Monday, November 16, 2009

More Emo-ing Over A Lost Lappie And Other Bad News- Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! (New)

How Many People In This Fucking World Actually Lose Their Lappies? There You Are...It Is A Darn, Fucking, Stinking Predatory World And You Wanna Trust Humans?
You know what? I don't think I am over yet emo-ing over my lost lappie....

And I can only put my loss down to several factors:

1. eversince that new guy (let's call him LV dude) moved next to my room, I have been harassed by what was once his "sleeping" partner. This "sleeping partner" drives a Tourism Coach and he has been waylaying me at home like near my bedroom and outside the mansion. He will cover his face with papers and so on and pretend that he is buried in reading while waylaying and harassing me.

2. then the LV dude who is still staying here, is dirtying the toilet to get back at me because I wasn't smiling to him and I dont want to because we are too close in proximity and I need my space and privacy. And I am NOT AT ALL sexually interested in him.

3. another new guy has moved into Henry's (Henry is the other tenant who has since moved out and not to be confused with Henry my ex-lecturer) quarters and he and this LV dude seem to be "getting more than along".

Speaking of Henry, he looks a lot like Richard my ex-lecturer.

They also look like the same guy who was recommended me by a government agency when I was looking for premises to start a school.

My first impression was bad. He spoke of how traffic wardens and the traffic police are always out in full force when they need revenue (another gripe). Then I couldn't trust him because I asked if other schools will be allowed to start on their premises as well but he couldn't vouch for that.

And the place wasn't appropriate because it was stocking construction materials and it was also running their own programs and business programs happen to be one of them. I was afraid of being taken over. Guess what! My hunch was right! Today it has become a full-fledged academy and not the HQ of the construction industry as it was back then.

4. Someone told me he lost his electronic dictionary just days before this incident. It was a sob-story that rubbed on to me I guess. How else will you explain this ? Moral of the story is ....LAY OFF SOB STORIES because it may just befall me....

5. I seldom take out my notebook to public places these days and when I do, it is always in a travel bag. But that fateful day, I had to, because Ben has issued the ultimatum for me to vacate the place (and I suspect that this LV dude is Ben's friend and they were harassing me because Ben wants back his room) and I was trying to look for a new place online.

Or Ben has plans to lease it out to some foreign students like the Chinese students in my school because he has contact with my Chinese ex-roomie.

6. And I was hand carrying my lappie that day, something which I have never done before in my whole entire life.

7. Backpain, braces' tightness, vision strain, grogginess, a splitting headache from stresses, all my losses, etc SO I LET GO OF MY LAPPIE, what else.

8. Plus, not having the security of my home or an office or a home office (imagine if it RAINS) where I can properly do my work and stuff. Some quiet, ideal places out there have such BAD INTERNET CONNECTION.

People must be eyeing me when I was hand carrying my lappie.

I suspect it could even be from my school, the students.

The passengers like those off-duty, across-the-causeway bus captains aboard the bus speaking in accented Cantonese (and there are plenty of them around as mothers with kids in tow, home-makers, coffee-shop assistants and operators, etc, etc). Or even the kindly-looking shopkeeper where I boarded my buses.

So you see, I let down my guard and in a moment of weakness, BAD THINGS START TO HAPPEN!

Plus whoever is still holding on to my lappie is A STINKING FUCKING LOWDOWN criminal and thief who is MISAPPROPRIATING LOST PROPERTY. I am surprised this happens in Singapore but I can't be sure if that person is ONE OF US?

I suggest that RFID tags (which in this case should be a Serial Number, if not, what good is a SERIAL NUMBER for?) be made compulsory for all past and present valuable properties like lappies and luxury goods so that should they be misappropriated or stolen, they CAN BE TRACKED DOWN ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!

Cuss You!
My cuss remains.

Whoever has done this to me will suffer something in return. What I don't know. Something debilitating, an accident, some misfortune, maybe even a horrible death.

