually lose my notebook! $%^#@@@.

An UnLucky Day (Hey! Sounds Like I Am Writing A Primary Fourer Essay All Over Again!)
That was the worst day of my life.

After almosting fainting from the grogginess and all the pain, I finally discovered I had misplaced my notebook. I frantically retraced my steps. A search at the showers, the booking office and the bus depot turned up nothing.

To add to all my woes, it poured and that delayed me from swinging into action fast. I was caught in the rain and my mobile shut down several times (despite having upgraded the software at a fee previously) while I was making all the necessary calls to the LOST AND FOUND hotlines.

I hadn't eaten the whole day and thought I could catch a quick bite at the Jap restaurant while waiting for the rain to stop but to place an order I had to literally walk round the restaurant windows and pick out little wooden sticks showing the food menu items I wanted.

IT WAS SUCH A HASSLE I decided to go hungry.

The cab I hailed to head down to the premium reseller was a NEW driver and GOD, I had to direct him in the sad emotional and physical state I was in.

I finally decided to go home, ate my late lunch at the nearby foodmall and slumped in my bed, dead to the world to sleep over the UNLUCKY DAY I have had. I really wanted to DIE that day, feeling weak and tired and mentally washed out.

I only managed to pick up my strength the following day, filed an online police report and the store supervisor of another authorised reseller I visited that day was really my SAVIOURESS!

As an afterthought, something should be done about the Serial Number of the product which will make it effectively the ID for its owner and no theft or criminal misappropriation is possible.

Like making it the de-facto log-in identification and anyone else using it will be caught red-handed?

Really Wonderfully Conceived Audio Products That Needs A Bit More Research And Refinement?
When I came across these two sets of capsule speakers engineered in Singapore but manufactured in China and Taiwan respectively, I was REALLY taken up with their conception.

I am not sure if they are one and the same company but the products were similar on many counts.

While one was doing fine, another wasn't. At least not the model I picked up. But its other model was working well. Does that explain why its webby was signed off as "a works in progress"and the products at another shop were "sold out" (or was it recalled or withdrawn)?

The retractable cables were a wonderful concept but it couldn't retract to its original position. The sticker logos (like my mobile the last time) came off easily and there was an accompanying bee-buzzing sound along with the volume. And yes, the white models stain very easily like mine did.

However, it has many things going for it. The volume tuner, the accordion-like bass resonator which with one twist opens up and the cool magnetic attachment of two capsules to make it ONE neat tower.

All it needs is further research and refinement. Perhaps even going wireless. I am sure there is a HUGE market demand for such an innovative and clever portable audio device.

Anyway international brands do have their faults too like two USB slots spaced too closely together to fit odd-sized USB devices (what with new and creative designs happening nowadays). But this is easily overlooked by using an extension USB port?

Sometimes even straps of internationally designed lappie bags meant to hold down the lappie don't velcro together at the right places to REALLY HOLD IT DOWN!

Not to mention a local edition of an internation fashion magazine could caption a luxury brand fashion wear wrongly. Guess it could mistake the uncanny resemblance of some of the brands' respective logos or is it? Think Chanel and Chloe. Is there a resemblance in the first place?

Therefore, what can I say if humans can make mistakes (if I make mistakes, it only has private consequences but hey.....these are public mistakes) but well done SINGAPORE!

Do We Wanna Regress Or Do We Wanna Move Forward?
We have gotten to where we are and it is either an inflexion point or a upward sloping gradient (mathematically speaking).

We can't regress.

Otherwise we will have to go back to building thatched-roof or mud houses and worse, reverting to THE BUCKET SYSTEM!

What can I say again? "Yucks" I guess?

And as a further afterthought, do we really wanna revert to the old ways of folklore, myths, superstition, traditional medicine (like drilling into human heads to treat psychopathologies back in the old days?) and the whole ding-dong thingy by bringing in large numbers of Third World new immigrants?

What Will Be The Solution To Capturing An Even Greater Market Share And Keeping It A Perpetually Captive Audience Especially For Innovative And Useful Products ? Comprehensive Product Knowledge (So That The Full Range Of Benefits Of The Products And Services Are Exploited) And Training Done Uniformly Across The Board?
Knowledge is imperfect. Hence, there are HUGE GAPING GAPS and LAPSES in product knowledge even among sales personnel working for THE SAME BRAND.

Not my saviouress. She kinked out my audio output problem by just enabling the correct audio device. A check with other sales staff and even on forums mistakenly attributes the fault to not installing the appropriate drivers or that we had to wait for such a technical update which wasn't available now.

I am so sorry. That was the reason why I made my SAVIOURESS do the software loading. I just wanna make sure everything works. I spoke too soon when I told her I trust the speakers worked. They didn't and I had to return to the store the next day to replace them.

And yes no "expert" knows everything.

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