Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Movies Galore

Angels And Demons
I thought "X-Men:Wolverine" and "Star Trek" weren't exactly as exciting as their predecessors were. But then again I was never a fan of "Star Trek" and therefore had no precedent to compare it with.

I only watched "Dive" because of the three cute, young, hot Japanese male stars who were in skin most of the time and had hot butts which they variously exposed. Plus the rest of the cute, young, hot Japanese boy stars.

However the sequel to Ron Howard's "Da Vinci Code" , "Angels And Demons" didn't disappoint. The pace was fast as Robert Langdon (aka Tom Hanks) raced against time to locate and rescue the four cardinals captured by the "Illuminati". He had to finally find the anti-matter they stole and destroy it before it destroys the whole of Rome. But alas, his efforts only saw the fourth cardinal surviving the ordeal.

Three people in the plot met their fiery ends. The 3rd cardinal was thrown into a bonfire. The van that one Illuminati "terrorist" drove exploded into a ball of fire. And the adopted son of the dead Pope, hoping to be the heir to the Papal throne, self-immolated himself.

The movie's end had a telling moral - All men (and women), are flawed and fallible. Nobody escapes this inevitable truth, not even the Holy See.

Monsters Versus Aliens
What makes this movie stands out was its 3D animation.

All the action and drama literally popped out, leaping out at you into your face as it happened.

The plot was simple enough with monsters on the one side fighting against aliens. Monsters, as we were to know it, weren't really monsters at all. Take the case of Susan. She got hit by a meteorite on her wedding day and was infused with a meteorite gunk. So she glowered and just grew and grew in size.

She met the rest of the gang of monsters, Dr Cockroach, Insectivore, The Link and Bob and together they fight the evil alien who has ambition of conquering Earth. In the process Susan learned about her strengths and finally ditched her jerk of a fiance.

What can I say? You ain't see nothing yet if you didn't catch this 3D version.

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