Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fuck Your Mother Chao Chee Byes

Yet again, they have closed another door in my face.

And a very critical one. Especially at this time when I need a job badly. A job I am comfortable and familiar with, has a reasonable vocational interest in and it pays quite well.

Plagued by on-off back pains and a less than sharp vision (and it seems like my knees are giving me trouble too these days), I am not gonna veer into other jobs save teaching and counselling within an education setting.

With the looming prospect of losing all my money plus a roof over my head (and a place to call my own), there is seriously nothing left for me to do.

They are seriously pushing me into a tight corner, leaving me with no options but death.

It is like at the job interview facing a panel of 3 distinguished female "educators", a panel who must be living well under the auspices of the civil service and who knows a farthing about the world outside except their own.

One posed me a question why I didn't opt for relief-teaching. Woman, my data is on their registration system and I renew it yearly. But I haven't got a single farthing call so far save one year eons ago.

Fuck you, chao chee byes!

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