Monday, June 29, 2009

Bare Bosom Versus Bare Pelvis - Is One Any Better Than The Other?

Frolicking Gymnasts' Bare Antics Derided While Cleavaging Or Almost Bare Bosommed Femme Fatales Are Let Loose
A writer to the Forum pages derided the loose-fitting knee length trunks that exposed the pelvic bone and pubic area below the waistline of our local gymnasts while they were frolicking about their acrobatic stunts.

I have personally witnessed women in bikinis removing their bra straps and basking at our public swim pools. What about cleavaging femme fatales frolicking at our public spaces like our shopping malls and public schools?

As I have pointed out, which are private parts that need covering up are well-known and unless equality of the gender is respected, I think it is gonna be a free-for-all.

Republic Polytechnic's Mantra Of "Every Student Is A Customer" Decried But We Are Really Missing The Crux Of The Issue Here
It is true a student is not "always right" but then again neither is the teacher.

The writers who decried RP's mantra could be empathised but the whole crux of the issue is missing here.

Education has nothing to do with attire or appearance. I do not see how students feeling comfortable and possibly allowed to snack or eat will detract them from their concentration in class.

I am doubtful discipline in that arena is key. Certainly discipline in self-reading, motivation, behavior, attitude, handing in assignments and attending classes are.

That is only education rigor coming from the students. There is that other part that hails from the guru.

The rigor I wanna see is the intellectual exchange part. The knowledge both old and new part that truly fits reality. The debate and the questions. The critical analyses and thinking part. The language proficiency. The content material.

The teaching methodology and delivery that link knowledge concepts to everyday practicum so students are knowledgeably illuminated.

No more cliches. No more standardised answers that fit every unique individual and circumstances. No more generalisations and gender-stereotyping.

That will be true education.

Ever-Changing Shopping LandScape From The Art Installation To The Cars On The Road
Everytime I walk into OC, it promises some new art installations in the making only because it hasn't completely open yet.

Just yesterday, it featured these black mannequins togged out in the latest gears and fashion cunm electronic accessories illuminated by neonic blue tubes hung on a grid mesh.

Then there is this gigantic steel woman standing on high-heels and clutching a handbag. She is at least five storeys tall.

Just like the few Ferrari (or are they Maserati) sports cars that zoomed past OC along Orchard Road, they were sights to behold that take your breath away if only for a moment.

I can only expect more when Scotts Square (incidentally when is this opening and will it have a shopping mall or art gallery ?), 313@Somerset, Grand Park, Mandarin Gallery and Heeren opens or re-opens.

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