Even if he/she lives long and suffers nothing (seemingly), at least on the surface, on the day of death and on her/his deathbed, all the demons will gather round and he/she will suffer great throes of sufferings, pain and anguish and his/her gut will gnaw at him/her before he/she dies.

That is the way it will be.

Was That Why I Didn't Fare As Well In School Back Then?
This also brings to mind how difficult it was to follow the business or school texts of old, which were usually overseas editions.

It is like foreign currencies and units of measure (imagine doing conversions for pence, penny, shilling, gallons, yards, foot and what have you). Language was usually stiff and rigid laced with many of that said country's cultural backdrop. The names of places, people, events and food items. And it wasn't very illustrative or user-friendly.

Very much like reading a Victorian piece of literature and for an ordinary, in the street folk, how many of us actually has contact with the kinda setting, backdrop, cultural habits and language of the said country?

Psycho Movies
Chris has been screening movies for his students again. So I learnt from an ex-classmate I ran into.

Of course we all know that movies have never made it to the Golden Psi List except for some television dramas (which is an award handed out for realistic portrayals of psychology). And worse, there is always that element of an "artistic licence". Therefore there is always that CAUTIONARY WARNING!

But seriously these three movies were not that bad.

They were "Patch Adams", "Doubt" (Oscar nominee) and "Girl Interuppted" (1999 Academy Award Winner for Best Supporting Actress and that honor goes to Angelina Jolie).

"Patch Adams" taught us the moral of the importance of laughter and positivism in promoting good health. That was the philosophy behind Patch Adams' institution and all those physically and mentally sick and crazy people actually needed friends to talk to and happiness in their lives.

"Doubt" also shows the austerity of the Roman Catholic orders especially among the nuns. When a priest tries to break that tradition in his pastoral role in school, he is regarded with suspicion by the nun principal and forced to resign. Undertones of homosexuality and its discrimination.

Finally "Girl Interrupted" was the funniest and the best. It showcased several "loonies" "incarcerated" in a mental institution and their intricate relationships and past histories. Angelina Jolie rightly deserves her winning role for her more than realistic portrayal of a sociopath.

Again the movie highlighted how we are actually all NORMAL people living in AN ABNORMAL world.

What Would You Say Is Your Most Significant Achievement In Life? And My Answer Would Be...........
And yeah we all know the hype about achievement and significant contribution in life.

So if ever anyone were to ask me what was my most significant achievement in life, I would reply:

"Having great sex?"

And as an afterthought....

"Loads of it......."

And a further afterthought......

"And oh yes.....owning luxury goods.......tonnes of it?"

Another AfterThought
And was my cataract a result of a past double eyelid surgery? Did it kinda disarm my eyelashes and eyelid from its protective function against the sun?

And I agree that like a Western notion of what constitute correct dress protocol when donning a business shirt with tie for formal office wear (as against a Mandarin collar), the Western concept of a double eyelid as beautiful (versus a natural Asian single eyelid) is also flawed.

My next question is : What will be the after-effects of skin laser...?????

There Are Other Bracing Systems Out There!
Remember what I have mentioned about an imperfect world in terms of knowledge. Well this illustrates my point succinctly.

I just found out there were comparable bracing systems out there in the world today.

One promised INSTANT braces with only 2 visits and no extractions and no relapses. Another promised a shorter time with fewer visits and better quality results.

Mine has taken me almost two years and I probably have half a year more to go. Plus another two years wearing retainers.

Prices were either cheaper or comparable. So why was information withheld for whatever reasons? Why wasn't I informed of what was available? Or was I just caught on the wrong side of the technology advance curve?

Sigh! Enough of bad news already and given my age, do they have to.......................? The young have better coping capacity but please, can you spare me...........?

"I Will Survive" (Gloria Gaynor) And 2009 Remix By Pussy Cat Dolls
Finally I leave you with this song .

It embodies what I think I will be enunciating for some time to come.............

What Else Before I Drop Dead?
My rice bowl has been broken by many people. I have lost money and my home. I can't move on to my higher education. My physical and mental health is poor. I am not sure what is gonna happen next....

I may just die from it all..............

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