Friday, November 20, 2009

I Am (Wo)Man (Song By Helen Reddy), "Money, Money, Money" (Abba), "Material Girl" (Madonna) & "Thank You For Being A Friend" (Andrew Gold)

I Know I Promised To Blog On Friday
I will be blogging when I get home tonight.

In the meantime, bear with me and I leave you a song popularized by Helen Reddy. Just change the gender and it becomes "MAN", what else.

But Guess What? I Am Just Too Shagged Out And It Is Only Sunday Today!
But hey, today is already Sunday....and I am bloody shagged out by all the past events. From losses to losses. So I think I will pass on blogging and just leave you with the titles of the song.

Please look them up and sing to the lyrics. I think they do encapsulate some of our general feelings at times?

Oh yes, several new additions like "Money, Money, Money" by ABBA.......what else??? And don't forget to all the f(r)iends out there, "Thank You For Being A F(r)iend" by Andrew Gold written for the popular drama serial "Golden Girls".

Finally to round it all off, "Material Girl" (Madonna).


Breaking Point - I Am Tired
Look, we all have our breaking point, man or woman, young or old, wateva.

I have reached mine. You had your fun. Now grant me my passageway......

Please! $ob $ob $ob?

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