Monday, June 08, 2009

You Are A Film Critic, We Are Movie Goers - Get The Roles Right (Newest)

This Noodle Shop Had Closed But There Was Always Another Similar One Just Down The Road Anyway
I was sauntering past a row of shops and hoping to catch a quick eat at my favourite noodle shop (which had since closed) when I noticed the naked picture of popular HongKong star Edison Chen fronting the cover of The New Paper.

Oo What Is Edison Doing, Gracing Yet Another Cover Of A Tabloid? And A Local Tabloid At That! And We Thought That Scandal Was All Over Already, Didn't We?.......
Edison, if you do not already know, is the victim of a sex video scandal he had secretly filmed of himself with various famous HongKong starlets. Whoa Wee! Isn't Edison just cute naked? I mean he is slim fit, smooth bodied and has nice teats to match. Very seductive, very pretty boy, very fuckable!

Naturally I snapped up a copy at once.

A Nonsensical, Mindless And Brainless Piece Of Junk
It was then that I chanced upon a ridiculous piece written by a journalist about the 3D movie "Monsters Versus Aliens" she had watched at one of our many local cinplexes.

First she lamented how bad it was to be wearing the 3D goggles as she had to juggle writing down notes and reading SMSes in between watching the movie. At the end she had such a huge headache, she almost wished the animation wasn't screened in 3D.

She even dreaded more 3D movies in the pipeline and apparently "Monsters Versus Aliens" is just the first of a string of new animation movies that will be produced in 3-Dimension from thenceforth.

All I can say is that being the film-critic that she is held out to be, I empathise with her predicament. That is an unenviable job I suppose. Fortunately for the large majority of us who are mere movie-goers, not film journalists, we do not do what she does.

Therefore the note-taking, the SMSing simply do not stand.

In fact, for me, I enjoyed this animation movie in 3D so much that I am actually looking forward to the next one, Ice Age 3, which will also be screened in 3D.

So please, woman, you don't speak for the rest of us.......

I Love Orchard Central
It is gonna take at least a month more or so before this swanky high-end shopping mall is fully open.

But already it is beckoning to me from my bedroom window at night with its shimmering glow of blue, green, red and white.

Just like the Ion Orchard (40 odd days more to go before its grand opening) and The Illuma with its sweeping flash of white lights, these new malls are actually emitting radiant glows in the night. A totally new concept.

Speaking of new concepts, the Orchard Central has plenty of it. First, there are two basement levels of a Med concept which I initially thought meant Medical but soon learned it was actually Mediterranean. Though I don't see how the moniker actually lives up to its name but hey the label itself is enough to dazzle.

Then there is the Discovery Walk. I don't think this is open yet.

The Runway is really just that. With shops snaking its way all along it, customers could imagine themselves as fashion models sashaying down the runway while shopping.

The Ramp is a spiral of inclined walkways offering good window views of the Orchard Road shopping belt.

The Verandah is a balconied area where people could lean out, get a whiff of fresh air, sunlight and wind and also catch a good view.

Finally I am pretty sure two floors of a roof terrace, much like the Illuma's (though the latter offers a better view of the South China Sea and the Marina Bay area) would be a welcome city garden respite from the heat and the crowd (this is not open yet too).

Don't forget that not too many shopping malls offer tired feet several floors of cozy, plush, cushioned sofas to lounge in (that is like such a welcoming change) and you can be grateful the developers actually thought things through and have their customers' interest at heart.

Well done, Orchard Central! I can't wait for you to be fully open and I am sure I will be your loyal patron.

I Love Carl Jr's And Mos
Once I got started on their burgers, I just couldn't stop.

At Carl's, the beef and chicken patties were charbroiled and I suppose that was what made them juicy, dripping, tasty delicious. They were unlike any other run-of-the-mill patties I have ever tasted.

Mos has the best rice burgers ever. Of course this isn't the first time I ran into them. I had my first taste of one at Macs during a CNY promo of its rice burgers light years ago.

Small enough to feed a toddler, the rice burgers were, nonetheless, a class of its own. Tasty lip-smacking sauce that tickles your taste buds along with the various meaty patties.

Yummy yum!

Yes, You Too, My Boy! *Wink Wink*
I must admit that sometimes it isn't all about looks and appearance.

Take for instance, my class right now.

There is this guy who if I had just taken him at face value, would never ever have made it on my "MUST SEX WITH" list.

But after a day of working with him on a class discussion project, I discovered that he was kinda charming, nice and cheerful despite all that we threw at him. In short, a pleasant and good-natured disposition and humorous to the end.

You know what, he is now on that list of mine, in addition to the other five.

Watch your butt, my boy!

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